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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. What is so shocking is that Jeanine is a woman of color who is the daughter of Lebanese immigrants.
  2. Lani and Kristen sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G.....😅
  3. I miss this Jennifer and the show knew how to write heroines who enjoyed sex. It seems like only the bad girls are allowed to have pleasurable sex and they often use it as a weapon against the men.
  4. If Ben looked like Charles Manson or the BTK killer, Ron would never have tried to redeem him.. Ron could have written in two people to be the godparents for the twins. Perhaps Eli has a cousin from Valerie's side of the family and Lani could have had a friend who lives in another state who comes for the baptism. Ron could have used that event to test these new characters with the cast.. Since they are twins, there could be two sets of godparents.
  5. True but in Catholic countries from the Caribbean and Latin America, they are usually the second set of parents in a child's life. I have known people who were taken care of much better by their godparents than their actual parents. Even as little kids we used to baptize our dolls before we play with them and we would select godparents from our friends...lol So seeing Julie and Paulina fighting to be godmother reminded me of that..
  6. Has any of the former co-hosts other than Holly and Leah weighed in on what has transpired between Sharon and the the show? I am so happy that Sharon is gone finally!
  7. I agree. She is beautiful and I love the picture with her laying her head on your mother's chest. She looks so happy and content to be with her mommy..
  8. Ron is at the helm and he does not give a damn..
  9. Megan is a unicorn and I am over the constant self-pity and playing the martyr...
  10. Chad should have been EJ's son with Susan who is attracted to the dark side to Susan's chagrin.. EJ being Tony and Anna's son would have been marvelous. The show also forgot that Stefano has 6 older brothers who could have had children and grandchildren.
  11. EJ should have been the catalyst for Sami and Carrie forging a real sisterhood after years of acrimony. EJ's obsession with Sami mirrored her own with Austin's. There should have been a murder mystery with EJ being killed perhaps Sami takes the fall for Carrie believing that she had done the deed after finding her unconscious with a dead EJ at her side.. EJ should have been Tony's son and not Susan's son with Stefano.
  12. I liked EJ until he raped Sami and was threatening to hurt her family namely Belle and her son Will. His torture of Steve sealed my hatred of him. I cannot get past Stefano sending EJ to rape Sami in order to produce a child with her. I think it is just wrong that Roman/Marlena share grandchildren with Stefano. The man who destroyed their lives as man and wife with their twins.. As a Roman/Marlena fan that has always stung that they have that commonality with Stefano. I feel the same way about Kim and Shane having that with Victor..
  13. Megan McCain is getting roasted all over the internet. Megan does not get that the so-called identity politics got her the right to vote. She is so ignorant about Whiteness being a determinant factor in getting certain high power jobs in America and this is what white supremacy is all about. What an ignorant fool! I would feel sorry for her if she was not such a nasty hateful human being..
  14. Ron lacks imagination and a writer should have that. All he had to do was look at the Xander/Sarah relationship that he wrote and use that to craft a character-driven story to break them up due to Lindsey's exit from the show.. If she ever comes back, he can revisit their relationship or go in a different direction for Sarah and Xander.
  15. Let's not forget that Black farmers were also cheated out of their lands or stolen outright by Whites with the tacit approval of the government. So Nutmeg needs to shut the hell up.. Exactly! Black women are the most loyal base to the Democratic party so they were owed a seat at the Table.
  16. Thank you for saying that. Sunny came from the projects grew up poor and the fact that she achieved all that she has should be celebrated and not minimized or trashed..
  17. Jake and Ben were just shouting at each other and it was just annoying. Ben felt he had the right to bulldoze his way into Ciara's room adding to her traumatic state because he had to have his way. He went against her doctor's orders that he should give her time by staying away. He is still the same domineering controlling man that he was when he dated Abigail. Why would Ron bring back Ciara and not have Hope her mother on the show. It is just bad writing. There is no way that Hope would not be there for her daughter given her history with her beloved Zack.. I don't understand what is the big deal about being the twins godmother, you don't need to have that title to love a child who is connected to you anyway. I like Paulina so she does not bother me at all. The hate against her is so interesting to me though. Eli is a beautiful man and I love his head full of hair and his beard. I love Valerie and she elevates any scene that she is in and it is too bad that the character never got any meaty material for Vanessa Williams to sink her teeth in.. An ideal story would have been for her to reconnect to David and hash out their past. We should have seen David upset that she kept his son away from him.. Eli should have had the chance to get to know him and we should have been given more information on the man who raised him with Valerie..
  18. I think As the World Turns headwriter Douglas Marland is one of the few soap writers in the past that used to have couples break up without it being overly dramatic while being very character-driven. Sometimes people grow apart and no longer want the same thing, hence they break up and that can be painful and filled with melodrama.. I wish we could have seen that with Xander and Sarah. Perhaps they do get back together and Sarah probably deludes herself into thinking that she did in fact forgive Xander for his past transgressions against her. However, in the end she realizes while she loves him with all of her heart but she just cannot get past his lies about her baby. Sarah could have broken up with him on their wedding day and she leaves town. The fallout of Sarah dumping him at the altar could have pushed Xander further into the dark side.
  19. Even though I love Xander and Sarah together, Ron rushed their reconciliation. So many stories could have been written building towards them getting back together with lots of angst and setbacks. Basically, he could have written a soap story like they used to do back in the day..
  20. Andy has always been a needy attention hog and is enamored of being a celebrity and celebrities. He primarily worked behind the scenes until he screwed somebody out of a show in order to take over the show as the host instead of being the producer. He went out on a date with Anderson Cooper back in the day and he spent the whole date questioning him about his famous mother so it was enough for Anderson to put him in the friend zone. Andy does know about the shenanigans behind the scenes since he does the same thing with the Housewives franchise.
  21. Add in Frankie's brutal murder by that serial killer, I am still haunted by that till this day. It is one of the many reasons that I can never accept Ben the serial killer with abs on the show. Paige's brutal and prolonged murder mirrored Frankie's in my mind. Jensen's Vicky becoming a weird hybrid of Vicky and Marley, Anne Heche's beautiful command of the twins was irreplaceable and unmatched. Ryan being killed, Jake and Vicky falling in love, the omnipotence of Grant Harrison, the different Amandas and the insipid romance between Rachel and Carl Hutchins after she had been with Mac made Another World so painful to watch for so many years and I put the blame on JER.. His influence was not just on Days..
  22. Kristen needs to die a painful death and then there should be a wake with an open coffin for us to see her in there and somebody namely Sarah should shoot up her corpse to make sure that she is really dead. As the World Turns did this years ago and it was glorious with a dead resident villain..
  23. There is a hit piece on Sheryl at the Daily mail calling her a hypocrite for defending George Lopez on the show. I wonder who are the confidential sources feeding them this information. We all know that this is Sharon and her people who are out and about smearing Sheryl. I do think that Sharon will be fired to save the show but she is making it very painful for the show, she knows where the bodies are buried and I feel no sympathy for CBS for giving her so much power over the years. Even Julie would kiss her ass and she was the boss' wife, how embarrassing! I do feel bad for the other ladies who should not lose their jobs over her.
  24. Exactly! Whoopie is so ignorant at times and she speaks with so much authority and it just gets on my nerves. People might get even more irresponsible if they believe that being vaccinated makes them invulnerable and invincible.
  25. It was and I wanted Sherry Stringfield to be there but she could not make it.. I was so happy to see Maureen and her love and admiration for Michael made me smile. Kimberly Simms was there and she was my favorite Mindy and her stories with Roger and Alexandra gave Mindy so much depth and complexity.
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