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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. The sad thing is that soaps made these network millions for decades and they have not invested in soaps by hiring writers producers and directors who love the genre and its fans. Ron should not write for this soap and trash it's history for his own agenda. Look at what he did to Anjelica, Diana and Laura for his stupid stories..
  2. I have never understood why soaps trash beloved characters, look at how they have trashed Hope over the years. My love for Hope is more nostalgic to how awesome she was before she died.. To be fair, Hope was written by writers who knew how to write for heroines..
  3. Exactly! Whoopie has always said that Joy is her favorite co-host. They are real friends and the only time that there was any tension between them was when Joy came back to the show. I do believe that Whoopie has buyers remorse when it comes to the snowflake Megan. Whoopie seems over her and has been pushing back on her a lot..
  4. Megyn Kelly is a vile disgusting racist. Bill Maher has always been an apologist for people like Megan because he is just like her.
  5. Ava is a monster, she murdered 5 people in addition to kidnapping and attempted murder. The fact that Ava's son is being groomed to be a lead character over real legacy children like Joey and JJ explains why soaps have been losing viewers for years with no end in sight.
  6. Isabella was the most beautiful death that I have ever seen on a soap.. Sherry Anderson wrote her death and it was just amazing to see..
  7. I hated that Tess crap, it was lazy unimaginative and it destroyed Jessica in the process. Jessica was such a special character and with lots of potential when Erin played her but she came of age when soaps no longer knew how to write for a heroine without making her self-righteous hypocrite. Rather than adding layers to her personality, they invented Tess. Jessica going dark would have been the way to go without giving her an alter.. What made it even worst was that if the show wanted to give somebody an alter why not Natalie but that made too much sense in a nonsensical show. I have always thought that Natalie should have been Tony Lord's daughter and not Viki's given that we saw Jessica being born and there was no twin.. This was during the time that I was slowly disengaging from the show, disrespecting a show's history was just too much for me.
  8. I think Charlie raped other women and somebody tracked him down to Salem to get revenge. Ron loves rape so why not make him a serial rapist..
  9. The show rushed Marlena's death. It was very last minute because they were hoping that Deidre would sign a new contract with them, she held firm and said no. Deidre wanted to have children and doing two shows at the same time while trying to get pregnant was going to be too much for her. For a period of time when Marlena was being held captive by Orpheus on his island, she did agree to work for them without a contract. Deidre said that during that time she did not know what sleep was because she was always in a studio working long hours and the show did try to accommodate her but she had had enough.
  10. It is why Marlena coming back from the dead was such a ratings success, the doubt about her death was always there when she died in 1986. The recent back from the dead were lame because both Will and Jack should never have died.. We all know at some point Bo Adrienne, Laura will come back from the dead. I even think that Anjelica will come back as well.
  11. Not too long ago, Evelyne Lozada was on Instagram insinuating that she was dating Mark Anthony, he came out and cleared that with the quickness. To go from J-Lo to Evelyne a nasty disgusting colorist bully would have been a downgrade to say the least.. I hear that Jennifer is trying to ingratiate herself with Evelyne again in the new season and will have a fallen out with OG. I see you Va'shaundia, divide the dark-skinned ladies to invalidate OG's accusations of colorism. It will not work with the viewers, you showed your ass last season and it is too late to put the genie back into the bottle. Get some self-esteem Jennifer, Evelyne is trash and will never change. Her ex-husband did say she was a follower so I guess he was right.
  12. She did that with NYPD Blue after being there for one year saying that the role had run it's course. She got alot of backlash for leaving ER.. She went back to ER and then left a second time..
  13. I remember reading years ago that Elizabeth Dennehy was hired during a writer's strike and the writer at the time was unhappy with Elizabeth Dennehy's Blake and she was fired because she did not embody the role of Roger Thorpe's daughter. Sherry was who they had had in mind before the strike. I don't really remember Elizabeth's Blake butfrom the clips that I saw she seemed very wimpy unsure of herself. It seemed like the show wanted her to be neurotic like Holly... Sherry quit acting because she did not like the celebrity aspect of Hollywood and wanted to focus on the artistic aspect of it. Jerry Ver Dorn who played Ross was not surprised by her decision. He also said that she was not afraid to leave an acting role even if she had no other role to fall back on. The producers did not want her to leave Guiding Light they offered her everything but she said No, she felt that she had given her all to Blake and needed to move on. Sherry left the show at a time when so many actors were leaving; Kimberly Simms the second Mindy left and Beverly McKinsey as Alexandra..
