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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I am loving this tweet above, poster child for entitlement. Megan is such a hateful person and she oozes so much contempt when she speaks about anybody that her team hates, her target this week is Doctor Fauci, it is because of people like her he has to have bodyguards..
  2. I think she is working out of the ABC studio in DC.
  3. I just can't take her arrogance and self-importance anymore. She has become a troll on the show and offers nothing of value.
  4. There are private forums where Fans of the show share videos and have discussions about the show like we do on here. The only difference is that you have to have permission to join there and you need a password. Youtube is full of private rooms where fans congregate without fear that our videos will be removed for copyright. I have been on them and it is cool to talk to fans who used to watch the show during the 70's and hearing their perspectives on things. They have always said that Julie was never a racist and it was a retcon to create drama between Valerie and Julie. They did the same thing with Julie and Doug in the 80's when they opposed the Bo/Hope pairing. Julie and Doug in character would never have done that so the actors protested the storyline and were fired for going public with their opposition.. Doug and Julie are the last people to voice any opposition to anybody's relationship given their unconventional relationship.
  5. Megan is just vile and she only hates Dr. Fauci because her team hates him.
  6. Megan is an arrogant idiot and Whoopie was great in shutting her down. I was so incensed by her, I did not bother watching the rest of the show.
  7. Cynthia is a follower and Nene has always been right about that fact.
  8. When Valerie came back they had the story of her not supporting David/Valerie and longtime fans were pissed and said that it was all lies. I am one of the few people who has never judged Julie for hating Gabi who killed her cousin and tried to kill her repeatedly..
  9. Exactly! I personally don't understand the hate against Julie..
  10. Colorism is not the same as a woman preferring a tall man over a short man or a man preferring blondes over brunettes. Colorism and featurism have been ingrained in the Black community and the Latino community for centuries and it has been destructive. Colorism is corrosive hurtful and it divides communities of color and we perpetuate White supremacy when we say that light is better than dark.. Colonizers put that in us in that everything that is connected with Europe is good and everything that falls short of that is bad. Mary is full of self-hate, she calls her light-skinned Black husband a White man. If you see there is nothing wrong with that then I don't know what to say..
  11. I also loved the characters individual theme song they each had in addition to their couple theme song. All of the couple theme song had an instrumental version of it and would add so much depth to a poignant scene. They really invested in soap operas back then and took pride in their art..
  12. Exactly! I don't understand Nutmeg and her desperation to be with people who hate her...
  13. The viewers hated her and made unkind comments about her weight..
  14. Megan is not happy she strikes me as somebody who is never happy and cannot ever be pleased.
  15. Same here... I hate Bonnie and her clan. Patrick was at least gorgeous and I loved his chemistry with Hope, Jennifer and Billie... His weird BDSM vibe with EJ was fascinating... EJ had the same chemistry with Will as well..
  16. This person that attacked that elderly man did not see him as a human being so his pain was irrelevant to him. I remember I saw a show about this young lady who got kidnapped by this man, he raped her and beat her up, He was taking her to another location to kill her and she knew that. So she began to engage with him like they were friends, she asked about his life and aspirations as they are driving in his car. The guy let her get away because he saw her as a human being.
  17. Also Wendy comes from the era where a woman having a piece of man is better than no man. That is what Kevin was for many years for her, a piece of man. I think Wendy needs a makeover, get rid of the blond wigs, wearing her hair natural would soften her a bit. She also needs take out the cantaloupes out of her chest, get a better wardrobe and stop being such a nasty bitch..
  18. I used to love how Meredith Vieira used to have a newspaper and she would pick stories written from there to drive hot topics..
  19. I would say the same thing when it comes to Marlena and her brood. They all look like her, especially original Eric.. Kate as well with her descendants. I used to love to see her in scenes with Lucas Austin Billie Chelsea and Mophead Will..
  20. Exactly, a serial killer who killed 3 women is a romantic hero and anybody who hates him for his past actions will be demonized, look at what they did to Eve..
  21. The sad thing about Sheryl is that her mother continued her hateful attitude towards Sheryl even when she was an adult. So she never had any remorse for being a horrible mother. I always got the impression that Sheryl's mom took out her issues with Sheryl's dad out on her. Remember she told Sheryl that her dad killed her twin sister as a way to drive a wedge between them. For a while Sheryl was distant with her dad until he told her the truth. Sheryl was on Ayisha's podcost and discussed her traumatic childhood and went into horrific details about her mom. Sheryl's has had a hellish life even as an adult. I am so sorry you had to go through that and I send you a cyber hug and I am happy that things have gotten better between you and your mom.
  22. Wendy just glowed with happiness when she spoke to her dad and he looks really good for his age.. My heart goes out to him to have lost his wife after so many years together. I am also glad that Wendy and her brother got over themselves and put their fragile father above their petty foolishness.. Life is just too short and I have no doubt that their feud would have affected his health if they persisted in fighting in the public forum..
  23. Will this affect his future in New York? Ron Kim seems to have an agenda in my humble opinion...
  24. I agree with you. Everything he said about Cuomo has been known by the people of New York and they voted for him anyway. I was shocked that he said that Cuomo should resign or be impeached. I doubt that will happen though. I think Cuomo will be fine politically after all is said and done.. I do think that he should watch his back because the governor is known to be very vindictive and will not forget...
  25. Same here, I remember that story of her telling us about the time she held on to a poll crying telling her dad that she did not want to go back to her mother's house. Yet she could not bring herself to tell him the hell she was going through with her mom because she felt the need to protect both of her parents for different reasons. I hate people who abuse children and animals...
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