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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Sing on the toilet! I wasn't expecting cousin Danica! Nice callback. I figured Beef would shoot himself in the foot to avoid his birthday. I mean, I don't not like my birthday, but I don't want to have a big to-do either. I'm not a gift guy. I love that Wolf and Honey love Prison Break. That show was bonkers.
  2. I thought Taylor Swift, but tbh, I'm with Homer on this one. Fandom is ridiculous. Where did Lisa get all those friends from all of a sudden anyway? Homer had 'hater' in glitter on the back of his head. She didn't need that much to trash Homer though. You usually can't walk on those kinds of cooling towers.
  3. I hope the Aiel are as low key hilarious as they are in the books.
  4. The 'big money' Match Game 1978 (thank you Rod Roddy!) is on Amazon Prime. *Everyone* kisses Richard Dawson. I also know all about Safe Boating Week.
  5. Taking nothing away from the X Files fantastic MOTWs, but Fringe's plotting is way way tighter.
  6. Jordan has a 'between the take' video (I saw it on FB) where he talks more about the Dominion issue.
  7. I actually saw an estate sale today! Sub Hub is one of my favorite callbacks. The whole sandwich subplot drew me right in. I love sandwiches. "Turn of the century strapon" probably takes the series for best line though. Franny talking trash is the best version of Franny. "Oh, I thought you came from up your own ass."
  8. Or, "Let's just not make rules that have us end up at each other's throats again". They finally got the planet back. I'm hoping they'll be able to keep it.
  9. Not to mention the additional force to overcome the gravity well of the *planet* to get to low atmosphere. They were essentially at sea level chasing that dinosaur.
  10. I took her reading of 'weeeeelllll, his parents would have to approve and noooooo oooonnnnne knows where they are, do we?' really like, come on. When the other kid was in the water reciting the oath I was saying, 'Watch the steps!'
  11. That was no joke. And it was for a long time. He didn't get trained for that. If he really unleashes, look out. He pushed Gideon's wand out too. I thought he was going to force pull one of the guard's weapons and throw it back at him. I actually think losing the darksaber was good. It's one less thing for them to bitch about. Maybe they can actually talk about how to rebuilt the planet. I couldn't believe Axe made it all the way to cruiser on the jet pack. No one called that last week. I thought he was going down with the ship. I kept yelling at him to bail, and I thought he might have run out of gas! This was way too fast though. I agree finally lighting the Forge should have been end of A New Hope level.
  12. Oh, not at all. Bob obviously likes Linda's chaos, but they all can be really selfish. I actually don't have a problem with the sewing machine because everything the kids were going to get, they would have just discarded in a week and it would waste the gift card. Linda already uses a sewing machine to mend the kids' clothes, but it's broken down. She will use the new one. They're getting a new one for free, and Linda can extend the kids' clothes for longer without having to buy new. That's saving a lot of money. Also you think Louise probably is getting handmedowns from Tina too.
  13. Almost? Given how restrained Kenobi is, they were practically dry humping in the middle of the battle.
  14. You could deep fake Al. They did it for Luke on the Mandalorian.
  15. "We don't have any n* that work here"?!!!!! He said it so casually and matter of fact. The game at the end got a lot of groaners from the audience.
  16. Gene grates on me when he gets bratty, and I think it just happens too often. In my original post, I did give him credit for some self-awareness. It's the restraint he lacks. To be fair, a lot of that is on Bob and Linda.
  17. Chasing My Tale is totally a Brian book. Peter trying to kill Brian is really low even for him. Hitler's bird is really nothing I would have thought ever in my life. I can't believe the show never did this before. And then he choked. The writers ripping on themselves at the end was hilarious. I knew who they were! They certainly got the Cape right. Taffy everywhere. Come on though, Lois, you knew not to take the shampoo. Chew Anon. Brilliant.
  18. Honeybee is bored and then in 5 minutes everything goes bonkers. I thought the bear was a guy in a suit until the next commercial break. Cheesecake is ridiculous. I mean, they thought dumping a dead bear would actually work? Moon will marry someone. Not Quinn. I liked Ham's story about figuring out he was gay.
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