  14. People have been saying this all over the internet... So we have another name to add to our roster..
  15. Elaine's story about being rejected for being biracial was very moving. I loved Sheryl telling her that she too felt rejected growing up. Sheryl is such a sweetheart who is always ready to help those in pain. I am so amazed how she is such a wonderful woman given the hell she went through as a child and beyond. She has said that she works very hard to not go into the dark side because she knows what that could unleash.. I have always loved Sheryl and I really want her to be happy.. You welcome! it was my pleasure.
  16. I have noticed but I have always assumed that she had an accent growing up and probably took elocution classes to mask it.
  17. I too loved her Claire and I wish we had had a better writer to delve into why Claire did the horrible things that she did. She tried to kill her cousin and that is not normal behavior. Her sociopathy could have driven stories for her parents, where did things go so horribly wrong in her upbringing. Was it her Kiriakis genes manifesting, nature versus nurture. Marlena her grandmother a psychiatrist should have been a part of her story with John by her side. Even Sami could have been a supporting player but Ron does not care about character-driven stories.
  18. Whoopie is so over Megan and I love it. Thank you Whoopie for saying that she did not expect her to vote for a Democrat but she did expect her to know the difference between right and wrong. Right and wrong should never be partisan but for Megan it is.. Nutmeg defending Desantis despite his controversies while condemning the Democratic Governors for their own is not surprising since she is a nasty hypocrite. As always she is dead wrong, Gavin Newsom and Cuomo are still popular in their own states. We had to have the daily unhinged rant about how she is a persecuted Republican conservative, poor Megan always the victim of the unjust left.
  19. Wendy is a bitch but at times she does say the truth. Fans were complaining about Beyonce hogging the spotlight back when Destiny's child was Beyonce, Kelly Letoya and Latavia. The original Destiny's child was my favorite version of the group, their harmonies was so damn awesome but I digress. Beyonce sang the majority of the songs by herself on their second album" the writing on the wall" singing background vocals and lead vocals and we the fans were annoyed by that. What was the point of the other 3 who had beautiful voices as well. The Producers of that album wanted to use the other three to lead more songs but Beyonce's dad said hell to the No, this was his daughter's group. Destiny's child was used to market Beyonce for her eventual solo career to the detriment of the others in my humble opinion. Kelly's career should have been bigger than it is right now. Brandy the singer told her to distance herself from Beyonce and her dad carving out her own lane when it came to her career, she refused. She and Brandy actually stopped speaking after she gave her that piece of advice and when she finally did fire Beyonce's dad as her manager, it was too late. Even Michelle and Beyonce fired him eventually. I don't always like what Wendy has to say, but she was right to say it was Beyonce and the girls..
  20. What about Sherry Stringfield who was wonderful as Blake Thorpe, has she been doing any of the reunion shows. I know that Liz Keifer has fans as Blake but her Blake could never compete with Sherry's who was just so damn awesome. She was truly Roger Thorpe's daughter and Sherry even looked like Michael Zaslow..
  21. This is why some people hate politics, why waste people's time with gamesmanship. Megan's fury regarding Neera Tanden had me rolling my eyes and she needs to get a grip. Plus, she looked awful today. She looked like a football player and her shoulders are huge.
  22. It was recounted onscreen if I am not mistaken when Bo and Hope met again as adults. The Brady family had moved back to Salem when they showed up in the 80's. Roman came first then the others followed.
  23. Fathers are very protective of their daughters but Doug came off so damn self-righteous and they knew the Brady family for years so his opposition to Bo seemed so contrived to give Bo and Hope an obstacle. Had Bo been some random guy that they knew nothing about then I could be a bit more understanding but the Hortons and the Bradys were super close for years. Roman as a teenager used to mow their lawn and he always brought his baby brother Bo with him and that is how Bo and Hope first met as children.
  24. I have seen interviews where you see the subtle annoyance in Kelly's eyes but she keeps on with her interview being gracious as always. She had a song where she spoke about being jealous of Beyonce's success and happy for her at the same time. Kelly really went there and it was very honest on her part.
  25. Kelly is just stunning and that hair is amazing and enviable. I am so happy for her and she is glowing. I wish people would stop asking her about Beyonce in interviews all the time. It annoys me so.. Can't Kelly not have her moment to shine without Beyonce being brought up? Kelly being in Beyonce's shadow for years has kept her from her full potential in my humble opinion.
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