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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Why can't women have something all to themselves? why do men have to insert themselves in women's business? smh.
  2. Adrienne did raise him with her other sons. Anjelica sent Alex to go be with Adrienne and Justin. Anjelica and Alex were presumed dead after a plane crash so she could have gotten away with keeping him for herself with her vast wealth and connections but she realized that life on the run was not right for a child. Children need love and stability to thrive and Anjelica knew that Justin and Adrienne could give him that something that she could not as a criminal.
  3. I don't believe that at all because Sherry wrote wonderfully for RoJohn/Isabella and John/Isabella. JER was the one that turned Kristen evil for Jarlena. Sherry never wanted to write the tale of the two Romans and she was forced to write it. I can't blame her since Roman/Marlena was her signature couple alongside Bo and Hope. She wrote Isabella's beautiful death and I have no doubt that Isabella's dignity would have been intact after all was said and done, had she not died. Sherry confirmed this on a chat years ago and she said that the affair was going to happen no matter what and Isabella's death precipitated things for them. She was the one that wrote the pit story that reawakened Jarlena's dormant feelings for each other. The fallout of the affair was written by JER who marginalized Roman for Jarlena. JER had not interest in writing for Roman and told Wayne this so he quit. Wayne also said that both John and Roman being on the show together made Roman obsolete. Plus, the writing was on the wall that Jarlena was the future and Roman/Marlena was the past..
  4. How is Lindsey like on her show? I am curious to know, she never really bothered me. I always got the vibe that the producers were telling her to be antagonistic to make "sparks" as Sweaty Bill Geddie used to say when he ran the show.
  5. I don't think that Ron knew how to write for him. I think Hogan Sheffer's Philip was the best version played by JKJ. Philip was written how the son of Victor and Kate would be. He was dynamic devious strong intelligent deadly with a soft side that he showed when he was with Belle. He was so gentle and loving with her. Their sex scenes and their afterglow was amazing.. Claire should have been Philip's daughter. MM's Belle came alive with JKJ's Philip. Shelle was never the same after both roles were recast and the show should have moved on. Belle with Philip and Sean with Mimi. Sean even sparkled with Chloe. The possibilities were endless for Belle and Sean away from each other..
  6. That clip of them in white in the trailer I assume is T'Challa's home-going ceremony to go be with the other Black Panthers and the Panther Goddess Bast. I teared upon seeing Chadwick's face, it brought it back that he is no longer with us and he had so much to give to us as T'Challa in this sequel and other films in the future. It cannot be said enough but fuck cancer! I hope that the next Black Panther is somebody totally unexpected and that it makes sense. I am trusting that Ryan Coogler will deliver and more. The trailer was lit!
  7. I hope the actress is good and I might cry because I really loved Marcus but the writers did not know how to write for him..
  8. I am being cautiously optimistic because I want to like her because I liked her dad but this is Ron. He does not know how to write for women.. Her first scenes should have been with Steve and Kayla. The show could have shown some flashbacks featuring Marcus and his ties to Steve and Kayla to remind viewers who may not know her dad but that would be too character-driven for Ron..
  9. So Alexander is going to have scenes with his mother's double and not Adrienne or Anjelica. So many stories involving Jack/Jennifer, Anjelica, Justin/Adrienne could have been about Alexander and how he relates to them. Ron is a hack of the worst kind.
  10. True but those talented young actors obviously do not have the connections to get in for an audition. RSW has a champion in Ron who is the headwriter and Deidre Hall who allegedly went to bat for him to get his job back as Ben after the serial killer story had ended..
  11. Ron killed off Anjelica and Adrienne so what is the point of bringing Alex back without his two mothers fighting over him. Alex should be much older than RSW..
  12. Don't forget Jack.. Marcus and Jack bonding in the wake of Steve's death was pretty awesome as well. Jada comforting Jack about Abigail could have been a nod to history since Marcus was always there for Steve and Jack..
  13. Joy is looking fabulous and it is amazing that she is turning 80 this year, if I am not mistaken.. Like Martin used to say on his eponymous show back in the day, you go girl!
  14. Sunny brought this up but Whoopie had to cut the conversation to go to a commercial break and they never continued the conversation after they came back. I know Lindsey is not liked on this board but she was fine today. She wasn't trying to be combative and contrarian simply because she is in the fifth chair.
  15. I think no matter what religion you choose to follow, you should pick what works for you. If Sunny was a catholic extremist, she would not have the two kids that she has right now via IVF because the Catholic church is against IVF because they believe that children should be conceive by their parents only in the privacy of their bedrooms.. Evidently Sunny like any rational human being who follows a religion adheres to the teachings that suits her life.. I personally see nothing wrong with how she follows her faith.
  16. It's my opinion and I have the right to express it. All I said was that I don't understand why Theresa has to interact with Kristen's child when her baby daddy Brady could do that..
  17. I think it is Black and White for Sunny. I can actually envision a scenario where her daughter would have the procedure and never tell her, knowing how Sunny feels about it.
  18. So Khloe is going to have another baby with the community peen Tristan, wow! She has no self-respect and is pathetic.
  19. Stefano and Victor were never written as romantic leads because they never respected women. They wanted to possess and control them. However, Victor and Kate were each other's true loves in my opinion. Victor never tried to manipulate bully or coerce Kate into being with him. He showed growth by letting Kate make her choice to be with him. Victor was enchanted with the beautiful and mysterious Kate since the moment he first saw her at Titan. Kate craved the security and the power that Victor could give her and Lucas. Victor adored Lucas and was there for him as a father. Kate and Victor could have been an awesome grey power couple but JER derailed their story because he had beef with John Aniston and did everything with his poison pen to marginalize Victor via Kate. Too much has happened between Kate and Victor over the years for them to ever be a viable couple.. I still remember with fondness how well Sherry wrote them. Victor/Kate was the last couple she created on the show before she left in the 90's.
  20. Do you guys remember how Nutmeg attacked him? It was a new low even for her. I loved Warnock's bemused expression throughout it all and Whoopie was fit to be tied...lol
  21. I am from the Caribbean and it is part of the culture. Manny is Haitian and Al is Cuban and women are thought to cook for their husbands and how to keep the home. I see nothing wrong with that if the women want to do that in their marriages. I am all about women choosing what is best for them even if I don't agree. On the flip side, the men are expected to be providers and protectors. Why can't Sunny believe what she believes? She has every right to be against Abortion and she is not forcing her opinions on others. Live and let live.. There are people who feel like Sunny but choose to remain silent. Sunny is at least being consistent in her stance and has said many times that she does not wish to impose her religious beliefs on anybody.
  22. Theresa and Kristen do not get along so Theresa should not be anywhere near her daughter even if that is her son's sister. Brady the community peen could spend time with his children without involving Theresa.
  23. I always figured his inappropriate smiles in some scenes was just a nervous tick.
  24. Why would Theresa agree to take care of Kristen's daughter? It makes no sense..
  25. I don't think that Kate has ever been Marlena's best friend. Marlena has had closer deeper friendships with other people on the show throughout the years..
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