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Everything posted by Loandbehold

  1. Frederick's of Hollywood sizzling hot and sexy costumes.
  2. Crazy camera angles so you can't see that there's more than six feet b/w the stunt people during a fight. And lots of extreme close-ups of the actors for reaction shots after "being hit."
  3. I had noticed TE was made an Executive Producer, but was surprised to see Kevin Alejandro directed this episode. Was this his first directing gig on the show or has he directed episodes in prior seasons? Considering he was drunk for most of this episode, he did a pretty good job behind the camera. As others have said, while I'm not a big fan of the Luci-Chloe ship, I did like that they acted mostly like adults and spoke to each other about their problems, as well as seeing Dr. Linda for counseling. Also, I would have no objection to in future episodes seeing LG once again wearing a men's button down shirt while in bed (sure that's in the prior episode, but I watched both tonight so it's fresh in my mind). Poor Ella. She finally gets a storyline and it's dating a serial killer. You knew he was up to no good when he gave Ella the apartment key on what, their second or third date? And, he talked about how his editor had just put him on the Whisper Killer beat, but he also had all this research already on him. Tough to compile all that info when you were taking your girlfriend out to dinner, taking her home, having sex, and giving her an apartment key. I enjoy watching Maze kick ass and her description of why the Copycat Serial Killer wasn't lying was great. The worst torture was repeated playing of "It's a Small World After All." Having been on the ride, I can attest to that being close to the ultimate torture. Unfortunately, her story is once again being a demon, or should I say "just a demon," scorned. I'm thinking if baby Charlie is a mundane, Amenadude might be able to change it either through celestial or possibly in conjunction with pharmacological means. After all, he is running LUX and if anyplace could have celestial drugs, it would be LUX. The second half of the season will need more Trixie.
  4. I noticed that at the end of this episode, but didn't see it in the prior one. I would have noticed such a slouch when he was pretending to be Lucifer, but it was so pronounced here that I would think I would have seen it when he was alone, when he told Maze who he was, or Amenadude knew it was him. It's possible that TE decided to add this affectation after that episode. It's also possible that I'm not as observant as I think I am.
  5. I think this was made clear during one of the season 3 episodes. It was a topic of discussion here that if a killer had no remorse, they wouldn't be in hell after dying b/c they don't feel guilt. Which doesn't seem that fair. I was really enjoying the Maze - Chloe partnership and hope they return to it. The interrogation scene was funny. Maze doesn't have to ask what the suspect truly desires to get answers. It's a shame we didn't get to see how Maze "convinced" the right person to give her the card game invite. I really don't want to see Maze brooding and holding grudges for episodes on end. I understand Chloe wanting to take a step back, especially after Maze kissed her, but we've seen the demon scorned story line enough. Charlie is adorable. And I love that the everything in the house, including the ceiling fan (!) is still bubble-wrapped. Oh, Dr. Linda, when even Det. Douche recognizes you're going over-the-top in how magical your baby is, even if he is half-angel, you need to take a step back. And, then Dan also diagnosed Amenadude's need to clean up all crime in Los Angeles, to make sure the world is safe for Charlie, starting w/ 3 year-old jaywalkers. Hey, you've gotta provide guidance when they're young. Trixie! Of course she would know how to get Charlie laughing. Can we get Ella a real plot and one that is more than "Why do I always fall for the bad boys?" I knew there would be an impostor Luci this season but was surprised when he appeared at the end to help out Chloe. Welcome back show. Looking forward to seeing where you go from here.
  6. As the season went on, May's empathy powers became stronger. She no longer needed to be in actual contact with the person to know what they were feeling. I guess that this also resulted in her reacquiring her own empathy. Just a guess. Since almost all the SHIELD bases were destroyed in the current Deke timeline, I wonder if any members of his band survived. I have no doubt he'll thrive there. So many songs to steal as his own. Much like when he stole SHIELD tech to become rich, he'll be rich in this timeline as well. I also agree with those who said that it would be very weird for Deke to be with the rest in their timeline. He'd pretty much be an uncle to his own mother. Reminds me of the song I'm My Own Grandpa. If you've seen my family try to organize a ZOOM get together, you'd understand why trying to get more than three people together at any one time w/o lengthy prior planning can be an exercise in futility. A set time one year later makes sense. I liked that the characters have good lives ahead and will continue staying in touch. Overall, I was pleased with the finale.
  7. The "villain" is the hero of their own story. Since this is pretty much told from Lucifer's perspective, it wouldn't be a surprise that Michael (if he plays the same role as in much of Christian mythology) would be the villain from Lucifer's point of view. Especially if he is "responsible" for Lucifer being sent to Hell. For the same reason we often see Luci mad at "dad" for how unfairly he was treated.
