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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Sunny and I are usually on the same page but she is absolutely wrong about Hillaria. People from Spain are White and they never call themselves Latino or Hispanic. Latino and Hispanic are American labels. Not even people who live in Latin America call themselves that in their native lands. They identify as Colombian. Venezuelan, Peruvian, e.tc. Sunny saying that Hillaria took up space for a Latina is absolutely false. She pretended to not be a native born American and lied about being a Spaniard. She could have pretended to be a Swedish, Russian French or Finnish. All this backlash against her is so stupid. It was interesting how Whoopie, Joy and Sara had that point of view while Megan and Sunny were appalled like it was the worst thing ever. This Megan/Sunny team up is weird given what had transpired between them. We all remember how Sunny gave Nutmeg the cold shoulder for months for trying to get her fired.. Megan's rants about paid maternity leave left me cold. I wish somebody on the panel namely Joy had told her that the same people who want paid maternity leave also want universal healthcare. She was triggered by Joy and called her a progressive leftist in a nasty tone like it was a bad thing. I expected her to call her a commie...Nutmeg would have fit in during the McCarthy era.. I hate to agree with Megan but she was right in saying that the election was too close for comfort. She is inarticulate as always but what she meant to say was that the electoral college was very close and we all know that is what counts in our country and not the popular vote that Biden won decisively with 8 million more votes than Trump. Whoopie was great when she said that Biden voters should be respected as well when Megan was saying how Trump Voters should be respected. Whoopie seemed over her and today was her first day back. Welcome to the Club Whoopie!
  2. Kenya is just awful full stop. I always knew that Kenya and Porsha being polite and friendly to each other after they had their daughters would not last because of Kenya. Kenya believes she is superior to Porsha and will never big up Porsha for anything that she does. She has to always find a way to belittle her to make herself feel good. Her rants on twitter against Porsha are disgusting.. I would think as a Black woman she would be proud of Porsha's activism but she is so filled with hatred bitterness and jealousy over any woman who does something successful. I absolutely loathe Kenya...
  3. Wow! Chad was vile today but Billy Flynn was amazing. I am not an Abigail fan but man to have a husband that resents you like this has got to hurt.. Chad made me feel bad for Abigail, if it was Kate in the role I would not give a damn..
  4. Same here, some of the things she has co-signed is disappointing to say the least. That fiance is a piece of work..
  5. Nene is going too far in my opinion.. She will be blackballed after this.. Monique had a legitimate beef and look at what happened to her. What is Nene's endgame. I think going after Andy and the network so viciously will backfire on her.
  6. This is an unpopular opinion on here but I loved Valerie's hair and dress. Her hair was gorgeous and there was something so beautiful seeing a Black woman with her dark complexion with all of that hair in it's glory. Black women are indeed beautiful and Valerie wearing her hair that way is not something that I ever saw watching soaps as a kid. I saw myself in Valerie...
  7. I guess I will be the dissenting voice and say that Candice is not innocent in all this. She has a lot of mouth and has said some vile things to the other ladies on the internet. She called Ashley a bed wench and we all know what that means when you call a Black woman that name when she has a White partner. The irony is that Candice has a White husband if I am not mistaken. She talked a lot of shit and Monique gave it right back to her in spades. I don't understand why people are calling Monique a sociopath because she was not emotional over fighting Candice. Why should she say that she is sorry if she does not feel that way just to make everybody comfortable.
  8. I loved Stayla of course , I hate their story but I enjoyed their conflict. I loved Vincent who was a sympathetic villain and I wanted him to destroy Ben for killing his love. In Ron's world being a good looking muscular man with abs absolves you of your sins. The show is awful under Ron and Ava coming back from the dead was the last straw for me.. So I quit the show..
  9. Actually the director George Wolfe said that Chadwick was so strong that he hit the door so hard with his kicks that it broke after the first take they had to rebuild the door to refilm the scenes. He had to reel Chadwick in so he would not break down the door and he did it again lol. He said that Chadwick never gave any hint that he was ill or physically weak to do his scenes. He put his heart and soul into his art. He was always a committed actor, may he rest in peace!
  10. Years ago, Jennifer Aniston asked to play a role on the show and offered her services practically for free to Ken Corday but the idiot did nothing..
  11. I have no idea what the story was going to be with Ron we know it was going to heinous. The network got nervous and told him hell no.. I do know it was before the Pandemic started. The rumor came about in early 2020, it seems like a lifetime ago..
  12. Even though I am avoiding the show because of Ava. I saw the kissing scene between Justin and Bonnie today and after they shared a kiss Judy played it as if Bonnie had Adrienne peeking through her. It was a very subtle acting choice by her, it was all in her eyes so I do believe that Bonnie is really Adrienne..
  13. No it was her team and Ana who is part of her team really laid into them. I have a feeling that Ana might not be invited into their fold. I have no idea what Nutmeg said on her tweeter but we all know that she is always a good soldier and falls in line..
  14. Sorry for the tardiness, Megan's team was having a conniption over a member of Biden's team using foul language to describe them, given what has been said on tweeter for the past 4 years they had no legs to stand on..
  15. What did you say to Ron? He is such a thin-skinned baby..
  16. Why does every new character have to be the new Sami? It never works in the long run,, We do need a bad girl but why can't she have her own journey on the show that is not connected to Sami Brady.. It is just lazy to make everybody the new Sami. Plus, Sami did not come out the gate as a hellion.
  17. I have always loved him with a beard but the hair adds something to him..
  18. Wasn't there a rumor about a story so controversial that Ron planned on doing that the network had to get involved to stop him. He was threatened with unemployment, so he had to change course...
  19. Sharon denounced her husband so I don't see Julie talking to her, Aisha said some things on instagram against him due to the "me too" movement that was blowing up. I could see Sara speaking to Julie superficially.. Eve and Sheryl were pretty neutral but I could see Julie not speaking to them either.
  20. Sometimes when people are at their most vulnerable in life, they will turn to religion for comfort. Plus, you add the stress of the pandemic and being stuck inside with him. Please Julie don't become a fundie. I hope Julie is doing well but I get the impression that she is not..
  21. Remember Bill and Laura, they were a rapemance. I was not alive back then but can somebody explain to me how they got together. Was it a marital rape or did he rape her before they got together. The only couple that was fascinating to watch even though there was rape in their romantic history was Roger and Holly from Guiding Light, it was always presented as an unhealthy dysfunctional relationship between them and the actors played the hell out of that but Ron does not have the writing skill to write that type of dysfunction without character destruction.. Roger Thorpe is my favorite anti-hero of all time...
  22. I wonder if they socialize with Julie off the show. I remember seeing a picture on Sara's Instagram with all of the ladies currently on the show minus Julie having lunch/dinner with Ayisha. I was shocked to see Sharon there.. Does Eve intend to live in England for good or is she doing this to have a baby.. I know that Covid has stranded her over there and they are about to go on lockdown again.
  23. That is going to be another mantra of hers, as a mother, as a Republican and as a Christian. She cannot say that she is the only mother on the panel since all of the ladies have children except for Ana.. She can always say as the only conservative mother on here, bla bla bla.......
  24. Ron is just disgusting and it boggles my mind that he continues to get away with bull...
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