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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I don't think he actually does big shows. The venues he lists on the outro are huge places. I think he always liked just working the club circuit. Since he's vaccinated, he can book gigs, but I don't get why the booster is a deal for him. Yes, it's a huge factor into ransomware. They lock you out of your computer and demand bitcoin in response. To be fair, it is more of a younger thing.
  2. It isn't nearly unhackable imo either. Also I laugh like crazy when I think about the thieves that just stole the servers that the bitcoin was on. None of the young people I know have bitcoin. Because they have actual jobs and bills. I don't knew if the bubble will pop, but with large baseload being decommissioned, no utility company is building a wind farm for bit coin. Because the people paying the electric bill have jobs and want to come home to their house or apartment and turn on the lights. Or cook in the oven.
  3. I wish Klobuchar was more of a national voice. We're not a center right country. Most votes cast nationally are for democrats. The VA candidate just wasn't good and ran a bad campaign. That's it. I generally agree with Bill, but I've been clear that he doesn't know anything about colleges. I'm glad the panel just shut him down.
  4. That's an interesting take because just from reading the books, it always struck me as a dirty (I don't know if that's the right word), but it's not a clean sci fi series. There's things that need to be fixed. You have to do things - put the suit on before you go out. People have to build stuff.
  5. Is the soundtrack going to be on amazon music? (given the streaming platform).
  6. I don't think he actually graduated. So, we're in the clear. That's what I was saying on the flip side of that the other day. If him being out for 2 games costs that then he's going to be blamed.
  7. So far, we've only seen that the Angels throw you back in time. It would seem the whole point of this brief scene and 1820 would be that they're linked somehow.
  8. He wasn't actually working though. He was on the DL to test the DNA from the ring to see if it was really Niko's ring. He's not going to let that intelligence quite be so widespread. He only said that to dismiss the mother in law.
  9. My point that the NFL is the 'ultimate team game' and if Rodgers smugness is going to result in costing wins, he's going to be raked over, justifiably. Clearly, the organization didn't care. Until he possibly costs them money. I'm condemning the league in general. It's another reason why I only pay peripheral attention to the sport anymore. All I know is they're in the running for home field. He's obviously a fit guy, but what if it whallops him and he's out a month? Or comes back and just is flat the next game? That's what it boils down to from my pov. So even if no one in the division catches them, there's still a cost on the line. The whole issue should really give the league a deserved black eye.
  10. I'm going to be really interested if Rodgers costs the Pack a 1 or 2 seed because of this.
  11. I'd give it a B, and I would be interested in checking out a third season if it was like maybe the Salvare contacting the other races to consolidate against the Achaia. I can't imagine they're going quietly. Or finding the Achaian homeworld. The mother was basically a plot device for the kid, but that's fine. It was silly that both these career driven people had the time to think about raising a child. I liked the larger picture, and I like that the narration was unreliable. The Achaia said that the Zakir destroyed themselves. Yes, but it was because of you bringing the artifact there. Why was the other race tracking the artifacts? Are they in a larger war with them? Or just there? I liked at the end that Nike v/o-ed - there's tons of life out there. I forgot what the theory is called, but it's either we're totally alone or there's trillions of life out there. We're just not looking in the right place. I don't mind, but I don't quite get the objectives here. Do the Achaia ask each race to stay in their own solar systems? Given the level of technology advancement, I would think installing the spiders in everyone would just turn earth in to one huge manufacturing plant for the Achaia. Again to what end? I kind of laughed when they were speculating that the 'Achaian' maybe weren't the actual ones, and they just sent AI out into the galaxy. Which totally makes sense too. They left a lot of good ideas on the table that could be picked up on later. I would have liked a little more development on the underground resistance movement, but they were basically a plot device.
  12. Or when Leverage unraveled how insidious RIZ was and Ethan's involvement in blowing up the rig. To my point, not to be cynical, but how would NSA, for example, subcontracting out to Leverage be any different than a Blackwater irl? Just generally speaking. They're only on the other side of the law until they aren't.
  13. The garage had a fridge, etc., in there too, so it's not just where the cars are parked. Who ever lived in my house before had a cat door in the basement where the litter box was kept, so that's kind of similar.
  14. I liked the season overall. They jammed in a lot. I thought some of the episodes could have used some breathing room. They did good on not over doing the sci fi and leaning too hard into the technobabble. I thought the finale was a little rushed.
  15. Let's keep it for viewers that have already seen the entirety of the season so everything doesn't have to go into spoiler tags.
  16. Now thinking about it, I'm actually surprised that Larry didn't just sabotage the show deliberately to get out of it. Even before the first netflix meeting, he brought up to the brother in the restaurant that shows get canceled all the time, and he said 'all you have to do is cast her.'
  17. The show is a hyper reality with some situations we can relate - like the toilet lid not staying up. Larry flying off the handle about the towels; he's done that before when there was the fatwa. I don't actually believe Larry-show is Larry-real. The show is always like the contrast is turned up way too much. I'm more surprised that Jeff wasn't more careful than anything. I would be more on the Deuce about feeding your dog people food than yelling about whether I could have some. And I feel vindicated that the dog got sick. He's too small for steak. I love this whole side plot though. I like the actor playing the netflix exec because he was great on Veep. 'Name one restaurant where you can eat outside with your dog.' Burger King. I have a very good dentist. They did a crown in one sitting without a temp and wait a week. I think Jeff got Larry to break up on the Barnaby Jones joke. One thing I like about Larry and Susie is how they tear at each other and then on a dime pivot to a completely different normal conversation.
  18. I figured the Angel wasn't random because it looked like it was waiting, and the woman had already met the Doctor. They can't talk so it would be a cool twist.
  19. I fairly good with accents because I do watch a lot of BBC, but I typically use captions for all the shows I watch because of the music, etc. I'm banking that the 1820 industrialists release the Flux out to the universe and it boomeranged back to earth in current times. I assume the angels are sending people back to that time. It would be interesting if the angels are actually trying to help and sending people back on purpose. The woman who encountered it clearly knew their deal; i.e., don't blink.
  20. I just finished 7. Taking it more as a serial, it's been interesting. They overall did away with the 'millennials in space' that we were complaining about last year to the betterment of the show.
  21. In the original Blink, the Doctor fooled them all into looking at each other. What about a mirror? What if you watch them from the back and then bonk them over the head with a hammer?
  22. What societal ills can't be traced back to Reagan?
  23. I actually impressed with the season so far.
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