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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I looked up Wendy's brother on youtube, he seems like an opportunist in his own right. He is asking for donations on his youtube channel and calling his fans/subscribers the Tomcats and calling his show the Tommy Williams show. He is boring and has a dry personality. I am starting to feel a bit bad for Wendy, he is not an innocent lamb he is out for himself.. I hope their big sister Wanda will sit these two down and hatch out their differences behind closed doors for the sake of their dad. I think they are all in pain over their mother's death and are lashing out at each other instead of comforting each other.
  2. I think that shift happened during JER who dumbed down the heroes to elevate the villains because he had no clue on how to write heroes and heroines. For example: John had to become an idiot for Kristen to fool him with a pillow under her dress when she pretended to be pregnant. JER conveniently forgot for the sake of his plot that John had a pregnant wife named Isabella so he knows what a pregnant woman's body looks like and feels like.. I am pretty sure he also had sex with his pregnant wife.
  3. Please don't put it out there, I hope he is not a child of rape. Why can't it simply that Ava did not want him and she did not bond with him as a baby. I do think it is a bit out of character because Ava in her original stint was obsessed with babies, it made no sense that she would reject a baby of hers. However, we all know that Ron only cares about his plot-driven stories even if it does not jive with the character's prior history..
  4. I loved all of his stories with Hope all the way up to her death in 1991 during the cruise of deception. They had too much good stories to choose from but if I had to choose it would be Bo and Hope in New Orleans. This may be unpopular but Bo and Hope were never the same after she came back from the dead. They got too many awful stories by writers who hated them full stop. I loved his stories with Carly, I loved their love story in hindsight Carly was a MarySue, I get why her haters hated her but I loved her anyway. Bo/Carly in Mexico was awesome.. Bo and Carly should have had a son together. I hated all of his stories with Billie. There is no way Bo would ever pick Billie over Hope, no way! but JER had to write Bo out of character to push his Bo/Billie agenda.
  5. I wish that Megan would keep the names of Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela out of her mouth,. If they were alive today, she would be against these men who faced danger every day of their lives for speaking truth to power.. I loved it when Sunny brought up Colin Kaepernick's name yesterday, what does Megan think MLK would have been doing with Colin on the football field?
  6. True but Megan cannot say why she hates him. Her hatred of him is just odd even for her, I have never heard express this type of vitriol for the man who mocked her dad's record as a veteran.
  7. Megan hates DiBlasio because her team hates him. Staten Island the reddest part of New York city despises him a lot. Diblasio is not the best but he is not the devil either. Diblasio won re-election by a landslide so Nutmeg as usual does not know what she is talking about..
  8. Interesting that she had lunch with Kevin Sr, I found it weird when she said that she liked him over her brother. We are not getting the whole story. I wonder if her big sister Wanda will say anything... Wendy is just awful and people are over her. I knew she was married before since her radio days.
  9. You welcome! I saw the story about the brother over the weekend, I just assumed it was people on the net making up stories but Wendy confirmed that it was true.
  10. Wendy's brother Tommy talked about Wendy not going to their mother's funeral and how much that has hurt him and their family. We all speculated that something was off with Wendy's story about her mother's death. I also got the impression that Wendy has been distant with the family for a while. Tommy was wrong to put it put it out there. However, I think Wendy making threats against him and his wife was a new low even for her. It was obvious that the people in the audience were not supporting her but they had to clap like seals to keep their paychecks.. I think Wendy is a vile narcissist and it was on display today. It is funny how she will not address the substance of what he said so she has to go down in the gutter by going after him like that. She gave no thought on how this might affect her father who is grieving his wife and adding strife is not going to help in his healing. Wendy only cares about herself and how she is viewed by the public.
  11. Cori Bush is awesome and a firecracker. I doubt Megan will try to go after her..
  12. What is she talking about? is she playing victim again?
  13. I always felt Nicole's backstory was a replay of Billie's own backstory with her father Curtis.. Billie's had more depth and then you add in the Kate factor.. Deborah Adair's Kate realizing that Austin and Billie were her babies was a beautiful story. Early Billie written by Sherry Anderson was awesome, her bond with Austin, her struggles with addiction and her friendship with Carrie made her a sympathetic heroine, then JER had to ruin her by making her become obsessed with Bo..
  14. I liked Rosie Perez too but she was on the show when we had two Alpha females in Whoopie and Rosie jockeying for dominance. It was really Whoopie being a nasty bitch to Rosie for no reason. The vibe of the show was just off, filled with tension and it was uncomfortable to watch.. It made sense to me why she was trying not to add to it by being forceful with her opinions..
  15. Barry Goldwater was for gay rights and was pro-choice, you are correct the party did change.
  16. Joe cannot help himself from taking a shot at Democrats. Can somebody on here please verify if there were in fact left wing mobs who were attacking the country. I was not alive back then.. Thanks!
  17. Megan has a problem with women. Has she ever attacked a male conservative, she has no problem going after the female ones.
  18. As soon as I saw Comey's face, I changed the channel. I had no desire to watch this man opine on anything. Comey has never met a camera that he did not love.
  19. There is something there though. Megan did try to isolate her from the rest of the panel. I remember Sara brought up how they all went to lunch without her and it hurt her feelings. I like Sara and I think she is genuinely nice and a bitch like Megan sees her as weak and irrelevant.
  20. Exactly! what about the Democrats who have been living with death threats because her team has gin up hatred and fear against them for years. The members of congress can hire security detail, it is a part of the budget for them if the need ever arises. It sucks to have to have bodyguards but the average person like you and me don't have access to that..
  21. She looked so smug when she said that about White men. I yelled at the tv who did your husband vote for, we all know the answer to that. It is unbelievable how she is still carrying you know who's water..
  22. Megan really dislikes Sara and I have no idea why? Sara is so damn likable and nice. I think it is just pure jealousy on Megan's part... Megan's incoherence has gotten worst. The word salad was off the charts today, I had a hard time following her. What the hell was she saying. Does she even know? The horrible events of last week have shaken her only because it makes her team look bad.
  23. I thought what Sara said was interesting about the mob in D.C. last week having people of all social class being shocking to her but not in the context of history. The Citizens' councils was an organization in the deep south comprised of the upper echelon of southern white societies that often worked in tandem with the Klu Klux Klan composed mostly of the White working class in maintaining White supremacy and segregation throughout the south.
  24. Jack saw pictures of Laura but we are not supposed to remember that piece of information. I always hated that Jack slept with Laura, it was just a plot-driven mess..
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