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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I haven't watched Andor. I like Burr in general, and the speech is something he's said in some of his shows when he calls out the audience. It's the hypocrisy I like.
  2. I tend to think they became the ronin type figures that Lucas originally envisioned. It's a big galaxy. Even if up to 1000 escaped, they could be scattered all over the place and done all sorts of things.
  3. Complete with a 'rip page out of phonebook at payphone' trope. I don't know if that's been shown on tv this century.
  4. I think the stilted dialogue is deliberate. Someone mentioned upthread that not being able to eat together really takes away from healthy socialization. So everyone is overly stiff and formal way more than you'd think of such a small community. Similarly, we never see anyone playing music or painting anything either. I think that's the fundamental theme Filoni et al are trying to show us. Burr's monologue is probably the best in the entire history of the franchise. I use variations on it all the time when I'm pissed off at work because people are just gaming rules as they suit.
  5. I keep saying/hoping that Claire, Jamie et al., set the fire themselves to get out of there. I do find setting the show in the south during the revolution is interesting though because you never really see that perspective. I'd pefer they be in a city and more directly involved though. You got to watch the next season with us in real time. I watched season 5 on my own and almost gave up on the show. The weekly convos is much more worth it.
  6. There was another of their species besides Yoda in the movies, no? I didn't remember that Anakin was even more topped up than Yoda. I wonder where Luke is on that scale. One could speculate that Yoda refused to promote Anakin to Master for reasons other than him 'not taking the tests'. I know Windu didn't want to either. I tend to think not fighting with the force is an artifact of the OT movies because they didn't there and that's basically the way it's been done. In-movie universe, you could argue because there were only the three jedi basically and fighting training as it were, was lost with all the jedi being killed. On the other hand, if you watched the Kenobi series, they most certainly did fight with the force, but for some reason 9 years later, they didn't. Of course, in this flashback, we're in the prequels, so there were a lot of jedi. You'd think they'd at least try to force push. I suppose because they always show the jedi using their hands to do force things, if you're being shot at, your hands are busy with the lightsabers. If Grogu is supposed to be strong, I'm really hoping Mando gets into some dire situation and the baby just wrecks it. Sheets of lightning flying out of those little fingers.
  7. That's what I meant by 'tactical advantage'. Even so, there were hundreds there too. I was screaming at the tv for the entire escape. No, I wouldn't say it's a total handwave either, and it's also a correct point that the jedi were also protecting the children too. I'm always kind of dumbstruck that they don't fight with the force more. It's the singular advantage they all have. It's kind of too bad they didn't get into strength of the force more. We got spoiled by the Clone Wars with the top three jedi basically of all time. In Rebels, I wouldn't say Ezra or Kanan were especially strong, but Ezra had the other talents of talking to the space whales. Ahsoka just wrecking Maul still is a thriller. When she was on this show, I don't recall Ahsoka remarking on the potential strength for Grogu. Is there anything that their species is unnaturally strong in the force?
  8. I'm being kind of glib because in reality, it's plot driven. You look at the first Clone Wars short series, and there were like a hundred of them or so and just Windu. He cuts them down without breaking a sweat. I take the point, sure, in that first wave, a whole bunch of jedi are going to be cut down because they don't know what's going on, but the canon is strewn with jedi who did manage to escape, as we've seen them on a lot of the shows. I suppose one could handwave that not all Jedi are Kenobi and Ahsoka level. She had the tactical advantage too. Here, there were even numbers before Grogu got in the elevator and they got cut down, then Beq goes off on 5 of them or so. Even weaker Jedi do have the advantage of the force. It's only a minor observation. It's not ruining the show for me or anything.
  9. Why do these people live on a planet of giant dinosaurs? I always am somewhat baffled by Order 66. Sure, there's overwhelming numbers in the stormtroopers, but, still, these are supposedly Jedi. I would think you'd need nearly a tenfold advantage. It looked even before Grogu got in the elevator. Then Jedi Jar Jar took out 5 guys on his own. I did get a good laugh out of 'how do we eat?' It was actually nice to see the Mandalorians acting like actual people for a change and showing emotion. Except the Amorer of course.
