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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. One thing I was thinking about with regards to this plot - in the hallway Henry was waxing on about the theater, 'no auditions; just the company and your craft'. So I could see Henry just being over the show business part of acting was maybe what they were going for. It would be cool if he started or joined some theater company though. He'd still have to work at Party Down.
  2. I'm a little behind. I enjoyed E1. It wasn't screamingly funny, but I liked it. I'm watching the E2 Curb skit with JB and Kroll, and it's hilarious. I don't know who wrote it but it hits the right Curb beats. All the feet washing and Peter's one man show. I like the satire of religion a lot anyway. I like that since it's a series and not a movie, they can do a whole lot more and a lot of different styles. That 90 foot phone cord was a real thing back then.
  3. You say 'even' like Tatooine is somewhere people actually want to be. I was only pointing out that High Magistrate Carl Weathers was trying to be appreciative in saying 'you may not have a homeworld, but here you have a home', but technically they do. Certainly just upping and moving isn't easy, and there are politics to be sure. By the time anyone found out, they could have been settled for quite a while if they wanted. Obviously, tv-wise, being in Navarro makes the most sense.
  4. I'm wondering if the other Mandalores ended up hearing the cult moved back onto the planet whether that might cause more problems. No one really said anything like that or asked him what the planet looked like, etc. There's nothing actually preventing them from settling there.
  5. I know Henry can't really leave, and I don't know if there is another season in the works, but he could have gone to Tattooine in between seasons and the show could have got canceled or something. I can take the point of Henry maybe just needing the stability of an actual job, but I'm someone who is going to take it as far as I can before giving up on something. He could maybe have gotten a leave of absence from school. I always saw Henry as sort of a H!ITG actor. Steady work, able to get jobs fairly regularly, but still needing to work at Party Down.
  6. Potter should have gone by the end of 2022. You can't keep mixing and matching the back 3 and 4 and expect any consistency. He can't settle on a #9 either.
  7. It looks like everyone liked the play! Store-brand Prite was a big hit! A party in the library sounds like a fun idea. I'm disappointed Roman's opus got torpedoed. That was my favorite plot. I did like Roman sassing the kid about no ideas. 'Space travel, but'. 'Dune.' Starr's line reading was hilarious. It was funny how Jammer ended up cancelled over the James Bond tweet so Kyle got the Lost Boys. I liked the one kid who was walking around with the tray of the food. I would have totally done that. I always like the actor playing the vice principal. He was such a terror on Veep! I don't know if I buy Henry not wanting the scifi job. I can see him being apprehensive, but even in his 40s, it's not that late. Jon Hamm didn't get Mad Men until his 40s. You parlay the role into other jobs. I don't know, but I didn't get the feeling coaching the kids was some epiphany. What bothers me a little is that he's considered a good actor. Certainly not A list, but a workable actor. It just strikes me as jarring. Does he know that though? He still thinks he's the bad boy. I don't know why we're still having zoom meetings when we can actually show up for meetings. It drives me up the wall because no one can be on time if it's zoom. With Lizzy appearing and another favorite making a cameo on Mandalorian, it's been a good tv day for me.
  8. I meant when the Armorer was blathering on about reuniting Mandalorians and was coming on to Bo about it, I would have thought Bo might have said, 'well Din has the sabre, so he should probably come with me'. She was sniping about it to him before, 'Why don't you go wave the sabre around and then everyone will do what you say.' And Bo used It does still mean something to some of the Mandalorians they're likely to encounter.
  9. Zeb! Not expecting him to be around! I'd be exhausted being so paranoid all the time like all the Mandalorians are. I'm pleased Paz was actually being straight up. I thought he was going to be his pissy self. Good to see all the Mandalorians wrecking it though. I totally clapped when the ship went down. They actually do have a home planet. Though it was a nice line. Also nice that the Armorer actually understood Bo saw the mythosaur. I thought she was coming on to Bo at the first. I would think Mando would go off with Bo, and I was surprised she didn't mention he had the dark saber. Says who though? Bill Burr had a lot to say about that. So now, Bo 'lives in two worlds' so she can take it off? Seems like The Way is whatever way is going to get you to where you need to go. I'm also not particularly into the geopolitics either, but I get they needed the set up to establish that Gideon got broke out. I mean, I know the first order is coming up, and I don't really need to see much of the origin.
