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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Viki from One life to live, had 2 kids that she did not remember having.. I could forgive Megan but they did that shit with Natalie and that pissed me off..
  2. I got mixed up, I assumed that Whoopie wore a sweater that had symbols of a Black fraternity..
  3. The rumors about Kirk Franklin and other gospel singers have been around for years but I have never heard anything like that about Tyrese Gibson. However, Wendy needs to shut up, you don't out people... She is just awful in so many ways now..
  4. When I saw her shirt, I knew that there would be problems with the fraternity. She is not a Q Dog and she wore their colors and symbol. As a Black woman she should have known better and I am surprised that Sunny did not tell her to not wear it . Isn't Sunny a Delta? I am surprised Sunny did not defend her bros..
  5. It was during an election so it was a no-no..
  6. Why is Megan wearing that t-shirt with Navalny's name? does she know this man's history, he is vile.. She has to always be extra and ends up looking like a fool.
  7. Rumor has it that there will be a primary challenger for Schumer in 2022, so stay tune..
  8. Wendy is horrible and she would take Kelvin in a heartbeat. I don't think he would want her back though he would love to have access to her millions..
  9. The show missed an opportunity by not having Brady and Chloe reconnect with Chloe sharing a son with Philip. It was stupid to retcon Parker's paternity and make him Daniel's when he should have remained Philip's. Can you imagine the drama that would arise with Philip coming back with Broe remarried and expecting their own child. Brady did not need to have children with Theresa and that horrid Kristen. I love Chloe with both men and the complicated histories between all three could have driven stories for all of them for years under great writers with imagination..
  10. It would be funny if her mother went to work for the Lincoln Project. So many Republicans who feel they no longer have a home in the party are aligning themselves with them more and more..
  11. It seems like everyday has now become a therapy session for Megan to tell us how hard it is to be a Republican in America. It is off-putting and offensive on so many levels. At this point I am just embarrassed for her...
  12. In Megan's eyes and her team, their votes are not legitimate especially the Black ones. It is why her side refuses to accept reality..
  13. I loved how nobody took the bait after Nutmeg's nonsensical rant and Whoopie's reaction was priceless. I love how she has confirmed that she is part of the 74 million people. I will never understand her loyalty to a party that has censured her mother for thinking for herself. Megan lies all the time and gets away with it so why would she get in trouble this time. Do you guys remember when she lied about something Sunny said when she was not there. Sunny addressed her lies the next day when she came back.. It was one of the few times she got called out.
  14. Marc Daly has announced that he and Ken are getting a divorce...
  15. I will add my voice to the chorus in saying that Wendy is horrible..
  16. Villains should have a short life on the show. They should never drive stories. They create problems for the heroes and heroines leaving them to deal with the fallout.. Harper being a serial killer impacted Jack and the fallout was about Jack dealing with the fact that the man he loved and adored was a monster, what did that say about Jack who did monstrous things as well. Not to mention, Jack finding out that his biological father was another monster..
  17. I know a lot of Days fans who said that it was shortsighted to make Harper a serial killer and that Harper had more stories to tell with Jack; reading your post reminded me of that other point of view regarding Harper.
  18. Don't forget he followed Kayla back to Salem and he already had an unhealthy fascination with her. It was like Stefano's with Marlena and Victor's with Kim. His fascination became an obsession over time. He did not find out about his real identity until after he had already become a straight up villain hellbent on destroying Steve and Kayla. Not to mention he had Duke's genes and was raised by Harper Devereaux, it was a recipe for disaster. It is why his redemption was such a great story. I don't think that I will ever see that type of in-depth character analysis and development in any genre.
  19. Harper being a serial killer was such a wonderful story and it made sense because he hated all women.. Harper was a great villain played by a fantastic actor and it was the era when the show was not obsessed with Stefano and his family. We were able to have other villains with their own axe to grind..
  20. Megan who does not believe in science like the rest of her team has no idea that science is always evolving when we know better we do better. There was a time people believed that HIV/AIDS could be transmitted via the air now we know that is not the case.
  21. Why does Megan have to be so hateful? so now President Biden is a phony hypocrite and Doctor Fauci is a liar. As always Megan is using partial truths and misinformation to push her agenda. She is really the worst person that has ever been on the view. I love how the ladies are just over her and are just tolerating her awful presence..
  22. Jack and Eve never had sex in the past, they fell asleep on their honeymoon bed during their fake marriage years ago when Charlotte Ross played her.. Why must Ron always pervert history to push his stupid plots.
  23. I absolutely loved Roman and Marlena together....
  24. What a contrast to Elizabeth Hasselback in 08 who just took in the moment with the ladies who were over the moon..
  25. As soon as Megan started giving a lecture, I had to change the channel. I will not let her take away my joy after a glorious day yesterday, kick rocks Nutmeg!
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