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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. You are correct it was the client. Didn't Eve have another pimp before Nick?
  2. Why is Ron using Bo and Hope's history for Cin? Can't he come up with his stories for his stupid couple? It is just so annoying..
  3. Eve was the Sami of the 80's. She was also very jealous of Kim being pregnant with her first daughter. Eve going into prostitution caused Kim to lose her first daughter because Kim being heavily pregnant tried to save Eve from herself and she ended up getting hit by Eve's pimp resulting in her baby being stillborn. Kim and Shane were never really the same after her death.
  4. Sherri and Ron did not see eye to eye when it comes to the show so she left. She favors character-driven stories while Ron prefers plot-driven ones. She clashed with JER in the 90's for the same reason and left as well. Hence we got the possession storyline in the 90's..
  5. This story is just so damn awful in every way. Belle is just garbage and I want to see how Marlena will justify this because we all know that she will side with Belle over Sami. In that regard I feel bad for Sami. Ron has been working overtime to make Belle and Sami enemies when they loved each other before his poison pen came to the show. It is like he is recreating the Carrie/Sami dynamic with Belle/Sami and it does not ring true for me.. Belle is once again a cheater and Shawn-Douglas is weak...
  6. I remember that rumor about Eve being Emma's. It would have made sense given everything that Kim went through because of Emma and Eve. Emma was a great villainess written by the fabulous Sherry Anderson. She was diabolical cruel vicious vile and owned it. She hated Kim with a passion and took pleasure in torturing her literally and figuratively. She had a blind Kim crawl through broken glass injuring herself to retrieve a broach that Shane gave her..
  7. You are correct. Belle is her favorite because she is John's.. Arianna is actually a descendent of Roman and Marlena and not Jarlena. Marlena shares more children and grandchildren with Roman than with John.
  8. I had forgotten about that. Eve never made sense to me in her original story in relation to Shane. Shane would have had to be 12 when he impregnated her mother. Eve should have been a girl that the Brady family fostered like they did with Max and Frankie.
  9. After everything that we have had to endure with Saint Olivia, I will take Stabler over her everyday of the week and twice on Sundays. I just can't with her..
  10. Same here. I don't trust this writer to do justice to Kim and Shane's son. Shane did take custody of Andrew and Jeannie aka Theresa after Kim had her mental breakdown and they lived across the pond for years with their father in the lap of luxury. Then the show decided to make Kim and Shane bad parents to justify Theresa's awful characterization. Eve never grew up with Shane so she never would have had a British accent.
  11. Long live the Queen would have had more gravitas if Shannen and Constance were involved in the story in my opinion. Evil Phoebe should have lasted longer than one episode and the show chickened out by saying that Phoebe was under the influence of her evil baby and not that she chose evil to follow Cole of her own free will. Phoebe's dark side was established in season 1 and evil Phoebe should have been in season 5 and not season 4. It was rushed and unsatisfying because there was no fallout from Phoebe once again betraying her sisters for Cole.. Piper just accepted her back like nothing happened and Paige did not have the history with Phoebe that Prue did who would have called Phoebe out. Prue and Piper being more powerful than Phoebe could have found a way to neutralize Evil Phoebe while trying desperately to save her soul.. It would have been a great dilemma for them. Prue wanting to vanquish her while Piper trying to save her could have even caused a rift between them. Brad Kern had Piper willing to vanquish Phoebe her baby sister never rang true for me. Piper was always so permissive when it came to Phoebe whereas Prue never coddled her..
  12. I would love for Sami to laugh and say that she knew all along and she just did not care because she is the last person to judge anyone on scheming and lying to get what she wants..
  13. When Peter and Kristian left the show in 1987, they could not wait to get away from each other. However, They started to work through their issues when they came back in 1991 for the cruise of deception storyline that culminated in Hope's death. Kristian was 7 months pregnant with her second son and she said that Peter was very protective and caring, especially when they had intense love scenes. When the fake Bo turned out to be a sexual deviant jerk, it was Kristian that went to Ken Corday with her complaints and Lisa Rinna's who played Billie to get him to woo Peter back to the role. I do think that Kristian and Peter have come to an understanding with each other over the years but I would not classify them as close friends. They clashed once again in 2012 and it was a big deal behind the scenes. They eventually got over it and are now in a better place.
  14. I am so done with Jack and I would be okay with him dying. Ron has done a number on him and it is painful to see him be so devoted to Gwen who is just a vile worthless human being. I think we Jack fans are doomed to ever getting the type of writing that we would love to have when it comes him.
  15. He also hated kissing her because she was a smoker. She also did not like his domineering ways and they have both said that they spent 16 hours a day with each other 5 days a week even on some weekends because they had frontburner storylines due to their popularity. So they would clash like a real life couple but it never translated onscreen.
  16. I loved Bo and Hope sailing away together on their boat with their baby boy. I think that they were the only supercouple who got a happy ending in their original love story. Contrast Bo and Hope's ending with Cin's ending and it shows you how soaps have fallen with mediocre writers like Ron at the helm.
  17. I don't think that Adrienne adopted Alex. Anjelica was a part of his life based on conversations between Justin and Adrienne. The show never explored Alex and his dynamic with his two mothers because Dena who wanted to write it was fired and Ron had no interest in that by killing off Adrienne and Anjelica.
  18. Now that I think about it Alex/Stefanie would not be so bad. Given that Adrienne was Alex's stepmother and never formally adopted him. Whereas Max Stefanie's uncle was formally adopted by her grandparents..
  19. Ron is also unimaginative and stale. He writes the same story over and over again. I am so tired of the Sami show and her stupid antics. It was fine when she was a teenager but she is a mother of 4 and a grandmother of 2. Can't Sami grow a bit just once?
  20. Ron is writing this shit show so nothing will make sense.. Those of us who have watched him on other shows know his deal..
  21. LA better be careful. Ron is vindictive with his writing and very sensitive about actors criticizing his work. He might bring Eli back with a different face. JER was just like that he used his writing to go after Matthew(Jack) Victor(John Aniston) and Thaao(Tony/Andre) for complaining about his writing and stories. Even when he came back to the show after his original run he found ways to marginalize Jack, Victor and Tony/Andre..
  22. Marcus was Steve's foster brother and they grew up together in the same orphanage. I remember the show had a story where they delved into Marcus past and we found out that his parents were murdered by members of a white supremacist group in South Carolina.. It was a very dark story.
  23. You should read his interview about his exodus from the show it is very telling and you were right on the money..lol He did not seem to enjoy anything about the show other than working with Sal. He really bonded with her on set so that was cool. Eli was much more interesting than Lani and had more potential but Lani who was an absolute snoozefest got all of the stories. I would be in my feelings as well if I was LA.
  24. Megan has realized that she has nobody in her corner and it is eating her alive. After the way that Steve Schmidt roasted her a few months ago it would behoove her to go away and be quiet.
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