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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. i'm assuming he's going to pop up again, but his brain is going to be mush.
  2. I have no doubt there will be a payoff. I'm just remarking if I might have grown to become more invested in the characters over repeat viewings than one big plot drop. Pershing went down and got drawn in really easy. I'm finding it hard to muster sympathy. For being a huge chunk of the episode, we didn't spend much time with these people. The baby standing next to Mando prostrate after Bo yanked him out of the pool was more memorable.
  3. I'm not sure. 5 to 7 minutes here and there might pique my interest more because I'd be thinking how the Coruscant scenes maybe fit into bombing Bo-'s moping crib. Here, I kept looking at the time to see how long this plot was going to be and I missed some details. As is, it was jarring. Mando worked on the Boba Fett show because both of these shows capture the essential Western, outer rim theme. And again, I take the point - The New Republic is not being smart and is going to cause the rise of the First Order. I think we knew that though. Also, we know it happens. Ok, I get you want to inject some of that in, but Star Wars also can suffer from having to explain everything a little too much. I'm always about the Force primarily though. Snippy Bo griping about 'wave you fancy saber around to make people do what you want' is interesting to me because it's almost the same. You can't take off your helmet? Jedi can't get married? Really? Mando being on Boba Fett still advances that narrative, but, here, not so much.
  4. John led off the segment by admitting that knowing this is a scam isn't a huge revelation and then showed numerous examples in pop culture to that end going back as far as Married With Children. I certainly don't want people being taking advantage of. However, I think there's some burden on the buyer here, since it is so well known.
  5. That seems like a lot to have to keep track of. I'm not knocking them for being creative, but it is a big ask.
  6. I've said the same. They have limitless resources now, so it's hard to feel there are stakes.
  7. I think the YES is about as far as they're going to go.
  8. It's always fun to see cool birds. We used to have a feeder, and I got to see cardinals. I saw a bald eagle too on a hike. The dares were fun. I'm surprised they don't do it more often. They kept getting Teddy with the napkin. There seemed to be more people in the restaurant than usual. The emotional park ranger totally stole his scenes. Oh, the Counting Crows pun at the end. I didn't know what they were doing at first.
  9. The flashback didn't look like season 1 animation.
  10. Mr. Fischoeder dressed up as Linda for one of the April Fools. The old art people who hate Bob always like to rile up. The glitter account was canceled. I felt bad for Bob. He gets roped into doing things he doesn't want. Bob finally got one.
  11. They're Terminators. They could pretend to terminate him.
  12. I liked that because moon knows too much outdoors that Beef took him to Anchorage. I'd suggest that you do need a cell phone to survive in the big city. Wandering around a city late at night with no phone isn't smart. And leaving the bags after you've been warned. You don't really see Ham and Judy plotting together. The funny part is, I doubt anyone would have issues with them throwing a party. Of course, beer or hard milk wouldn't be allowed. Was the Abominable Snowman, or whatever they call it, walking in the background of the outhouse?
  13. Did you skip Great North? Bob's airs for me at the top of the hour.
  14. I don't remember Jacques, but the show's been on forever. I liked the Queen's Gambit gag. I liked the end with the single alley and three month waiting list.
  15. With all the streaming services and cable, I watch a lot of movies over the fall and winter because we can't go outside. There's actually not a lot of 'bad' ones. For me, that means the plot just isn't logically driven. It doesn't matter what universe you're setting the movie in, as long as it makes sense within that context. I mean, I suppose you could say the plot is 'dumb' or it's not a subject that interesting. Or it's one note. There's a lot of them. I don't know if they're 'bad'. Even if the acting is 'bad' I can sit through it. Everything is made in the time it's made in. I still like them from a technical standpoint. How a scene would be written ror shot. Also casual nudity. I'll watch anything with naked people. Doesn't really have to be a reason. Last month, I picked horror movies for my Sunday afternoon selections.
  16. This is kind of a deep cut, but Pershing's get up with the glasses reminds me of Michael O'Donoghue. I thought he was going to start screaming about needles. Good to see that with all the technology, there's still traffic. I don't mind side stories, but keep them to a minimum. I take the point of showing what the government is like and the post-Empire world. I mean, the First Order came about for a reason. I also take the point that people working for the Empire may just have been doing it for the healthcare that also included vision. I'm reading too much into this, but when you do think about a little, it's impossible to have either a Republic or Empire government sprawling the galaxy. It can't ever truly be egalitarian. The bureaucracy alone stifles any progress. It's the same as Jedi v Sith for the last million years. It's also dumb to just junk any Empire technology because it's Empire. I mean, technically, isn't it actually pre-Empire Republic technology? The original frigates were from the Clone Wars. It's similarly shortsighted to take talented people and give them clerical jobs. If I'm running this amnesty program, I'm looking for engineers, doctors, mechanics. Putting them to use. I suppose there needs to be some process to vet them and make sure they're not still Empire sympathizers. But you can work under supervision. I think that was probably twice as long as it needed to be to make the point they wanted. I'm all about the outer rim though. When they get away from the fundamental "Western" theme, they lose me. I don't know if this needed to be in this particular show. Next week - Coruscant DMV. Oh, I finally realized which 'Grand Admiral' you all were talking about. I'm going to totally lose it. How does atmosphere work in Star Wars? People get winded only at 9000 feet elevation. I thought it was because they were in a denser atmosphere that is was water vapor.
  17. That would be funny too. I think they just wanted the sight gag.
  18. Evie did say it had been a while since she did mushrooms last and didn't know how much you got anymore. The chef is really stealing her scenes with her commitment to the food.
  19. Going back to the episode for the surprise birthday party, Ron talked about getting fired for stealing alcohol. Henry pointed out that it happens all the time. Later on, they open on him at the bar, and there's a quick shot of Henry sneaking a shot. He sort of turns away from the camera. Going on to E4 - wow, they had quite the easy listening soundtrack playing at the luau. I really like that Roman's 'opus' has been a continuing plot point. I have to criticize the Sting joke a little. The better joke would have been "the guy from Only Murders? Wasn't he in only one scene?" This could have been 40 minutes and still a solid episode. They could have extended some scenes in the sponsor tent since Ron was already in on it. Quality use of ersatz in the subsequent post. It's still a callback for a possible series. Most working actors aren't employed continually. They go from job to job. Maybe you get a series here and there. I hope they follow up with Henry and the school play.
  20. Clone Wars was great about Storm Troopers missing all the time. In the finale, or near finale, Rex had his helmet on, and ripped it off, "I can see anything in this!"
  21. I saw this on the FB page and asked the same thing. I was under the impression they were on the side of 'good woke', for lack of a better term. Are you saying then, in terms of the earlier segment, that they were 'virus woke'?
  22. I can see why you'd think he's shouty. I actually don't; I think he's talking vociferously. Which can be splitting hairs. I talk like that because I'm talking to groups a lot or in meetings; maybe that's why Kal is loud. In meetings, I have to constantly edit myself by saying I'm not yelling because everyone wilts when I'm asked to comment on something. It could be that. I did like Kal 'making a note' that golf jokes are over the line. Is it that hard to come up with a basic definition of woke though?
  23. I would think you could do a factory reset on the droid if it's acting up. It's probably less work. Didn't they have to do that to 3PO in Rise of Skywalker?
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