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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I agreed with everything that Sunny and Joy said in the first block. Sunny was on fire calling out the injustice. I always find it real curious how people often have more sympathy for Black men and boys when they are murdered by the police. Whereas young Black girls like Mah'kia and women like Breonna are often forgotten and blamed. Mah'kia was being threatened and acted recklessly to defend herself. She did not deserve to die. Don Lemon is an ass and he pissed me off. What happened to Black men protecting Black women? I do love how Nutmeg is pissed for not having his number though. What a baby!
  2. I don't want to go too off-topic but Dr Phil and DR. Oz showed us their true colors last year... I still love Oprah though and I am sad about Ellen's fall from grace.. It's like everybody is an asshole now..
  3. Same here and I changed the channel when it was her turn to speak. I find myself doing that more and more these days. I just cannot take her anymore.
  4. I see your point but parents will always blame themselves for their children's failings. I think it was a very natural thing for Paulina to do.. I don't think it makes her weak whatsoever..
  5. Walter Mondale deserved a better tribute, he was a man ahead of his time who never compromised his beliefs...
  6. I wonder what Megan would have said about the civil rights movement or the protests against Vietnam had she been alive back then. She has no clue and needs to shut the hell up..
  7. I love Porsha because of her maturity and her growing awareness about her precarious position as a Black woman in America. I think Breonna's murder awakened something in her. I also think having a daughter and her desire to make a better world for her and all other Black girls who will one day be women is inspiring. Plus, it has been a pleasure for me to see that there is more to her than being ratched. Her awesome beautiful presence irritates the hell out of Kenya so that is a bonus in my book.
  8. I hope you are just kidding because plenty do and some are very tech savvy. Plus, some are also streaming at the behest of their children and grandchildren.
  9. I hope you are wrong. Are we going to be subjected to another talk show if they cancel it?
  10. What he did to AJ was what made me stopped watching General Hospital. This is his MO, he sacrifices veteran characters that he find obsolete to push his stupid plots or his pet characters. Look at what he did to Anjelica for his doppelganger story and Laura for his pet Gwen. Anjelica could have been used as an antagonist for Jack/Jennifer, Justin/Adrienne, Victor and so many others that she had a history with.. Her son Alexander could have come back as well..
  11. I do think that Ron loves the soap genre but he does not know how to balance camp with character driven stories. It can be done wonderfully.. Days best stories have been the fantastical ones grounded with the characters driving the stories..
  12. The Royal family has caused misery for the whole world literally for centuries, it is not an exaggeration, it is a bitter truth.
  13. Thank you for reminding me of Sharon practically calling Chris Harrison a Klansman. I think that cancel culture should be called accountability culture. Sunny from the view coined that term. It is what being a responsible adult is all about, you have to be careful what you say and if you happen to say something or do offensive without realizing it, apologize and try not to do it again. Taking responsibility for your actions is what we are thought as children so that we can apply it to our lives as adults. We are all fallible human beings with biases and prejudices. It is never too late to grow and learn if you are open to do so. When you know better, you do better. I also wish people would stop tweeting every thought that comes to mind.. It would save them so much problems..
  14. Bill Maher is the embodiment what Martin Luther said about the White moderate who claims to want civil rights for Black people as long as White supremacy remains intact. He has said other things that are problematic over the years about Black people. He once said that Wayne Brady was not a real Black man because he was not intimidating, WTF.. Even when you try to explain to him why you have a problem with what he said as a Black person and why you were offended, he gets defensive and chooses not to see beyond his perspective just like Sharon did with Sheryl. Same here. However, I do think that comics should be able to make jokes but when you are making racial jokes you should be aware enough as a non-Black that using that word will piss some people off, so it is best not to use it. I remember when Eddie Murphy was mulling the idea of doing stand-up comedy, he was hesitating because he said that he had to relearn how to make jokes without offending people because the climate is super sensitive these days as opposed to when he was a young man doing the comedy tours. Not to mention back then nobody had cell phones with cameras to record you at your shows. These days we all have cameras and in a few minutes we can upload it onto social media and videos could be altered to be fit a narrative. Richard Pryor would probably be cancelled with his raunchy jokes. If I was a stand-up comedian, I would not allow people to record me making jokes at my shows just to avoid controversy.
  15. Sharon will go on Bill Maher who has himself made questionable comments about Black people will fawn over her and rail against cancelled culture. I have had my fill off Bill Maher and that witch Sharon, so I have no intention to watch her on there twisting the facts to make herself a victim.
  16. The ladies need to burn the cape, Brady is a lost cause, I mean he had a child with Kristen and that should tell you all you need to know.. Burn the cape ladies!
  17. Not to mention all of the supercouples and popular secondary couples have Sherry's fingerprints all over them.. She wrote Isabella's beautiful peaceful death so that is the type of magic she is capable of writing..
  18. I don't want the show to be cancelled, I do want Ron to be cancelled as the headwriter though.
  19. Same here. Notice how unmoored and without purpose Kate has been for years since her separation from Victor.. She became a caricature who beds every man she meets. She was such a powerhouse Alpha female during her Victor years.
  20. I know nothing about the show Luther so I cannot comment but I think that Sunny got what that diversity lady was saying. Diversity means nothing if the person is that is being presented is not an authentic person in his or her fullness. Whitney got blowback from the Black community rightly or wrongly because some felt that she was pandering to the Dominant society and abandoning her people. There was some truth to that because whenever Whitney sang a song that the White executives deemed to be too "Black" they would tell her to tone it down or they would scrap the song altogether because they wanted her to go mainstream. This would stress Whitney out because she often felt she was not being her authentic self, she used always say to her close friends, why can't I just be me? Pop what she sang is mainstream while R&B and Gospel where she came from is more Black.
  21. Go away Sharon! you did your best to portray Sheryl as an angry Black woman in the press while claiming not to be a racist.. I am so happy that I will never have to see her plastic face and her talentless obnoxious kids ever again. The ladies used to kiss their asses as well and it always pissed me off. Good Riddance!
  22. My favorite era of the show. Drake's Roman was such a wonderful continuation of Wayne's Roman. The show's best recast in my opinion. It is a shame how Roman is so useless in his current incarnation.
  23. Eli is such a find and it is too bad that the show cannot give him a good story. He is still a new character with no real backstory surely the writers can come up with something interesting to do with him..
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