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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Credit to TPTBs for at least acknowledging Gene can be a brat, even if Gene doesn't know it himself almost all of the time. Gene just isn't going to have friends in high school. I did like the drum noise in the background of all scenes.
  2. I think that was the point of the misdirect when they scanned the derelict and said it was Beskar. We were supposed to think it was Axe and them. Here, in this episode, in the fire fight, they made a point to say, 'they're wearing Beskar'. So I think we were supposed to connect the dot there. I don't want it to be Axe that spung Gideon because I think Bo would just crumple and give up. It's supposed to be a big deal that these two groups are united. I don't really want that to blow up after like a day. I think Axe may have blasted up to the surface to send a distress signal to the fleet. I could see the suits having some broad band radio capabilities.
  3. It would be dramatically fitting if Grogu offs Gideon. Offs the Moff! Grogu was flinging the guard around last season, so he can at least do that. I don't know if he'll force choke because that's been traditionally a bad force thing. We've never seen Ahsoka do it. I think there's going to be a huge burst from him though.
  4. So my point then, Ahsoka didn't have training to purify the crystals. She was able to do it. I don't think Grogu's powers then are just going to fade.
  5. I watched reruns of Three's Company back when there were cable channels with late night reruns. The show does not hold up. But I got swinging doors to my kitchen! You have to have those.
  6. "This isn't working for me" might be the funniest line in the franchise. I was never really A Paz fan, but he did not go out like a punk. I would have liked to see a little more than just telling me, but Gideon seems a lot more formidable now. All this Shadow Council, do those of us who know Thrawn actually think he's coming back to just join everyone to restore the Empire? It strikes me as too beneath him. Too simple. Coming back to rule the galaxy? Sure. None of the council are going to be part of that though. He's using them if anything. Which leads to whether Thrawn actually does at some point in the ensuing decade because of he was in control of the First Order, then they wouldn't be so inept. If next week is the finale, Grogu needs to go. off.
  7. I'm actually only looking forward to Ahoksa because of that. Thrawn was the only real protagonist in this entire franchise. I certainly hope so. I've said several times that just because if you don't have training, it doesn't make sense that your powers never manifest. Now, this may only apply to the higher powerful, but Grogu would be included. Ahsoka has been out of formalized training longer than in, and she's probably the most powerful around. Where did she learn to purify the sabre crystals from? Maybe he wouldn't learn how to make a sabre himself, but where did Luke learn it? Having Grogu be singularly powerful, and nothing coming from it seems just not how tv is written. You'd think something dire is going to happen to Mando, and Grogu is going to wreck it.
  8. I did not get that he was a ghost from what I watched. Also, it clearly showed the blue leaping effect when he looked at Sam.
  9. There was a lot of Jack overhearing someone talking in the kitchen and jumping to the wrong conclusion on Three's Company though. The premise of the show was Jack being gay to live with the girls, but the trope was mined deeply on the show otherwise. Also going to the Regal Beagle, the best bar name ever.
  10. Well, Katee looks like she's enjoying herself there.
  11. I suppose being sucked into the Trade War precluded any philosophical discussions. Which they ultimately paid for.
  12. When Qui-Gon and Kenobi did their CSI Midichlorian testing, they were blown away by Anakin's M count. Also, he was conceived entirely by the force. The fundamental core of the discussion was that not sticking slavishly to the rules and considering some other options might have been prudent. We keep seeing it over and over. Can't get married; not being promoted to Master, etc. I don't think she was mentally in a position to train him either. She correctly pointed out that sending him off to be trained wasn't the best course of action; severing him from Mando. She's again only considering no training/severed training. The overall discussion we were having was they could probably do both. Of course, at the time, there's only her and Luke; except for the 14 thousand jedi that did escape Order 66. I was just saying she might have thought, 'you shouldn't be separated, but I'd see if you could find someone who is capable of teaching him better and drag them along with you.'
