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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I think the other article pinned up next to the frog was of all them at the restaurant. Bob did some good parenting on the boat with Gene about maybe not always quitting because it can get too easy. I thought they leaned into the bratty Gene a little too much.
  2. My network has mattress ads on Sunday nights all the time for Denver Mattress.
  3. The show is available on the next day on HBO Max. I watch there.
  4. There was another article to the left of the frog with all of them in the picture.
  5. I said that I thought the ALF impression was spot on.
  6. The glasses in the sketches seem to indicate Ian. I don't know at this point if we can say with any certainty whether Ben knew he was interacting with leaped-Ian or not. It would be curious as to why Ian leaped into that particular person to communicate with Ben. It would make sense to leap into someone outside the circle of the QL staff. Or, Ian may not have had control over the leap, only the time maybe.
  7. No, he got rich from fiber optics cables.
  8. Who knew the Chicken was rich?! The Nextdoor bit was spot on.
  9. I like when anything 'big' happens, everyone likes the burgers. I think it fell off a little in the middle when Quincy was just flipping out and not actually talking anymore.
  10. I'm with Beef. I have my first adult mattress. It's still in top shape though.
  11. Canceled at exactly the right time. Nice burn. I'm all for Flanders darker episodes. This was a little naive even for him. Nice shot of the pork store from the Sopranos. The dart board in Fat Tony's office was of Wiggum.
  12. "and then they made out" was always a big punchline in recaps.
  13. The reading of 'privahcee' was worth it for the episode. I don't follow all this royal nonsense, but I clearly got the larger point. This one actually ended kind of well for a change.
  14. I liked Sarah's response to the whole kitty litter issue. That's how you stick the landing on the punch line. I take the point about social media being a cesspool; the interview was really good. But it's not an either/or. I use twitter for work, like many of the people in my field. With the occasional glib remark about work. That's it. It's worked as a good networking tool for me because people will come up to me at conferences because they 'know me from twitter'. You don't have to engage with the other nonsense. I take the point of wanting to push back to make the platform actually useful, but the algorithm can't do anything if there's no input either.
  15. I don't find rich people nickle and diming to be that OOC.
  16. I can't imagine anyone watched Hachi. I lived there and couldn't go near the statue.
  17. Those dynasties collectively covered almost 5 decades though. There's not supposed to be a lot of teams that are dynastic by definition. Each of those teams were at least in the conference championship for most of a decade. There was about a 7 or 8 year stretch where the NFC championship was the 49ers v Cowboys, which was the defacto Superbowl.
  18. To be fair, these guests are comedians stepping in for only 4 days of shows. I'm enjoying everyone so far, but I don't quite get the feeling anyone is really auditioning for permanent host. Everyone has seemed to be having fun and were funny. I'm not expecting too much in the interviews. I thought Sarah was fine with Kareem. She was kind of fangirling, but she said so right off the bat. I'm surprised Sarah got the 'to wit' joke by the censors. I loved her take on 'woke'. If some crunchy white girl is busting out a guitar during a delay, they're going to have to delay me from strangling her.
  19. Arsenal looked good in the first half, but City seemed to take the midfield in the second half. All the goals were really sharp.
  20. I'd argue that the NFL needs dynasties, and really has had them in some form since my earliest memories. I'd say pro sports in general need them, but moreso the NFL.
  21. That was kind of what I was getting at. Just because you're a celebrity doesn't make your genealogy any more interesting than anyone else. However, I live in the real world, so I understand why you're making a tv with famous people. I'd concede that if I took another look, I'm there's at least one celebrity I might be interested in hearing about. On the other hand, they should work on their ads because they're just not compelling.
  22. Last season was the duet. I'd say the guy was more the lead because the lady came in later as part of the response. I don't know if it's the strongest entry, but I liked the scenes of the flags going by. I mean, I just won't watch the show if it doesn't hold some interest for me, but to be fair, last season was kind of slow until the last episode. I'm hoping these scenes harken more pace.
  23. I don't think history is boring, but I'm just not too drawn in by the history of celebrities. I'd rather hear about you all tbh.
  24. Sarah is a slight edge over Chelsea for me, but both have been my favorites so far. I think Chelsea limited herself with the two panels of just her friends riffing. It was funny, but I would have liked more segments with the group. Shallow - Sarah looked great in green. She looked like she was having a blast.
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