  10. Actually, yes. I didn't think you had to bring something. All I had was a Bulova watch from I thought the 40s. I got to meet Kevin Zavian, and he thought it was in great condition. He actually called the other guy over to look at it. Turns out it was from the 60s, but they really liked it. They even knew it wasn't the original watch band, which I had replaced. It's a great watch because it's powered by your body heat and doesn't need a battery or winding. I saw a few things being filmed so I'm interested to see what they're all about. They weren't allowing people as an audience, so to speak. I spent a few hours checking out the gardens and all of the stuff people brought. I talked to a local PBS guy that produces and hosts an outdoor show. He was thrilled that the show got me more into hiking. Normally you have to pay for admission to the gardens, but it was all free and you could stay as long as you wanted.
  11. I used to run home in the early 2000s. I was on the west coast and the feed was live.
  12. There's a web page that just plays Farscape? I clicked on the link and Aeryn was sucking on Crichton's finger because he cut himself. I haven't swooned for over 15 years.
  13. I just saw an ad that the next locale will be the Boise botanical gardens. I was able to attend! It was last May. I wasn't on, but I was there for most of the day. It was a lot of fun.
  14. Did we know Garrison's first name was Herb? I don't remember.
  15. Just think about how far we've come in computing since 2003 or so. I would imagine there was a ton to do. The OG ran late 80s and early 90s; the show itself started in '1999', but they didn't have internet. In the 1991, we barely had 'Mozilla'.
  16. Has anyone been on a plane with the spaceship seats?
  17. Ian said about writing every line for the 'restart'. That could be anything from updated encryption, parallel processing, accessing the internet (technically there was no internet for the OG), all modernized search engines, modern data analytics, training neural networks, etc. Writing all the would be a heavy lift, and I could see why Ian would be emotional about the whole plug pulling. When the episode started, and they were speculating about just a mechanical failure leading to the crash, I was surprised it *wasn't* about a hijacking at that point.
  18. I liked the dance off. He did the worm! I didn't know John's pal was the double on Flashdance either. However, in the news piece opener, I liked the clip where John pointed out that a congressman was equating high school with being in WWII. Come on. John looked genuinely outraged.
  19. Well, this is false. Everyone knows Planet Express crashed in Roswell in 1947, and Fry is his own grandfather. Choke on that causality! Not that I care that much, but I thought Roger's crash was because he was an actual crash test dummy. We learned how Roger's personas started though!
  20. I loved the idea of being on the plane with the limited setting. I also want to be on that plane. I mean, first class isn't like that! I liked the compressed time frame of only 45 minutes before the crash. The discussion about Ziggy was really well done. I'm not surprised Ian was concerned because guess who is going to have to do all the internet searches and message boards. "Pull the plug". I agree with the decision though; Ben nearly got killed. Now future QL doesn't know where Ben is. The problem is when do you go back to Ziggy. On the other hand, they probably have his original 'new' code from the start of the season, so they still might know. I liked Ian leading the information gathering charge and the reddit theories. How young was the owner's son? It looked like he was in his 20s, but I guess he was only a teenager. And we finally get Hologram Ian! They were holding out on us. I liked the callback to the team betting on everything. I know landing the plane was kind of ridiculous, but I still liked it. And that it took the kid, two holograms, and everyone at QL crunching data. I think at QL when they speculated that both couldn't advance in their careers and got into some debt, then they hatched the plan. The ex-cop mentioned something about how they were treated as well. They handwaved why the handheld (ha) was still working. Something like it is on a different server. I also liked how there was an explanation for the two holograms here. I know it's not a scifi show, but I appreciate that there is some effort or just acknowledgement that some viewers might ask those questions.
  21. I think if Sam does appear, it's going to be for closure and then he leaps away.
  22. They certainly stuck the landing on the ending though. So do we, uncle. For sure, he knows that it's not Claire. I think he's protecting both. Don't forget though, it was heavily implied that he wasn't Malva's biological father, so, given the way he's treated her over the season, finding out that she's pregnant with the brother's baby, he most certainly would blame it on her. Flying into a rage, he could have killed her easy. Maybe he's still in some kind of shock that he did it and hasn't said anything. He beat her for leaving the milk out. I mean, you know there's going to be some big courtroom drama. That's why.
  23. Technically, he took off the Mando helmet and put on Imperial gear. That's what prompted "So is it you can't take off your helmet or not show your face?" He's moving the goalposts as the situation calls for it. Does it count if a jedi sees your face?
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