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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. The kids all get lasik before they put on the bucket.
  2. Everything was done, but when Ben changed the plea at the last minute, the trial was set for the afternoon. Then Ben had to go through all the evidence box. The judge said something like, "You're going to throw away four weeks of negotiations."
  3. I do wonder if perhaps the point of the leap could have been to get the girlfriend on the right track by Ben working the case. Without Ben there, we know that the 10 year deal was taken, so the missing page would never had been an issue. You could see her going down the same 'win at all costs' path as the DA. By taking the case, she ends up at the Innocence Project. That one case actually had wider repercussions. I don't know if that was deliberate on the writers, but it's really what the show can be about. Even in the NASA episode we see the effect of Sam's efforts from his very first leap.
  4. I certainly really enjoy all the viewing options I have nowadays compared to even when GOT started, but you're just not going to get watercooler shows anymore. The group here that watches Wheel of Time is only a few of us, so I would watch a day or so later to join in the conversation, but it's not like everyone at work is talking about it. I think that's really where it is now, regardless of what the networks or streamers want.
  5. I really liked the nascar segment. I don't really watch it, but I'm not down on it. I liked the data analytics part. I have some friends that camp out too. I can actually drive stick. My car is a stick. I'm more a mountain driver though.
  6. Oh, please, with them. The credits roll for 1 ms, and you get "Wow Jon Snow is a Targaryen!" Then someone complains in the comments, "Do you have to put it in the title?" and gets flamed and told to stay off social media. They did it with Doctor Who on Thirteen's final episode with posting a picture of Tennant. Come on. I've said before, back when Galactica and Dexter were out some of the actors did a youtube video about spoiler policy. It was funny, but it wasn't bad.
  7. Did Sam ever leap into two women consecutively? I know he leapt into the women's prison, but not where he was before. Having the side bets in HQ is a nice touch too. I like the slice of things going on while Ben is leaping around. Good call on trying to track Leaper X; uh, I mean Martinez. It would be even better if they knew where he was. And we got Jenn in the Imaging Chamber. Surely, Ian has to be next! I'm not as down on Bassett as the general opinion here; I do agree with some of the criticisms though. However, I also agree that Jenn was a good change of pace, and it opens TPTB up for a wider narrative direction, in getting Ian, Magic, *Janis* in there when it is the right choice for the leap. I liked Ben's subtle 'oh hello' to Jenn because he didn't know who she was. I did like some of the suspense with Ben catching up on everything and the minutiae like the missing page. I also enjoyed Ben actually fumbling around and not suddenly remember he used to be a lawyer. I mean, I loved the OG show as much as anyone here, but Sam had *seven* PhDs. Come on. There's no way even the public defender in real life could have managed that case without a team and the best computer in history. Well, I suppose our discussion last week about not playing the lottery was torpedoed. Or Ziggy being prevented from doing so. Jenn is way fast and loose. She also yelled a lot. I do have to slightly disagree with Addison not being helpful to Ben. She wasn't supposed to be the hologram, so there is an adjustment. Ben wasn't supposed to be the leaper. It's taken time for both of them to get squared away. He's clearly relied on her. To her credit, Addison backed off and didn't argue about Jenn stepping in. The back half of this season has been really good. It's a broadcast show, so there's limitations, but within that, it's fine. I hope they can knock these final three out of the park. The ending scene reminded me of when Sam leaped into the guy that got electroshock!
  8. I don't pay too much attention to episode titles. I take note prior to watching any particular episode, but I couldn't tell you the next week what the title was last week. However, I do like when the episode title is worked into the show dialogue.
  9. I know this is anachronistic since the show was in the 80s, but there isn't anything wrong with Sam being happy just single and on his own. I tend to think that's what they meant by the bar being his 'true love', but it's not a concept a show would raise back then.
  10. I think he meant a formal date. Beef didn't really ask any of the three of them out. He just agreed. Taking the larger context, Kathleen told him he was her boyfriend. Presumably, she was pregnant not so fast after; he's married with four kids, and she's gone. Now all of sudden, he's 40. I can see him saying he's never really been on a date.
  11. We also got Grogu stepping into action. So there was growth for him too. He knows how to read the map! I don't know if most people know Bo from Clone Wars and Rebels, but she wasn't a slouch. I don't blame her for being ticked off about everything because I think all the rules are silly too. She seemed mostly aimless to me.
  12. I wonder if there were some inside jokes in the dialogue only for the actors.
  13. The account is LtGovMcnally. He's not denying he's making the posts. This whole incident is just baffling to me. You'd think he'd deny, deny, deny; the account was hacked, etc.
  14. I have no idea what this issue is about. I get EPL on NBC Sports.
  15. It was when Peter was saying about going to the zoo to bring Chris back. He said it to Lois, and then offscreen to Meg and Chris. When he got to Chris, Peter got slapped and Chris said the line. Peter said, "it was just a zoo joke."
  16. I don't think they realized it was that deep. Someone upthread remarked that maybe it was a proper pool and cracked open when the Empire pummelled the 'Civic Center'. From what I got, Bo was living on a moon in the same system, so I don't think it's as far away as being made out. And they have a hyperdrive.
  17. Even though they couldn't hear Gus, when he waves were coming in the cave, Tina said, "I think the tide is coming in." They still could have come back later. I know it wouldn't happen because Louise is too obsessive. They could have hid it with seaweeds and come back with a garden shovel. Of course, they'd have to keep quiet about it in the meantime, and no way Tina doesn't blow the whistle.
  18. Louise brought a burger from Mort's for show and tell. (I know it wasn't real, but it's a brilliant gag.) Bob and Linda just let the girls wander around the beach looking for canonballs. I don't know why they just didn't come back at low tide. I know Louise can be a bit much, but she was way over line here. Writing a complaint to Ken Burns was a great line. Has anyone at the bar ordered beers before? Teddy was a bit much too. I respect the effort, but dial it down.
  19. "How come everything bad always seems to happen to him?"
  20. One does not simply day drink with Cheesecake. And they were drinking at the curling club! I do not like tinkle talk. I've got to work 'the lodge lobby is closed' into conversation. I don't really feel too bad for Beef. At some point, you have to make a move or a lady is going to take it as a hint and move on. Kathleen just telling Beef he was her boyfriend really didn't help. I do agree he should date around. Swipe North sounds like a wild movie. Poor Ann Hathaway. She almost ended up with the Easter Bunny. I never noticed that Wolf and Honeybee had their wedding picture up in their house. That was actually good growth for Beef. He hasn't really had any insight since the divorced club.
  21. He was the only one who wasn't 'olde timey-ed'. Everyone else had a fancy moustache!
  22. When Homer sprayed the spray music, Carl covered his beer mug with his hand. Reaching way back for a monorail reference. Calling Moleman a crisis actor was a great gag. I liked the show, but I think they were trying to have it both ways. The gazebo accident actually happened, but Kirk even said 'why don't you teach good things about Springfield.' Who said they weren't? Well, problem solved. I take the point of the satire, and I did enjoy the episode. I liked the point of Homer capitalizing on everyone. Why was Frink at the first gazebo?
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