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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Snow. Only in a museum. I was worried for Spartan Girl this was going to be two Marge episodes in a row. Picturing a 'ahh-oo-gah' sound and her hat jumping straight up off her head. But we have Marge not believing Homer. Isn't this why she has the secret money? I just have to make sure that we all know you can't 'speed up the core'. The social media gag with Comic Book Guy was brilliant.
  2. I give the show credit for shaking up the formula. Taking the three year leap (ha!) is risky for a network show. I'm not sure TPTBs on the show did it because Ben/Addison "wasn't working". I thought they were fine and not as bad as made out to be. They could have given her a little more to work with - 'five minutes as a woman and you've already been called a bitch' rather than just dispense information. You're kind of painted into a corner. Al was nearly as emotional invested in the leap as Sam, and that wasn't coming across as much here. It's no surprise when they had holograms coming in to get Ben through the leap that we all liked it more. It's a more active approach. I would have preferred one more episode with no hologram. Having Addison as the only person Ben interacted with when he had lost his memory made sense. Now, that's no longer needed.
  3. She's military trained. She can be part of security. She's been a hologram for a year, and she can advise Magic. tbh, she could be the hologram manager and assign who is helping Ben. Working with Ian and Ziggy on projecting the leap, and planning accordingly. QL isn't particularly pro active. They only shoved Tom in there because there was no one else, but he was the best fit for the situation.
  4. I suppose I should have said that the first thing Fourteen says when he sees someone else is about why he looks like Ten. I wasn't doubting, nor dismissing, that being a plot point. There's more of an urgency than I expected with the Doctor because Ten would have just shouted and rolled with it. They made a point to say it's only been an hour since the regeneration. I'm looking forward to see how they unfold.
  5. I guess why the Doctor looks like Ten again is going to be a plot point. Fourteen seemed anxious about it.
  6. It's not too often Bart and Lisa are into the same toy. To be fair, the kids knew to get the robe. Marge could have suggested she wanted it for her birthday, but she's not really going to make the kids spend $44 on her. Or just say you don't want gifts. How did they get the money to go North Townsburg? Homer making up nonsense like 'religious fanatic running through town' was hilarious. Then trading barbs with Skinner's mom. Although it was funny that the overloaded sprinkler caused the sinkhole. One of the options on the noise generator was 'cattle stampede.'
  7. I couldn't believe Roger wasn't Hardass either. As soon as he said there was no off button the remote though. I wasn't expecting a porn rhoomba though.
  8. Time can't be the same either; a minute lasts a minute, but when Ben is sleeping, it could be noon at the present. So someone has to be around all the time. Maybe Magic is and just everyone is on call now. In the OG, Al was around all the time too and they never really said.
  9. Sam leaped into the Civil War era because it was his ancestor, and they theorized that the DNA connection allowed it. fwiw, Sam's theory was a theory. For the most part it held up, but as you keep working on it, theories change. Sam's 'body' was always in the waiting room until the end when it wasn't. The show now brought up an interesting point in asking is leaping was always a one way trip.
  10. As soon as Mr Fischoeder showed up in the opening, I said 'uh oh.' Linda should have asked for some rent on top of the condenser. I'm glad Bob's cocktail was a hit. I like when the show let's Bob spread his wings outside the restaurant because he always does well. They showed a commercial on the tv after the first scene with the storm with the Sofa Queen. We have a local add for mattresses for a local store with three generations. They just opened a new location! Tina freaking about the cocktail party rules. Bring your own fork and briefcase. I lost it when they showed the llama on the boat. Just standing there. I would have totally been into that just to entertain the kids. It's actually good for work events too. I subscribe to 'no dead air', and I can keep the conversation going. I'm quick on my feet too. Linda mentioned the 'how to get out of a boring conversation'. I wished they showed that one. Then Gene got the cops to dance with him. I can handle myself, so 4 to 5 is easy for me. I've even made off with a bottle. If you're doing a work event, I can teach you how to do the ol' switch with the drink ticket. If I know the person really well, I'll actually show up early to legitimately help. I've even done the dishes and taken garbage out. They never said what Bob made for dinner on the island. I'm sure there was burgers, but I wonder what else he did to jazz them up.
  11. I always like how people in the water on cartoons never move and just sit there. The commercial I saw for The Floor looked like it could have been a Family Guy cutaway. I'm surprised the show missed that. Unless they made a script change and it was too late to change the animation.
  12. I said in E5 today that they should have shifts for the holograms. Not exactly what I meant here, but still. Kudos to calling Hannah coming back. If only nuclear fusion was a formula. 70 years later, we've just scratched the surface. I don't really care; the show was about the former Nazis not being so former and how far the US would go in the Cold War. How does Jenn not know about Paperclip? It's not that an esoteric piece of history. Clearly, we're seeing Hannah again, but I'm thinking Tragic Death than villian. Ben didn't give her any indication that QL is trying to get him home, and he didn't tell her why he leaped. She's got to be 30 at best; she'd be in her early 70s when Sam leaped. Unless she writes the theory that Sam applied to make the accelerator, I don't see how she would directly affect the present. Unless Ben is his own grandfather. Choke on that, causality! I agree Tom was an effective hologram.
  13. I think the in-show reason of Magic just being better qualified to be the hologram for this leap is fine enough. Once they showed swapping holograms was possible, I don't know why we haven't seen it more. If I were in charge, I'd have shifts of holograms.
  14. Psych made a bunch of movies. There could be more Monk.
  15. How about this? They did an episode where the Jestons went down to the ground and the Flintstones were living there.
  16. The inefficiency alone was galling. I think it's an artefact of the hubris inherent in Manifest Destiny. I can't imagine no one thought to rear them and put up some ranches like they eventually did with cattle. "And then gold was discovered." I've only just seen part one. I saw a buffalo irl! From the car. At a distance. We weren't expecting them there (West Yellowstone). Every year the local news has something about how a buffalo totally pwns some hiker trying to take a selfie.
  17. Or they didn't need to bother with any redemption and just have him be a jerk and Aimes not really care.
  18. She's had sex with a lot of guys though. Obviously, you can get the timeframe, but that doesn't mean there was only one guy then.
  19. The Smiths went ballistic over the picture frame. It was worth the song though. I liked all te ghost traps that they didn't need.
  20. I certainly take John's point about voting, but my legislature made it harder to just get something on the ballot by design. I up the ante and say you could get an abortion at the ATM. Never good when Idaho comes up on a national program. The medical profession in general, people and animals (lots of farms), is losing tons of qualified personnel across the board. There's a huge effort to keep Idaho graduates in Idaho. While it's good that the representative came around on his thinking, he's likely the cause of many qualified medical professionals leaving the state. Out in the wild west, driving to Washington, Oregon, Colorado for health care is 6 hours average one way. Of course, you can also pick up some weed on the way.
  21. Brian's terror over the shower was hilarious. I only had a shower stall for my older dog, and I totally had to get in for it. I have two tubs now for my current dog, and she's just not participating. They did an episode about the postman's legs being jacked a while ago. It's a great callback.
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