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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. He is not even all that to be honest.. I don't hate him either but this is not how I envisioned him to be .. He should be more subtle and laidback with a deadly side to him. He is Anjelica's son after all and she was a force to be reckoned with when Jane Elliot played her. Alex Gawking at Chanel and Allie was just stupid for a man his age. I expect hormonal teenage boys to act that way but not a business man in his thirties.
  2. Due to Anne Heche's passing, I have been binge watching another world and the Vicky/Ryan relationship with Anne in the role. I am loving her and Ryan together but I also enjoy the brotherhood between Dack Rambo's Grant and Ryan. Ryan has complex feelings for Grant due to their father's favoritism of him and it mirrors Vicky's own relationship with Marley and Donna. It is a shame that Dack Rambo had to leave the show because of his health problem. I never liked Mark Pinter's Grant, he was always a vile nasty disgusting creep. Vicky lost her mind jumping into bed with him.. I can't picture Anne's Vicky doing that since she only had eyes for Ryan.. I can't see Dack's Grant killing Ryan either.
  3. Ron is writing it so it is to be expected...
  4. Anne Heche had a hard time connecting to the Marley character and she asked the writers to rest her for a bit in order for her to develop Marley they acquiesced and wrote her out. Once she got a handle on Marley, the writers brought her back got rid of the stupid wigs she not only nailed Marley but made the character her own surpassing Wheeler who originated the role. Jensen's Marley was the absolute worst Marley. Jensen's Vicky eventually became a weird amalgamation of Vicky and Marley. Vicky's character took a hit with the absence of Marley over the years. Then they eventually brought Wheeler's Marley back as a psycho obsessed with her rapist..
  5. Paulina is being realistic in my opinion, she knows what Chanel will have to face as a Black woman being pan: racism, homophobia and sexism.. She is scared for her daughter as she should be because Black women get no grace..
  6. Look at what Ron did to Orpheus.. Frank was just amazing in such an unconventional story..
  7. The Brent/Marian storyline was a disturbing but fascinating story to watch simply because of the actor. The actor later had a mental breakdown in real life because it was so hard for him to shake the character off after filming these heavy scenes for months on end.
  8. It is sad to see how Wendy has fallen and I wish her well.. I hear that she is on the outs with her son and that is unfortunate.. Where did it all go wrong? Her issues are deeper than Kevin sr and his infidelities. He cheated on Wendy when she was pregnant bed-ridden due to her high-risk pregnancy and she took him back. There is more to this story in my opinion and it makes me sad.
  9. Her obsession with Joy is strange to say the least..
  10. I don't mind recasts as long as the character's essence remains the same even if they look different. The show's best recasts were Drake replacing Wayne as Roman and Lauren replacing Deborah Adair as Kate..
  11. I never minded Kyle's Philip but I know that the fans hated him. He looked so much like John Aniston. Kyle was actually Philip#3. JKJ was the second Philip, he was actually a recast that eclipsed the original adult Philip who was just as good as him..
  12. Brandon was never a strong actor but he was pretty decent back in the day especially when Belle cheated on him with Philip. I felt bad for Shawn.
  13. Sheila Carter has to be one of the best soap villainess of all time created by the late great Bill Bell sr.
  14. You guys have to keep in mind that Wendy lost 2 baby girls before having Kevin jr. So it must have been a kick in the gut to know that Sharina gave Kevin the daughter that she never could.
  15. Okay, I never realized that was P Baxter was grams' mom. I always wanted Phoebe to meet a powerful warren witch who only had premonitions like her to boost her confidence. Season 3 would have been the best time especially if Piper had gotten her second power before Phoebe at the beginning of season 3 and not at the end.
  16. Joy was really enjoying herself today and she was really fired up annoying Whoopie with her constant interruptions lol. Only Joy could get away with doing that, if Sunny had done that Whoopie would have been fit to be tied.
  17. I just saw a few clips of her on DBL, it is truly like night and day. That Lindsey is empathetic funny and just a whole lot of fun.
  18. Alyssa does not bother me too much. I would have preferred Tara because I have seen her on other mediums and she is fabulous. I absolutely adore Ana and I wished that she was a permanent co-host.
  19. I never pictured Penny to be the shrinking violet that Brad Kern wrote and it was the antithesis of who she was. Brad Kern just ruined the show in so many ways but I digress. The episode taken place around WW2 would have been amazing if Constance was still on the show and perhaps we could have seen Penny's mother who I always envisioned had the same premonition power as Phoebe. I remember Grams telling Paige that she was just as beautiful as her..
  20. I don't think that the show was ever interested in Justin and Adrienne other Dena who was a huge fan of theirs and was part of the writing team in their original story. Dena was the one who brought Sonny to the show as an adult. She had plans on bringing back Alex and then the twins to explore the Kiriakis family dynamics but she got fired and Ron took over.. I remember Dena brought Justin Adrienne and all of their kids back before Sonny was cast but we never saw them onscreen. We had Victor telling us that they were back and then they moved back to Texas. An affair between Bonnie and Alex would be gross but Ron would do it because he would think that it is innovative and edgy..
  21. Why can't women have something all to themselves? why do men have to insert themselves in women's business? smh.
  22. Adrienne did raise him with her other sons. Anjelica sent Alex to go be with Adrienne and Justin. Anjelica and Alex were presumed dead after a plane crash so she could have gotten away with keeping him for herself with her vast wealth and connections but she realized that life on the run was not right for a child. Children need love and stability to thrive and Anjelica knew that Justin and Adrienne could give him that something that she could not as a criminal.
  23. I don't believe that at all because Sherry wrote wonderfully for RoJohn/Isabella and John/Isabella. JER was the one that turned Kristen evil for Jarlena. Sherry never wanted to write the tale of the two Romans and she was forced to write it. I can't blame her since Roman/Marlena was her signature couple alongside Bo and Hope. She wrote Isabella's beautiful death and I have no doubt that Isabella's dignity would have been intact after all was said and done, had she not died. Sherry confirmed this on a chat years ago and she said that the affair was going to happen no matter what and Isabella's death precipitated things for them. She was the one that wrote the pit story that reawakened Jarlena's dormant feelings for each other. The fallout of the affair was written by JER who marginalized Roman for Jarlena. JER had not interest in writing for Roman and told Wayne this so he quit. Wayne also said that both John and Roman being on the show together made Roman obsolete. Plus, the writing was on the wall that Jarlena was the future and Roman/Marlena was the past..
  24. How is Lindsey like on her show? I am curious to know, she never really bothered me. I always got the vibe that the producers were telling her to be antagonistic to make "sparks" as Sweaty Bill Geddie used to say when he ran the show.
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