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Everything posted by Loandbehold

  1. James Woods played Sully (I shouldn't have used the same name when describing the head of the Sullivan family). I don't believe the two are related. I think Mick ratted out on Sully when he was in Walpole at the time the show began, but I may be remembering that wrong.
  2. I think Ray developed that persona from having to be the one his mother and the rest of family leaned on when she became sick, along w/ dealing w/ an abusive father. Mickey may not have hit the kids, but abandoning them and returning just to steal money counts as abuse in my book. Given his responsibilities, he had to learn to hold it together and internalize everything. Which he channeled into his creative use of violence for Sullivan's jobs.
  3. Are elves magical creatures in the Witcherverse? If so, they may have a store of magic they can use and it's only if they use a lot more that it has a negative impact on them or they have to grab more from elsewhere.
  4. Well, Ray has gotten Mick thrown in jail a couple of times, so there is that.
  5. I had the same thought. My guess is that the castle protects the bridge, which is the only was to get to "The North." That's why Nilfgaard was able to attack from below on the same side of the bridge. It seems that Nilfaard will have to wait until the castle stops smoking before they can actually go through and cross the rather narrow bridge. Given how many people were in the army before the battle, it probably would have taken several decades to get everyone across. The mages did Nilgaard a favor by killing so many soldiers.
  6. I was just telling my friends the other day about how much I miss the old dragon hunts we used to go on. So this episode brings back some nice memories. Dragon hunts are cool. And I liked that the guy proved Geralt wrong about gold dragons being a myth. Geralt being shown to be wrong will never get old. And what's up w/ leaving Jaskier behind before the final assault? Anything could have happened to him left alone and sleeping w/ murderous people around. Did Yennifer put a spell on him like she did the dwarves? I hope we get to see more of that cantankerous crew. They were fun. What was w/ Geralt's deal at the end. Dude, I'm not even Jaskier's biggest fan and I was taken aback. Jaskier may have wanted to follow you on a dragon hunt for a new song, but he couldn't make you do anything. Blaming him for all your problems was rather unfair. Speaking of our bard, being human he should be aging normally and he still looks the same age as when they were at the banquet and Geralt claimed the right to Ciri. Geralt did seem to indicate a few years had passed b/c this was not the first time he and Yennifer had seen each other since the time they brought the castle down around themselves. Which means we are, what, around 8 - 10 years earlier than the "present" (Ciri's) time line? I've been reading w/ interest the discussion of Yennifer's desire for a child and her lashing out at others for the choice she made. I believe someone upthread mentioned that, growing up, she never believed she could ever have a child b/c she was too ugly and deformed to have a mate, so when the opportunity arose to become beautiful but forego childbirth, she didn't believe she would be losing anything. It was only decades later. when, during the course of the chase and fight where she failed to protect the young queen that it hit home that she would never be able to give birth to someone who loved you with all their baby heart. This doesn't excuse her behavior, such as forcing people to have orgies and lashing out at others (can you say transference), but I think it at least explains things a little (at least to my satisfaction).
  7. For those who get the El Rey channel, it's currently running a Firefly marathon.
  8. So the bard wants Geralt to dress incognito at the gathering. But not only does everyone know who and what he is, but he's actually wearing the witcher medallion in plain view.
  9. According to how the money will be distributed, Molly is being put in charge of a charity so I don't know how rich she will be. I'm sure running the charity pays nicely, but there was no gift of cash specifically to her, nor did it say that she would be given a percentage of the company.
  10. Yeah, having not read the books (although I have now ordered the first one) and not being a gamer, I am pretty much lost when it comes to the timelines. I didn't even know Geralt and Ciri were in different timelines until it was brought up in the prior episode threads. I'm horrible w/ names, so didn't realize the grandmother (really, she looked like she only old enough to have been Ciri's mother) was the same person who had just won the war described by Renfri (I think that's the character's name). In this episode, it seems like Geralt's character had advanced some number of years since Episode 2 b/c the prostitute is going over his healed-over scars and says she knows about that from the bard's song. But she didn't recognize one that was not fully healed. I'm assuming she's referring to the bard from the prior episode. I couldn't begin to say whether Yennifer's or Geralt's timeline was the earliest. At least not w/o reading it here. I'm wishing for titles to be shown when someone appears on screen, a la Burn Notice. Renfri: Advises Geralt of his true destiny. Centuries in advance. Dies. Maybe. Now if they did that, I might remember who she was. I agree that the transformation scenes toggling back and forth was extremely well done. While the Yennifer awing the court at the dance was a scene out of Disney and practically every other young adult coming of age story, she did go through a wee bit more than just removing her glasses and her hot friend putting a dab of make-up on her.
  11. She wasn't. She was sleeping on the couch in the living room. Being a reasonable and upstanding crook, Mick just wants his fair share of the ill-gotten gains of the 70s robbery. He's going to (try to) use the tapes to blackmail Sullivan whose company is about to go public and doesn't want that negative publicity. Of course, being Mick, he's bound to fuck up the scheme. What was Darryl doing waiting in the shadows beyond the gate? Did Mick know that Ray was tailing him or did he have Darryl just waiting around in case someone followed him? And, why did Darryl go after Ray? His antipathy towards Ray just seemed to come out of nowhere. It's not like we've seen Ray denigrate or even dismiss him really over the past few seasons.
