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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Has a man ever suffered from multiple personalities on a soap? It is always women usually a heroine who is given that story. It would be cool to see a male character have it just because it would be something different to see play out..
  2. Megan is coming apart and it was uncomfortable and infuriating to watch given how much she has defended her team no matter what. She was clearly reacting to Ana's awesome takedown regarding people like her. Where has she been for the past 4 years, what happened last week was bound to happen. It is sad that her identity is wrapped up in a political party. She needs to get a grip and find another career because being a political pundint is not good for her..
  3. The overtalking was really bad today it was too much. It is a shame that a show on a major network like ABC cannot get their shit together, it is embarrassing at this point. Other shows with half of their budget are able to make it work, why can't they?
  4. As always Joe does not know what he is talking about. The people who sent Warnock and Ossof to the senate are expecting them to back realistic progressive policies that will help Georgia. Ossof ran as a moderate Democrat for a house seat and lost. Once he leaned more progressive, he got traction.. It seems in Joe's mind progressive means communist.
  5. I absolutely hated recast Bo. I always thought they should have written Bo off when Peter left.. A perfect story would have been Lawrence making it look like Hope was alive to get Bo out of town so he could have Carly for himself.
  6. Timothy McVeigh was a a domestic terrorist and was a also a veteran. Megan really needs to stop. Veterans are just like any group of people, some are good and some are bad. Ana brought it all home and I love her even more after today. Her pain of being rejected by her fellow Republicans for not going along with their Trump love moved me to tears. She has had to take a lot of crap for bucking her party. Even Megan called her a Rino to her face. It was what caused Ana to turn her back on her after that type of public disrespect..
  7. Ava's actions led to the death of Papa Sean and five other people so she should suffer for life as far as I am concerned.. The fact that the child she gave birth to is causing her so much pain is even better..
  8. Same here, I teared up because it is just so awful what happened yesterday in our capitol and all that has happened for the past 4 years.
  9. Don't forget the whole town chastising Sami for being angry at being betrayed by Abigail. I love Kayla but she was was so wrong in how she treated Sami and don't get me started on Will.
  10. Sarah brought up the storming of Michigan by armed militias and the plot to kill and kidnap it's governor as being a trial run for what happened yesterday so they should have seen this coming..
  11. Congress people have found urine in their offices.. These are the same people who were appalled at people taking a knee to protest racial injustice. Look at what they did to our capitol...
  12. I changed the channel when Megan was giving her speech, I just cannot take her right now. Whoopie and Joy were amazing. Sunny was awesome as well and we all know if it was a bunch of Black men storming the capital, things would have been so much different. Bodies would have been littering the streets of D.C.
  13. How many times did she tell Joy and company to get over it when her team was running the show. This is part of life, you win some and you lose some.. Every dog has it's day..
  14. What pissed me off about Megan's interactions with the Reverend was that he has not had time to take in his enormous victory and here comes Megan asking him these questions that he has yet to ponder. Let him have his moment in the sun, damn!
  15. Megan was so rude to the reverend, I am so pissed off right now. What a horrible person and her dismissing pre-existing conditions of Georgians was very telling..
  16. That has always been the problem with the show recasting a character. Days tend to change the character to fit the new actor's strength and that is a mistake in my opinion. A character's essence should remain intact so that they remain recognizable to the audience even if they look different. It is why Roman was such a great recast. Wayne's Roman and Drake's Roman remained the same character despite their different looks. Conversely, Peter's Bo and RKK's Bo looked alike but the latter was never Bo to me. I know that he had lots of fans especially when he was paired with Billie but I was never interested in Bo when he was there. However as soon as Peter came back, I became enthralled with Bo again.
  17. Even if they are gay, why do you care? It is nobody's business. Plus, she uses gay as an insult and that is wrong.. Wendy is a horrible person and it is why I don't feel sorry for her.
  18. In the American psyche, the Spanish language is associated exclusively with people of color. Noone associates the French language or the English language exclusively with people of color. The reason that people of color around the world speak European languages is due to colonization..
  19. Wendy thinks everybody is secretly gay. I am not a fan of Tyrese for his shady comments about Black women. However, he did say that he had no idea on how to be a good husband. I think it is refreshing for a man to say that..
  20. Not at all, your post is very informative and thank you for sharing your experiences with us..
  21. Too late for that in my opinion. If she respected people then she would have boundaries.
  22. We should have seen this coming though because both Joy and Sara did not look happy to have her back yesterday..
  23. Go Joy! Megan is the last person to call anybody rude... She did look stunned and hurt by Joy's brutal honesty. Nutmeg pouted and had to derail the conversation by being cold to Sara and refusing to answer her direct question. Whoopie looked frustrated and tried to cajole Nutmeg to answer Sara's question to no avail..
  24. EJ cannot be recast. Ron is truly a hack and he needs to be fired..
  25. Thank you for telling me this, I stand corrected..
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