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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. They all laughed when it came to Toobin, Sarah just had an attack of the giggles. It is interesting that she picked on Sara to lash out and not the others who also laughed that day. She also held on to this perceived slight for months and used it today to shame Sara for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Megan is green with jealousy and hates Sara. She picks on her because she sees her as weak and bullies like her go after the weakest in a group. I dare her to go after Sunny Whoopie, Ana or Joy she won't cause she scared. She is a miserable bitch and I hope Sara doesn't let a nasty child like MeAgain get her down.
  2. I love Paulina because she is not a saintly Black character. She is not a mammy/magical negro type whose sole function is to support the White characters. She is loud campy annoying know-it-all but so what! This is a show where we have Susan, Kristen, Bonnie, Ava, Doctor Rolf with his magical potions to bring back the dead at will..
  3. Nutmeg is a damn liar. She lied about Eric Swallwell and voting being hard in New York. Voting has gotten so much easier and will be getting even more easier. Why is she allowed to peddle lies and propaganda without any pushback. I loved Whoopie losing patience with Nutmeg, "oh for frogs legs".. Sunny throwing barbs at Nutmeg was great and she was wonderful today as always. This is why I love Sunny, her intelligence on this show is unmatched and always makes me smile. If only Ana was here just so I could hear her opine on Matt Gaetz..
  4. He said it as well in the squad room when they were discussing marriage and relationships because of a case. It got very heated and he blurted it out in front of everybody. Ellliot knew how to call her out on her BS. Nobody has done that since he left the show.
  5. There was a regime change because Johnny was supposed to be Lucas and EJ was going to be killed off..
  6. Lumi forever! EJ is a disgusting rapist and he began Sami's destruction in my humble opinion.. Putting a lipstick on a pig does not change the fact that it is still a pig and that is how I see EJ and Ejami. I don't care if Sami did sleep with him willingly the second time, EJ still raped her with the intent of impregnating her to provide Stefano with the child's stem cells, disgusting!
  7. I remember when Olivia and Elliot were butting heads over a case and he told her that he was the most stable relationship that she had ever had a with a man. It was very blunt on his part but now I see that Elliot was right. He was truly her rock and she was unmoored after he left.. I think Olivia became intolerable after Elliot left, he pushed back on her and she would the same as well..
  8. I loved Arianna and Rafe throwing his sister under the bus for Sami revealed that he was an asshole of the worst kind..
  9. Megan is a snowflake who can dish it but cannot take it so she has to resort to playing the victim. Megan is never right about anything. She sucks as a pundint. Plus, she does not have an independent thought in her inflated empty head since she parrots talking points from her team. It is why she is so triggered by Ana being on the panel. a woman from her team who can defend her beliefs.
  10. She is a coward so she will not do it..
  11. Bitch please! the arrogance on this one is mind-blowing.
  12. Imagine the complex mother/daughter relationships that would be a goldmine for drama with Sami and Hope dealing with daughters who are their polar opposites. Not to mention, Ciara being like her biological grandfather Victor forcing Bo to deal with the Kiriakis legacy once and for all. Peter would rock those scenes... The Sami/Allie dynamic would have to include Marlena Carrie and Will..
  13. Ciara as kid was much more interesting than this damsel in distress. Ciara once blackmailed Sami for diamond earrings and had a crush on EJ of all people, I loved her rivalry with Allie who was being groomed to the opposite of her mother Sami and I also loved her sweet friendship with Theo. She was also interesting with Chase as a kid. It is a shame that they ruined her when they aged her. I can't stand to look at her.
  14. She is too thin-skinned and will say something to play the victim without attacking her critics directly...
  15. I too loved Natalie but her existence bothered me so much since we saw Jessica's birth on the show. Natalie should have been Tony Lord's daughter. Natalie could have still hated her cousin Jessica for living the life she felt was owed to her and in time would have formed a strong bond with her aunt Viki to Jessica's horror. You don't need to mess with the show's history for a new character. Melissa Archer should have been Sarah Horton and I would have hired Bree who played her sister Jessica on One Life to Live as Noelle Curtis. Sarah's half sister via Neal Curtis her biological dad that she hated for coming between her adopted father Mickey and Maggie.
  16. That would be interesting. Does Becky still look young for her age? I no longer watch General Hospital..
  17. The problem for me is that Ron does not write for women. Ron has no idea what women like and want in a man.. Women are not as visual as men in general. So muscles and a six pack while nice is not important in the long run.
  18. Jack with Matthew in the role could have gone to higher places with good writers who appreciated him in all of his complex glory. JER said that he hated Jack and saw nothing of value in Jack and his portrayer Matthew and he turned him into a nondescript milquetoast generic hero as Mark Valley. Jack and Jennifer should have dealt with Abigail's illness together. Jack and Jennifer never needed interlopers to make them interesting that is how good they were defined as individuals.
  19. The show is not interested in Kayla outside of her romance with Steve. All the show' supercouples suffer from this with the exception of Kim/Shane and Roman/Marlena where both couples were allowed to have relationships with others. I include John as Roman in this because he was written as being Roman until it was retcon in 1991.. The show is not interested in Jack outside of his romance with Jennifer. Jack was always more interesting to me and so many things could have been done with him over the years with Matthew in the role. The show is not interested in Hope outside of her romance with Bo. Bo was allowed to have meaningful relationships with other women. Hope only got psychos. Why couldn't Hope as an amnesiac fall in love with another guy during her missing years. Instead she was stupid Princess Gina and was fucking RoboJohn are you kidding me! I never cared for Hope and Aiden.. I never trusted him and him becoming a psycho was a natural progression for me. I never believed that Chase killed his mother, I think he killed her and blamed it on his young son to save his own hide,
  20. They had Kayla remain a celibate for 16 years when Steve was dead and he was able to live a full life as Nick with Ava and they had a child.. I still hate that Kayla never had a man who loved her without bringing his baggage into her life. Kayla's fantasies about Steve remain some of my favorite scenes of Kayla ever.. She was so daring full of life and was able to be her true self without judgements..
  21. Wendy or her assistants are definitely lurking on this board and others because she spent a lot of time defending herself against her critics. Norman even co-signed and said that he is not agreeing with Wendy because she is his boss even if he was not an employee he would still agree with her opinions as a viewer from home, sure Jan!
  22. When I look at Jeanine Pirro, I see a woman of color. I am Black and she is the same complexion as one of my aunts. Furthermore this country bestows Whiteness to a limited group of people since it's inception as a nation. It was not that long ago that the Irish, Polish, Italians, Greeks, Germans were not considered "White"..
  23. I was talking about the writing of heroines back then. Marlena, Hope Melissa Kayla Jennifer Adrienne all were heroines who had healthy sex lives with their partners.. They did not have sex just for procreation.. Jennifer and Jack consummated their relationship during the cruise of deception and Jennifer was the one who initiated the sex in the cave. Bo and Hope walked in on them after they had done the deed. It was a funny scene between the four of them. I had no idea what was going to happen to Hope, looking back it seemed like the calm before the storm..
  24. Do you guys think that Megan will respond to her critics on the show this coming week? She is such a coward and will just go on a rant how she is a victim of the mean liberal media...
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