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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I think there's some scheme "dad" is playing out. Because clearly things went haywire that Lucifer had to go back. Although, it did take some time for that to happen so I wouldn't call bs on it. Chloe's reaction shots to the nuns being so smitten with Am were priceless.
  2. I don't think Trixie knows the truth. I was going to say. Because she just showed up. Dan is an involved enough of a parent that I think he'd drop her off. I'm sure he pulled all her tricks to convince him.
  3. To be fair, the show has consistently shown that Chloe and Dan share custody. She can go out on nights where he has the daughter.
  4. That's kind of why I suggested the Black Panthers.
  5. Everyone seems to be having a blast this season! I'm all in when they went to black and white. I love the captioning - dramatic 1940s music plays!
  6. The title card killed me! I take it back. 'you know Craig?' is infinitely funnier.
  7. It would be a good fit for HBO Max imo.
  8. Good call from me too on not dragging out Michael. I was rolling my eyes at first because it was so obvious he wasn't Lucifer age I can't stand when characters are dumb for plot. But it wasn't! I had a huge laugh when Chloe shot him. It's nice when tv surprises you.
  9. I watched series 3 of Broadchurch at the same time as Doctor Who. Yeah. She was trying. Doctor Who was jarring to start.
  10. I totally forgot the show was back on! Weekend plans locked. See you all on the forums.
  11. There was actually a good monologue on Glee by Kurt's dad about why we shouldn't be saying that. Because he actually said the same thing about growing up (in the 80s) and how people used it who played sports.
  12. I mean, come on. In 2020, you don't know that there's things you can't say? There's plenty of other words you can use. A *student* used to pull the 'see you next Tuesday' on me all the time. You might get yelled at, but you won't get fired for that. Or just say fuck. It's all purpose.
  13. He was just a great character. You know it was going to be hijinks when he showed up.
  14. TPTBs - Know the show you have. It may not be what you thought it was. Tell the story that should be told. There's no reason shows should be on 10 years unless it's like Hotel or Doctor Who and you're spinning characters out and in.
  15. That's a fair. Elayne certainly has a look. Sophie Okenodo is a heavy hitter. I was way impressed. And I guess our discussion about whether Min is going to be in it or not is over.
  16. The article I read said they already had shows in production, so I find the decision odd. Is it expensive to produce?
  17. The article I read was that Netflix isn't into talk shows anymore.
  18. I never regularly watched the show, but from time to time when these discussions arise, it just sounds awful.
  19. I don't know if I'm behind, but my FB feed is showing a bunch of casting news.
  20. You know Roger would have blown something up or killed someone.
  21. I'm enough of a bitch that I'd swing on every 3-0 pitch like ten times and when they bean me, I'd be like 'oh you can actually hit a target.'
  22. Did Hayley know that Bobadoo was Roger? She didn't act like she did. I loved Franny flipping off Hayley.
  23. I would concede you probably shouldn't be stealing or pulling hit and runs, but no one should be complaining about swinging the bat. I tend to think batters hack away too much and should work the count, but on a 3-0, if you see your one pitch, then take the swing. If the pitcher doesn't know that is your pitch, how is that on the batter? And what is he swings and grounds out? Is the pitcher going to complain?
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