  8. That was the plot of a Librarians episode. Plot summary under spoiler bar.
  9. Patterson worked in a lab. Of course she can do anything scientific. How else could she have gotten through the interview process? Same here. This was one of the only fight scenes where there was no cut to a close-up of the actor's face. Yeah, I don't understand why shows do that. It's so ridiculous. On the whole, I enjoyed the episode and all the cameos. At least Mayfair got her photo on screen. I guess they weren't able to get the MJ-B back. Maybe it's the pandemic talking, but the final scenes have me saying R.I.P. Jane/Remy/every other name she used.
  10. I'd be surprised if that was the case since in one of the last couple of episodes, Simmons was taping a message for Fitz. Of course they can say that it was cathartic for her, but my guess is that it will come back at the same time Fitz does. And using the word "phlebotinum" which was what the Buffy writers used as shorthand for whatever magical or mystical mojo was involved in the episode. I see that Humbugged found out the info after the original post. My first laugh came when after the first loop, the title card ran again. While very dramatic (gonna miss you, Enoch), it had the laughs that many shows have put in their time loop episodes. Besides the ones already mentioned, the most recent one I remember was from Dark Matter. Nice job directing by EH.
  11. Not sure about where Clyde fell the past years, but this year I don't have a problem w/ runner-up. Clyde was sidelined for much of this season and even when he was on screen wasn't really shown to be his heroic, lock-picking, detecting, intuitive self.
  12. I had the exact same thought. If they do, they really should give credit and $, much like they do with sampling music.
  13. "Chart-topping group"? I said it in the previous episode thread, but I really mean it this time - if Deke doesn't get a Flock of Seagulls haircut, I'm gonna be hella pissed.
  14. It's been so long since I've seen "1776" that I had no idea John Cullum was Rutledge. This means I last saw it before Northern Exposure went on the air. Damn I'm old.
  15. Did not mean to WOUND. To put some salve on, I kind of like Sake. Goes well with tempura.
  16. I think Mack has been the best of the SHIELD directors up til this season, but he has lacked consistency lately. I was 10 at the Bicentennial. I didn't think Mack is almost as old as me. But, yep, Henry Simmons just turned 50. Damn. He looks almost as good as me. You know, if I was an LMD or Chronicom. Or Henry Simmons. Did I hear correctly that besides blood and tissue, Nathaniel took some of Daisy's glands??? No wonder she's in a medical stasis pod. Not a Deke fan, but Mack makes him bearable. So, I'm looking forward to their early '80s New Wave sound adventures. If Deke doesn't have a Flock of Seagull's hair cut, I'm gonna cut someone. And, yes, "I Ran" came out in 1982. Btw, did we ever learn who or what was in the picture Daddy Malick had before Deke shot him? Was it Mack's "parents" being held prisoner? Glad Sousa is sticking around. He and Daisy make a good pairing. I can get behind them, although they need a better portmanteau than "Dansy." Looking forward to whenever Fitz returns. He has his own way of expressing disgust and impatience towards Deke that has been sorely missed. Simmons tried this episode, but didn't quite pull it off the way Fitz does.
  17. As there's no actors in other roles or Jodie Comer thread, I thought I'd put this here. Jodie starred in Alan Bennett's Talking Heads episode Her Big Chance, which is basically a 42 minute monologue. I read an article about how they did the filming with basically only her, the director, and the cinematographer on set, and that the rehearsals were done by Zoom.
  18. I've never read any of the books, but he does come across here as your donw-on-his-luck hard-boiled 30s private eye.
  19. And Matt Rhys' Perry Mason show on HBO aired its second episode last night.
  20. Eddie Murphy pointed this out. Warning: NSFW due to language. On an unrelated note, I saw him do this routine at a concert when I was in college.
  21. If they want to go with "the timeline has already changed a lot" they can use that as a basis to bring back anyone or more of a number of characters who were killed in the prior timeline(s). Hmm. It's been a few seasons since we've seen Ward ...
  22. It was a torrential downpour. Mailick's hitmen weren't idiots, just lazy. And forgetful b/c they didn't bring umbrellas.
  23. I enjoyed the Film Noir black & white b/c LMD Coulson was being rebooted. Still, if it was Coulson's viewpoint, then scenes where he wasn't involved should have been in color. He wasn't telling the story to someone else, we were watching it in "real time." So Coulson wasn't around when Deke and Yo-yo were in the car, or when action was taking place on the Zephyr while he was on the train, or in Enoch's bar when he didn't call.
  24. Thanks for that info. I need to check if they have the last seasons that only played in Britain.
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