  10. I think I flipped it. The brother is the father of the baby and the dad killed her when he found out.
  11. "I need to see more of you in the lab" "Fine. I'll gain weight."
  12. Nothing is going to beat Steve Guttenberg.
  13. That's not weird at all. That's what we meant by To Say Nothing of the Dog. I actually hope this is correct because it's rather clever take on the show's part, and it's not really in popular scifi. Ian did allude to it in a way by saying, "Maybe Ziggy thought there needed to be two leapers here." Ian was referring to the current mission, but Janis took the logical leap. As to why? I said earlier in the week, if Ziggy is pulling the strings, it would have to be Sam. Sam created Ziggy, and all of this being a reaction to Al passing makes 100% sense to me. I do think if this is the story that Ziggy isn't being fair to Magic, of whom Ziggy would know was affected by Sam's leap. Clearly in this episode, Magic genuinely wants to find Sam. I could see that TPTBs, while very clearly paying homage to the OG may not necessarily want to tie too tight to the past, and this could all be about Addison. I would be disappointed, but it's not enough for me to quit the show. I think they're doing a good job. But, they showed Sam in episode 1, so ending with Sam would just be bonkers. I think sometimes the humor of the moment can be forgotten a lot with sci fi. This isn't a scifi show per se, and the pace of Ben leaping is frenetic, but I think they're trying. This episode was heavy, but the last one Ben was excited about his chopping skills and cooking.
  14. The title cards with the ominous music "37 minutes" "1.2 hours" was a great punch line. I like the relatively recent consistent Mrs Cartman not having any time for Cartmen's nonsense with the callback to him not letting her work. And with the end of them going back to their old house. That mustard farm looked like a lot of fun.
  15. I like Franken's style too. I started watching all the SNL from #1 a couple of years ago, so his early material is still fresh in my mind. I prefer the political satire to Stuart though. He made a comment in the middle of the week to the effect of 'whomever is permanent host', so I don't think he was doing this anything more than a fun job like some of the others.
  16. I was hoping we'd see the prom! I was hoping this would completely devolve into prom shenanigans. And we got another callback to the underground quinceanera. I noticed again Henry snuck a shot with Roman. Roman's sci fi novel is my favorite side plot. I'm glad the show kept with it. Was Ron always this pathetic? They're really killing him so far. Marino is destroying the physical comedy. No. That's why she'll probably end up in the pink bow tie. I always thought the show established Henry is a good actor. Not A list or anything, but talented enough to get steady work, which is most actors, but it just takes a lot to get to that level even. I know it's a tv show, but as soon as Evie said she was in charge of the franchise, I would have torn off that bow tie in a half a second. So what? Of course, Henry has to deliver the goods, so there's drama in his own self-doubt. That's like that in real life outside of show biz. Do you go for it knowing you could faceplant? It's easier to say, 'oh, I could have been this or that' and make excuses why not.
  17. I think they'll show us the hologram when we need to see them since it's probably a future version of these characters. If it is, that's probably why they're not around. The first two times Ben met Martinez, the encounters were very brief and could have been when the hologram wasn't around. The last one was right before he leaped. If Martinez is leaping around, someone has to come in and tell him what he's supposed to do. He knew that they had to save that lady in this episode.
  18. Oh, apparently not behind a paywall for a change.
  19. I didn't think so, and I still don't. Magic doesn't know what happened at the 'bar' in the finale though. Sam leaped into him too, and he may want to just meet him and talk to him. Al probably spent the rest of his life trying to bring him back, and in this episode Magic said he would try to find him. It would be polite of Sam to pop back and tell them he's ok though. Martinez iirc did say something like, "what does Ziggy say" to Addison when they were talking about fighting their way out of the asylum, and Ian mentioned the future version of Ziggy. Since Martinez could actually see Addison, and we didn't see anyone else with him; he might not have anyone helping him. Of course, that doesn't mean there isn't one.
