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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I agree with you wholeheartedly and the possession storyline was the beginning of the end of character-driven stories rooted in history with the characters acting and reacting in character on this show. Days' ratings were high but it came at a cost and other soaps wanted to imitate their ratings success to the detriment of soaps overall.
  2. Nutmeg wants to be adored by the masses so she does want a side hustle that would lead to that but she has no charisma or intelligence to pull off a show based on her merit. She used to do the Sunday political shows on ABC and she was an absolute failure. Joy had a show on HLN and she was awesome on there. I used to love how she would bring in people that she did not agree with on a subject matter and had healthy robust debates with them. There were no histrionics name calling or misinformation on her show. Just adults having a discussion about things in life and it was not always about politics.. Her show on religion was just so damn good. Since I am on my love train for Joy, she looked really beautiful on Friday and she will be 79 this year... I hope that I look just as good when I get to her age.
  3. Dena is bad for sure I am not romanticizing her horrific reign on the show. I just hate how Ron ruining the show.
  4. Cynthia Erivo is a great actress though.
  5. I think that he is worst than Dena. Dena as horrible as she was respected the show's history somewhat. She would never have killed off Adrienne Anjelica and Laura the way that Ron did.
  6. Sunny was right to say that people who suffer from mental illness are more likely to be victims of crimes and not perpetrators. I was on the train in NYC once and this guy seemed out of it was arguing with somebody that was not there and while he was gesticulating madly, he hit somebody accidently and the guy hit him back viciously. I thought the guy who hit him back was in the wrong in my opinion since he was obviously having an episode..
  7. Ron is a hack and the show is terrible. Poor Sarah, her life has gone to hell since she came back to Salem. Kristen is a sick creepy psychopath and the fact that Brady does not see this and continues to love this human garbage proves why he is truly a moron. Seeing Jack with Bonnie together just pissed me off so because Ron killed off Adrienne for no reason.. The Jack/Adrienne relationship was always the least developed in the Johnson siblings. Jack/ Steve and Adrienne/Steve were solid. Whereas Jack and Adrienne never really had stories together in their original run because the show focused more on Steve/Jack. Adrienne helping Jack deal with Gwen and her messiness could have been a good opportunity for them to get closer..
  8. Joy's smile gets so much wider and her eyes just sparkles whenever Meredith is there. She has said that she felt unmoored when she left and that morale was low at the show. Meredith was truly the one who held the show together at that time.
  9. Marlena was possessed by the devil and levitated so anything goes after that stupid storyline..
  10. I think he looks fine and to be fair to him, he has a wife that is 20 years younger than him and he does have grandchildren who are older than his daughter.
  11. Sheryl's issues go back to when she went to the Wendy Williams radio show in New York to promote her comedy shows and Wendy trashed her after she left. Wendy is a mean person as well. She used to spread rumors that Eve was a lesbian and we all know Eve used to hang with the rough riders as a rapper and she had a masculine edge at times to her but was still beautiful. Eve used to have boyfriends that were irreputable that Wendy used to gossip about and said hurtful things about her. Eve was with Stevie J and they had a tumultuous relationship that Wendy used to love to dissect on her radio show. Wendy is terrible but she is not like Sharon.. I miss Eve and I wonder how she would have handled the situation.
  12. In Canada and other Western countries you can get a year of paid maternity leave with your job waiting for you but not the United States where you get a few weeks for maternity leave.
  13. Wow! my heart goes out to Lindsey, this is a woman who had an illness as a child and now has to face other illnesses as an adult. Life can be so damn unfair. I like Sarah and I wish she had had a better writer to give her some depth. I hope she comes back and I wish her well..
  14. Cancel culture is overblown by Megan and her team. They were the ones that used to do the cancelling before that term was coined on the internet. Exactly, she probably assumes that because he is Black that he is liberal. I stopped caring about him when he started trashing Black women while praising non Black women. Then he got into an argument with Eminem expecting Black women to come to his rescue, nope!
  15. Not to mention if a member of the other team does something that is racist or bigoted like Nick Cannon then she is all over it. If it is a member of her team she will whine that it is cancelled culture..
  16. I think if Sunny and Don Lemon did that it was because they knew Joy would be fine with it. It shows how close they are.. I am pretty sure she would never let Megan do that..
  17. There are so many salacious rumors about them. One rumor is that the actresses were lovers and had a bad breakup. Another rumor is that she slept with Deidre's husband and she walked in on them that led to her divorcing him. The other one is that she resented that Deidre came back to the show in 1991 and that pissed her off because Marlena became front and center when it came to stories.. We will never know what is the deal between them but it is strange that Marlena and Maggie have no relationship given how close they were because of Mickey..
  18. Ron has been ruining this show with no end in sight to his horrible reign.
  19. Nutmeg and her team love to shade Blue states like California but where would this country be without them. Before the pandemic upended our lives and country, California was the 6th largest economy in the world. She is such an ignorant fool.. Why does this moron have a platform? is this the best conservative that ABC can find...
  20. Megan is just an unhappy woman, she may put up a facade that she is but she is not.. She never seems to take joy in anything even when the ladies are talking about nonpolitical topics she never participates and it is almost like she is going through the motions..
  21. Why? I am one of the few people on here that likes Xander and Sarah just because he adores her so much...
  22. Sheryl had to hold back when it came to Sharon. She had to measure her words and this is what Black folks have had to do to survive. We cannot always say what we feel especially when we are having a discussion especially one that has to do about racism with a White person especially one that has power like Sharon.. Sharon has power on the show and Sheryl had to be careful and it was why she was leaning on Elaine to help her out.. Sheryl was just wonderful and Sharon is playing victim about this situation off the show. So she is still being defensive and obtuse.
  23. She called him a murderer and that is very dangerous to put out there. Plus, Cuomo had no help from the federal government and did the best he could do at the time.
  24. Thank you Sunny for that awesome rebuttal regarding Cuomo and the media's obsessive focus of him to the exclusion of others.
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