  13. That's basically what I was getting at. I think the whole mess could have been avoided. I think we're in agreement that the council really stepped in it. I used the Master issue just for reference, not a sum total of a solution that would have fixed everything. Allowing Jedi to get married might have also helped. They're all kind of lucky Anakin did anyway. I'm just generally skeptical that inherently powerful people like Anakin or (we're assuming) Grogu would just have their abilities fade away without training. And, as I said, there's a reasonable scenario in which they do get trained regardless. I mean, as a kid, he was blowing everyone away in the pod races, so hoping for powers to 'just fade away' is wishful at best. Though I agree with Ahsoka's reasoning that not severing Grogu's stability with Mando is the right decision. She's my favorite character ever, but even her 'either/or' logical basis is flawed, and without too much effort, there's been credible alternatives suggested here.
  14. I understand that's what they said, but I'm not really buying it. We know from hindsight that the rigidity of the council was the real root cause. I could argue that allowing him to be promoted to Master may have avoided all this mess. Besides, who's to say a fallen Jedi or someone nuts like Maul doesn't happen upon him and train him as a Sith anyway? Maul literally tried to do that with someone else. Given how uniquely powerful he was, just leaving him and hoping he doesn't develop seems shortsighted. It's kind of classist on the council's part. Let's just leave him alone to be poor on a garbage planet where his mother is a slave and he'll amount to nothing. I mean, they could have brought the mother along. I'm not sure Ahsoka said anything about Grogu's powers not developing, but she clearly didn't think it was a good idea separating him from Mando.
  15. My parents live on an HOA. The residents are all retired people, so it's not as extreme as what was portrayed here. There are some weird things from time to time, mainly about cutting the grass. I think there's a length limit, like over an inch and you have to cut it. They have a rule about no big dogs, but a lot of people have big dogs. But you can't have cats running around outside. There is a whole deal about xmas displays, but it doesn't seem to get enforced. They're big on the decorations out there. I've never seen anyone 'inspecting' anything. One time a resident hung the flag upside down and everyone went ballistic.
  16. I think that would happen, but the original question was whether people know the Separatist/Trade War was a con by Palpatine to make the Empire. At the time of the Rebellion, they might have had a propaganda division, but is that what they're going to be putting out? The Empire is doing a ton worse by then. Did they even know Palpatine was Sith? Windu found out first hand, but he's not around. Yoda fought him and then took off. I'm even wondering if senators like Bail truly even knew what was going on. Sure, there's truth to 'Palpatine took advantage of the galaxy in disarray to consolidate power and make himself Emperor." That's really only scratching the surface though. Christopher Lloyd said Dooku was a 'visionary'. He certainly had no idea what was going on, and I think that might actually be the norm. Yoda said Anakin was too old. Given we know that Anakin was way more powerful than Yoda, I'm wondering if Yoda's opinion isn't entirely altruistic. What's the alternative? The most powerful force user of all time is left untrained?
  17. There's no way the Jedi would train kids and just let them loose is they wanted to leave. I'm not sure how most people in the galaxy would know that. He said Dooku was a visionary. Dooku was a stooge and he died, so he's not saying anything. Once the Empire took over, Palpatine probably put out the official word that he 'won', but by then the rebels were focused on rebelling. What happened before probably wasn't a priority. Unless you're close to the political sphere, I doubt anyone knows what really happened.
  18. Isn't the author executive producer? We should get a 'real' ending.
  19. You're proving my point then. The Jedi take them as young as they can, so it stands to reason finding a rare baby Yoda, they're just going to take him.
  20. It seems like Yoda's species is very rare but powerful. Given at the time of the prequels, with a Jedi council, that a 10 year old was too old, with Yoda himself not really ever on board with Anakin, I would say this is par for the course. When Anakin-->Vader before the suit when on the rampage, he killed a ton of kids. If a ten year old is past for any training, when do they take them? 3? 5? For all we know, Yoda took Grogu himself.
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