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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. However, Barbara was not there most of the time. I believe that she was there once a week. It wasn't until the show started having co-hosts coming and going with lightning speed that she became a regular presence. She used to stay in the background and let the ladies do their thing, especially when it was Joy Meredith Star and Debbie..
  2. It gets old when everybody comes back for revenge.
  3. The show has a bad record of trashing recurring characters that the audience loved so it is best that he is trashed now before we become attached rather than later.
  4. I would not have wanted him to be bad. I would have made him a good guy who Marlena mentored over the years. Perhaps he became a psychiatrist like Marlena and comes to town to help her and Abe on a case. He would have been a character grounded in history without any biological ties on the show..
  5. Like you said it is easier to tear down than to build..
  6. I never saw it as being out of bounds, the show left it wide open that Aiden could have been the one who killed his wife. I agree with you that the reveal was too fast but you have to remember that it was two different writing teams that wrote for Haiden.
  7. Actually, Aiden could have been living beyond his means by relying on credit cards and borrowing money from people. Flashing his money around could have been a way to fool Hope into thinking that he was not after her money since he had his own. Hope is an heiress with lots of money who was lonely and nursing a broken heart. It could have been revealed that Aiden killed his wife for the insurance money and not Chase.. What I really hated about the story was the Stefano factor. It made no sense that Stefano cared so much about Hope to terrorize her by putting Aiden in her life.. The show relies too much on Stefano as the default villain. Aiden could have been a villain with no Dimera connections..
  8. The tea behind that is Peter wanted a storyline for Bo and Hope during negotiations for his new contract with the show and they told him that they had no story so he left the show. So the bad writing is due to the writers not being creative enough to write them a proper story.. I also remember that there were rumors Kristian was angry with Peter for leaving because she felt that it would keep Hope in limbo and she was right.. She did languish for a while even though she did spark with that one guy that was in Nick's story regarding his time in prison. So Aiden was created to keep Kristian happy..
  9. I liked Judy too but I have always had a soft spot for Cali...
  10. My unpopular opinion is that I preferred Cali Timmons as Paulina over Judy Evans. I loved her Paulina who was a mixture of vulnerability and toughness. She had lots of chemistry with Tom Eplin. Jake confronting Paulina about her trying to kill him remains my favorite Jake/Paulina scenes of all time. They were the only characters featured in that episode. I don't think a lot of fans of the show gave Cali credit for what she brought to the role.. I always thought that she got a raw deal when she got dumped for Judy..
  11. Why even talk about Kim Kardashian as a hot topic in the first place? It amazes me that her 15 minute of fame is still up and running..
  12. I always thought it was just lazy writing on the writers part when it came to Bo "leaving" his family. I do agree with you about Aiden being evil, it was heavy-handed and insulting that Bo figured out that he was up to no good. I would have preferred that it was a slow reveal and that Hope figured it out on her own and it should have had nothing to do with Bo's return. We have to remember that it was Dena who wrote that drivel and she also used Bo's return to push the Hope/Rafe pairing even before he bit the dust. Bo actually "gave" Hope to Rafe and that was insulting af.. The only good thing about Dena/Josh writing at that time was the Aiden/Clyde dynamic. It should have been explored more. Clyde was an awesome villain but the show ruined that as well. I also liked the Clyde/Marlena dynamic, he was trying so hard to hide his sociopathy and narcissism because he believed that he was the smartest person in the room but Doctor Marlena Evans saw right through his BS..
  13. Look at Sherry, she looks so much younger with her weight loss..
  14. I was indifferent to Aiden and Hope since I think that Aiden would have been better with Kayla. I always felt it was stupid for Hope to just accept that Bo no longer wanted to be with her. It would have been in character for her to go out and look for Bo and during her adventure she meets a mysterious handsome charming man who may not be on the up and up and sparks fly.. Is this man connected to Bo's mysterious disappearance or not..
  15. I think it boils down to money and nothing more. They don't give a damn about Wendy's well-being, I should feel bad about it but I just don't. You guys can judge me but it is what it is..
  16. Ben the superhero of Salem is why I watch the show less and less. I just like to read the board's hilarious and insightful commentary..
  17. I hate to agree with you but I feel the same way. Hope was tarnished after she came back from the dead. So many writers did a hit job on her because a certain writer had a Billie Reed agenda. However, Hope from the 80's all the way to her "death" in 1991 was an awesome badass. She was spoiled brave, loving stubborn loyal resourceful and funny at times. Hope going to the police academy in heels in a fur and full makeup was comedy gold. There was also that time that she was under a bed making faces at Megan who was trying to seduce Bo. I really miss that Hope, I saw glimmers of her here and there throughout the years but not enough to erase my displeasure regarding the writing that she got.. My love for Hope is more sentimental on how she used to be as a character and with Bo, the love of her life..
  18. Why is Sherry guest co-hosting for the whole week, it would have made sense for her to come on a Friday. Sherry has had too many cringe moments on the show to ever be memorable..
  19. Gabi's over the top hate for Ava makes no sense. Had it been any of the Bradys or the Hortons who were treating Ava like that then by all means. Everything with Gabi and Ava is forced and boring.
  20. Sharon is just vile wow! I am so glad that she is gone. She is such a liar, I have no doubt that Sharon had a working relationship with him, the bitch was practically Julie's boss and Julie was married to that pervert.. Thank you for sharing that transcript with me..
  21. When did Mrs O say that Les had bad breath? Even if it was true out of respect for her friend Julie who bent over backwards to make her happy even when she did not have to, she should have kept that information to herself. Sharon has no loyalty to anybody but herself. I am glad that she is gone. Katie Couric sounds like a self-important nasty woman, wow! I am truly stunned!
  22. JER would drag his stories at times and I hated his red herrings. I remember a day that lasted for months.. It was weird seeing the actors with the same outfit for months on end. I will say that JER knew how to give you a payoff. Carrie slapping the hell out of Sami at her aborted wedding to Austin and Susan's teeth flying out of her mouth when she was going to marry John as "Kristen" were iconic...lol JER absolutely adored the Brady family, he once said that there is no such thing as having too many Bradys on the show. He hinted that he wanted to bring back more legacy Bradys on the show. Andrew Donovan was rumored to be on his way to the show but those plans were scrapped. I also remember reading that he wanted Eric to be gay but the network did not want Marlena's only son to be gay..
  23. Mary Beth Evans is also aging beautifully if she has had any work done then it is very subtle. Plus, her husband is a successful plastic surgeon and he probably tells her what to avoid to not look like a mannequin..
  24. Barbara seems like the type of woman that likes to compete with other women to make herself feel good, those are the worst..
  25. This show is all about Upton and next week will be even worst since it will be about her again..
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