  12. I just watched this episode again this morning. The first time, I missed "Janet" not correcting Jason when he said "girl." Also, I missed earlier when Chidi's horse abomination started chowing down on Mariah Carey's freed tattoo. I really like how this show gives a lot more on second (and third) viewings.
  13. It was the season finale. I think there's a good story here, but they decided to give peeks at a number of different stories w/o tying any of them together. Like, is there one Treadstone program? If so, did it begin in East Berlin? Did the US successfully steal it? Or were there two programs developed concurrently that just happened to have remarkable similarities? And how and where were the present people trained? We had cicadas from the US, Britain, a country in I want to say South America but don't recall where, and North Korea. Were they trained in the same one or two places, or did the US and USSR / Russia give away the training method to their allies / vassal states? For the first season, I would have preferred seeing more of how the program was developed and the cicadas trained, then following them on their first missions. In future seasons, we can then learn and watch the cicadas in their cover lives when they become activated. There would then be mystery but I wouldn't have been completely lost. Ditto.
  14. Along w/ Vesco's cat who, played the role of the canary in the coalmine.
  15. I saw that too. I wonder if this was his first directing gig. $100K / month is nice enough, but he couldn't spend it on himself. It could only be spent to benefit his two kids. Meanwhile, #2 son gets to fun a billion dollar company and sis runs the charitable organization. I'm enjoying Ray's scenes w/ Hawkeye. And watching Ray try to put into effect the lessons he's learning. Absolutely. Two people you should listen to are Lena and Darryl's mother. So, of course, nobody listens to either. It was nice seeing that Ray and Terry took one of the subway lines that actually does go to Coney Island. And the joy on Ray's face, and fear on Terry's, at being on The Cyclone. Worth the POP of admission. Amazing how responsive the behemoth from the nursing home became. All it took was a Yaz memory, a little singing from Sandy and Mickey, and a couple of jolts of electricity and, voila, memory restored. He robbed several of their stores. I don't know if the first was the location where he worked.
  16. He wants to build a children's hospital with his name on it as his legacy. Sullivan has the money but wasn't interested in donating the funds. Ergo, blackmail photos.
  17. I think this will happen closer to the end of the season. Kate as BW will get injured in a confrontation w/ Alice and be taken to Mary's clinic. Mary has to remove BW's costume and BAM! Scret revealed. As for why Kate said she and Luke were friends, I can see two possible related reasons. First, did the writers of the Crisis event include any of the Batwoman writers? And, in the comics, are Kate and Luke friends or at least closer than they've been so far in the series? If the writers are trying to adhere, at least in spots to the comics, that can explain what is basically a throwaway line. Especially is no Batwoman writer was amongst the Crisis staff. It also presages a closer Luke and Kate relationship on the show. Kate's expressed feelings are now canon.
  18. That makes a lot of sense. Which means Lizzie graduated from the Whatsamatter U. FBI-adjunct program.
  19. Annie Wersching is always welcome on my TV screen. I enjoyed her time on 24 (except how it ended).
  20. I, OTOH, would not mind if this remained one of life's great mysteries. They don't just want the bearer bonds. They want the person who removes them. By arresting that person, the feds can try to get that person to flip on Sullivan. Ray, this is why you wait until the flight has taken off and nobody is left in the terminal before leaving the airport. I can see a corrupt mayor wanting to use a bowling alley to conduct his illicit plots instead of his official office (although we do see him conduct business w/ Ray there as well). What I find difficult to believe is that nobody from the NY press (multiple newspapers and local tv stations) follows the mayor on any of these numerous jaunts. Especially since he often is doing this during working hours. Local reporter: Hey boss, the mayor's at that bowling alley again. Seventh time in two weeks. Editor/News Manager: The mayor's job is highly stressful. I'm sure he's just there b/c he really likes to bowl. Not a story. Go cover the naming of the baby polar bear at The Bronx Zoo.
  21. Season 2 is my favorite. Season 1 was so much fun. Then probably 4 (yay Timothy Dalton), 5, and last 3. Favorite episode is Chuck vs. Santa Claus from S2. Most episodes w/ Shaw are difficult to watch. Can't stand BR and his "which of my 1-1/2 facial expressions do you want in this scene?" Always felt it was ridiculous that Sarah revealed her real name to Shaw instead of Chuck.
  22. Well, we got the intro to Vamp Willow, and watching her play w/ the puppy (Angel at his finest). While we had hints of threesomes (and foursomes) b/w Angelus, Darla, Drusilla, and Spike, in multiple combinations, in the scene you reference, we got to see one actually depicted. And the ballet o'death at the end. Also, the first half gave us the why didn't the dead demon poof into dust, and, once we get into Wish!World, John Lee asking Cordy to be his date at the Winter Brunch. Not to mention the monthly memorial canceling classes. Oh, and liked Oz as a White Hat. I liked him better when he wasn't around Willow. He wasn't schmoopy. Instead, he could be sarcastic (w/ Devon, Cordelia), and had some good lines (w/ Buffy talking about how the bench looked shifty and nobody deserves mime and Xander discussing the latter's new obsession).
  23. Well, she did put a suppressor on the gun before approaching Not!Katerina(?) so she wouldn't wake up her daughter. And, assuming she actually did kill her, she just would have called Mr. Kaplan to clean it up before her daughter woke up. Oh, wait, I think I see the problem. I guess she could ask the non-existent FBI team to come in w/ an extra carpet to roll up and remove the body. Yeah, that'll work.
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