  20. Oh, no, it's never good when Idaho makes the national news/talk shows. Jordan's piece fell flat largely because no one was there and didn't really know what's going on, but Costa's piece was brilliant. She said it was for junior high and high school kids, so I don't see why they couldn't read the book as is. Maybe the book itself is a little dry and academic? However, though, our assigned reading in history in high school included peer reviewed journal articles. I thinking maybe there's more background like you said, or it's broken up into more chapters to make reading a little digestible. Great crack though - You should really run for office, Al.
  21. At the stabbing, Martinez said, 'my orders are to stop you'. Future-Addison may not be dead yet, because Martinez hasn't yet elapsed to that point in time. But, if Ben leaped, then Addison isn't the leaper then. Or yet. You have to figure, tv-wise we're going to see that unfold however it goes. I do think it's interesting that it may not be about Ben, but whomever is the leaper. If Ziggy is spinning this whole scheme though, it may have calculated that Ben needed to be the person to leap, and not Addison.
  22. I don't know if the payoff will be worthwhile, I hope so, but I don't think it will be like Lost. They're clearly dragging it out, but I don't think they're making it up either. tbh, if the finale is about saving Addison's life, and Sam leaps in to save her, I will completely lose it. I would prefer if they wrapped up this Martinez story line though. I don't mind if he cuts loose from future QL and leaps off like Sam did, so you see him now and then, but I don't think dragging this out over a second season is wise.
  23. I was worried that this episode might have revisited when Sam got electroshocked. Maybe because Bakula was so good, but the episode really disturbed me. This wasn't doing me any favors either. They made a good contrast with the 50s music. Within that context of the episode, I'm surprised Ben's mental health hasn't been addressed or asked about. I wouldn't expect it to come up with Sam, being an 80s show, but in 2023, we're at least more aware of mental health issues. The leap itself is questionable in that why leaping into the PI would put Ben in the best position to help. As opposed to a lawyer or local politician. I mean, the show was playing fair; they needed the files, etc., and creeped me out sufficiently. I'm not complaining. Good for Magic not to hedge and tell Janis where Ben is. I'm glad they confirmed there is an order to Ben's leaps. And the Leap Detector worked! Good also confirming Martinez could see Addison. So he leaped from QL HQ. I'd like to know who is in charge in the future QL, and if Martinez leaped without authorization. In this episode, Martinez looked like the 'older version' from the Montana, so it seems like this leap was after that one. He also said 'my orders', so it seems like there is a larger operation. I never liked the whole 'evil leaper' plot on the OG. I was hoping it would be just ignored. I am glad that Ian correctly pointed out that Martinez hasn't actually acted in direct opposition to Ben. He's getting some good lines too, "Maybe this required two leapers" and "They could be using Ziggy". Ziggy would have all the data on all the leaps ever. And it paid off! This is kind of a deep cut, but it reminds me of To Say Nothing of the Dog. I do like they got a little 'timey-wimey'. However, to be fair to Addison, I can buy her skepticism because the last time he literally said, "I'm going to beat you", and he was rather derisive and continued to be so. Being knifed also strengthens the argument. I think she was being a little much on Janis. Although, as much as I like Janis, there's no way Sam and Al would have given up on Judith. You have to give a little. Magic has been way flexible with her. With the technology today (television technology), a flashback with Magic and Al would be brilliant. I think you're better choice here is to bring Martinez in the show-present. They already met him once. That way when he's offered the assignment, once he leaps, he's got more prior knowledge. We're also assuming that Martinez 'kills' Addison with premeditation. It could have been an accident on a leap. Technically, if Martinez killing Addison prompted future-Ian to leap to warn Ben, then it is possible at that future incident that Addison was the leaper, and was killed on a leap. That could have been regular-future-Martinez killing her because she was someone else. Then Ben leaping to prevent it, essentially wipes it out but causes more problems, so Martinez is brought in to leap. If Martinez is right now only following orders (just kill Ben), just about every party here is an unreliable narrator, except Ziggy. The only motivation for Ziggy that I can think of is wanting to bring Sam home and using everyone to that end. Ziggy could have manipulated the entire timeline to get Ben to leap if Ziggy determined Ben was the best chance of finding Sam. iirc, Sam actually created Ziggy.
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