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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. The Kardashian ladies will find some Black men to marry them and have more mixed race kids while exploiting Black culture mimicking Black women all the way to the bank. Life is unfair, so it is what it is..
  2. She has been doing that for years with no pushback. Nothing will change since today she spread misinformation and disinformation about the voting bill that was passed by the Democrats yesterday. She went on a rant and I just tuned out, I just cannot take her daily tantrums anymore.. I do get a kick out of seeing Whoopie's face after her rants though..
  3. Megan is a liar and will always distort facts to push her vile agenda..
  4. Sunny was awesome as always and very astute in pointing out that out. Whoopie lost me because I had no idea what she was talking about and as always Megan is an idiot.
  5. No worries. Sarah is a sweetheart and it is a shame she has to deal with a hostile person like Nutmeg..
  6. Are you talking about today or in the past? I remember in the past she has said what you posted..
  7. When they were talking about the overreaction to the Taylor Swift story she said she wished that she had dated more as a single lady..
  8. I think she is scared of her. Plus, Whoopie got her the job and used to always baby her until she got tired of Megan's nastiness.
  9. Something must have been said to her behind the scenes because she was extra today..
  10. Exactly! hit dogs holler, she was hollering and had an attitude..
  11. Did you notice how she dismissed Sara and was condescending, she really hates her.
  12. She was saying that Democrats tend to rush to judgment when a fellow Democrat is accused and start screaming for them to resign like Kirsten did with Al Franken. Whereas Republicans tend to circle the wagon around whoever is accused of misconduct. Ana even mentioned several Republicans who have accusations leveled at them and nobody from their party is screaming about resignation.
  13. They would eat her alive especially those on her team.
  14. Sarah is gorgeous and has a rocking body after having had 3 babies back to back. She would look good in so many outfits..
  15. To be fair to Ron, this obsession with rape stories is not exclusive to him. I remember that All My Children had Erica who was raped as a child and had a daughter Kendall who she gave away. We later found out that her father Eric had pimped her out to this Hollywood producer for his career. It was truly revolting; a father setting up his own daughter to be raped. Her other daughter Bianca who was a lesbian also got raped and had her own daughter that way. It became too much for me at times especially whenever the four of them was in a room together, I always remembered that ugly fact.
  16. His staunch defense of Abigail/Stefan not being rape is proof of him not knowing what that is and how it affects somebody who has been violated that way..
  17. Sami never resented Belle, she was scared and wanted to protect Roman from finding out that he was not her father. She also wanted to raise Belle away from Salem and was going to do so until John and Kristen stopped her. Ron and other writers always fail to mention that part. Sami was obviously a troubled young girl at the time.
  18. Sheryl said that is what motivated to go into comedy, making people laugh and smile helped her deal with her demons. She wanted to bring joy into people's lives and not more misery. Life is full of those already why add to it..
  19. Exactly! all Nicole has to do is get the necessary vaccinations for herself her daughter and take a long flight to join Eric. Has the show ever said which African country needs Eric so much that he is ignoring his family..
  20. Don't forget that she never met his family. That is a big red flag, if a man does not introduce you to his family then something is wrong. Had he been of another race and did not want to subject his wife to their racism that is one thing but to not know them after all of this time and you had a child that is connected to them says a lot.. Doe she know Marc's other children who are her daughter's siblings? I feel no sympathy for Ken she has always been a miserable bitch who wants company.. It bothers her that Porsha has found her groove in life after so many setbacks and it has been a pleasure to see her growth.. She has always envied Porsha since the day she met her.. She continues to find ways to relentlessly belittle her and shame her. This incident with Bolo is just another reason for her to try to take down Porsha. Porsha is so unbothered living her best life and that irritates the hell out of Ken..
  21. Same here, I am trying to be hopeful but it gets harder and harder everyday. You have people deifying a human being by recreating the golden calf from the Bible, do they realize what happened to the people who did that. Doctor Fauci who has been in service to the world is being denigrated for no reason at all. The hate being leveled at him is disgusting and vile. He has to have security to keep him safe.. Black people being dehumanized and assassinated continues with no end in sight.
  22. In the 90's people were not streaming shows in their homes and the shift against the genre started during that time.. Days pushed JER to the forefront while pushing Sherry Anderson out the door and it was the beginning of the end, the possession storyline while a ratings success caused a lot of people to stop watching the show.
  23. Why is it that Ron likes to have Belle and Sami to be always at odds. I am sure that at some point she will throw her kidnapping by Sami in her face even though the ladies look like contemporaries now. Was Sami 5 when she kidnapped her? Ron should just never refer to that storyline due to Belle's SORAS.
  24. Perfect description of Ron... So true but JER had really good payoffs that was satisfying. For example: Carrie punching Sami and knocking her out at her aborted wedding to Austin after exposing her lies and Will's paternity or Hope opening up the puzzle box proving once and for all that she was indeed Hope Brady. Even though Bo should have known that she was Hope all along like Alice Horton but that is another rant for another day..
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