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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I see your Kung Fu and raise The Collector. Really, those mid to late 90s/early 00s syndicated shows should get some opportunity to stream somewhere. That last phase of syndication had a lot of quality offerings. I'm going to check Highlander, but it ran 100+, so it got a good run.
  2. I've gone through most of the thread, but I didn't see it mentioned that since Hannah had the huge pit stains in the first episode, she's always wearing sweaters.
  3. I didn't even think of that. Would the age match up? A quick search would seem Sammy Jo would be too old, but Addison could be a granddaughter.
  4. I think 'Sammy Jo' is a plot point you can sit on, as a showrunner. It stands to reason when Sam leaped as himself and essentially 'untethered', certainly, Al did everything he could to find him. I've said somewhere in the episode threads, at some point, Al couldn't locate him, and funding inevitably had to have been cut. At that point, I can see Al saying, "Kid, you did everything you could. You got your whole life ahead of you. Get going." Also, Al may not have told her that she might be 80% Spawn of Sam. So you don't have to bring her in the show if you don't want, but she's in the 'back pocket', so to speak, and you don't need to draw upon the entirety of the Quantum Leap lore in 10 episodes. This was brought up in the E3 thread - whether Janis knows that she essentially didn't exist if it wasn't for Sam's 'last leap'. Presumably, since Al and Sam still were able to enact Quantum Leap, Al's daughters probably have good memories of Sam. Janis would only know what's going on if Beth spilled the beans. So I can buy they're going in this direction. Al's daughters would have a more personal connection with Sam than Sammy Jo.
  5. I'm going to toot my own horn mildly because last week I speculated if the new code allowed Ben to leap outside his own lifetime, and it was a big plot point this episode. I thought the whole slingshot theory was just enough technobabble and clever. Or Magic. They check to Vietnam for someone in 1977 isn't out of the ordinary, but he could have been in the same company. I do think this outcome was the most "Quantum Leap" so far (which was referenced above too several times). The brother survived and went on to start the support group that helped others in turn. Yes and no. One time Sam leaped into a rape victim who wasn't able to testify in court against the rapist, but Sam was. He also played a housewife for laughs, but it was about equality in a marriage. This is a real salient point. Does she know that? Clearly, we all know Sam as Sam told Beth to wait for Al. So it's whether Beth ever told Al when they met Sam 'the first time' on the Quantum Leap project. Even then though, Al or Beth wouldn't have remembered his life before because Beth waiting for Al and getting married would be the only life they knew. Logically, one could speculate that this "Sam" Beth met at that point, who looks exactly like the Sam they know in their 'present' is certainly weird. The OG show implied Al had a happily married life and there's nothing in the new show here that implies his passing wasn't anything but old age. Also good point because Sam leaped into a blind guy and still could see. Plotwank - new code. It looks like Janis is trying to leap herself. Anyone see the Nobel Prize today?
  6. It's a trick based game like spades, except the suit that's the trump can be different each time because the player bids on how many points they think they can win. Some places call it high-low-jack. Because those are the main points.
  7. I commented last night because I yelled out 'Leela!' when I saw them.
  8. There was also more show back then so including a theme made sense. There's only 42 minutes of show now as it is, and cutting that down for a theme seems difficult to me. What would have been cut in this episode to make room? It's not the show's fault it only has the 42 minutes.
  9. Oh, come on, euchre isn't that hard. We didn't have a Blockbuster, but a local place. You mill about for a while and pick something that looks good. I like it better now since you have about 10,000 times more options. Tough Slater joke! When's the last time Peter fought the chicken? I'm not knocking anyone that likes to eat candy, and I used to get candy when I went to the movies, but a lot of it is just gross.
  10. Was there always a stationary store across the street? tbh, dominoes isn't hard and it can be a lot of fun. I mean, it's not Linda's fault with the bugs and the lake. They said in the general store the bugs were early.
  11. Flammable Top Hat Crisis! Brilliant. I just realized the game they play in the opening was Notary Public: The Game. I can see how Ham would drink coffee, but what was Moon drinking in the mug. I always said Killian. Those dino bikes looked like a lot of fun. And Wolf of course gets paired with Cheesecake. I would totally loot booze though. I don't know why, but I always want to know more about Santiago. I liked that Wolf knew all the lines for Honeybee - We don't do this because it's easy!
  12. In the commercials with all the gifts that had the big red ribbons, one was a giraffe. One of the backdrops was Fry and Leela! Do they really have all those charges on pelaton? Oh, pedalton. You know what I meant! I actually thought there was more to mine in Lisa being on the jury with Gil as a lawyer.
  13. That's it. Soon as I saw the name. Weird that there were two shows about people who can't die in New York.
  14. Hannah's voiceless reaction shot stuck the landing on the scene. She was horrified both at the manipulation and that it totally worked. I did like that Gordon rewrote the last scene and it really landed. I always like when people are actually good at their jobs. He can write; he just has an older pov. That's not necessarily good or bad. I liked that Bree was objecting to the grandma jokes being put in the script, but they're killing her with the old jokes on set. I enjoy the irony because Greer is positively gorgeous. For me, Greer & Key have the best timing. I do think once they got the old folks into the writers room that it popped too. I could have seen much more of that. Did anyone think Hannah huffed off and tripped over the garbage can on purpose? We're never going to come together. Give me four dildoes and a metronome. That's seriously brilliant. I like that Hannah always has a sweater on from the pit stains.
  15. I'm only finally getting around to this, so I won't repeat everyone's comments. The opening Hulu scene was crisp on the meta. They certainly got a ton of my favorite actors and it's my kind of bang-bang dialogue. I didn't know she was 47! I watched Cheryl blow up a bank last night and seeing her in person now cracks me up.
  16. That one too. That was New Amsterdam. The native Americans cursed him to live until he found love or something. I don't think that was the writers' strike though. I was thinking of an other one. It was an English guy who is in a lot of stuff. He had a pocket watch. Every time he 'died' they had to fish him out of the Hudson.
  17. I enjoyed a quite lively show, and the new rules have been solid for several episodes too. I liked the opening guest - it's not Islamaphobia because my fear of being killed is entirely rational. I do have to disagree about the Iran deal. The original deal worked and was working.
  18. I think Life on Mars was victim to the writers' strike. Flashforward was around then, and another about a guy who couldn't die in New York with Judd Hirsch.
  19. I'm surprised they waited all the way into episode 3 to mention the Armenian genocide, unless I missed it. I didn't know anything about the War Refugee Board either. Guy Stern was everywhere! I really wished they said how the three guys escaped from Auschwitz. From what the lady said, it seemed impossible. I don't think they could have bombed it because the collateral damage would have been too high, and you're handing the Axis even more propaganda. Now? Slip in some drones. No problem.
  20. I think they lumped it all into a generic colonial 'great awakening' style religious extremist.
  21. How far back was the convention though? He could say that he gave them autonomy so whatever they did since the tapir incident is on them. It's kind of thin, since they can all say that Fabian handed them missions. For being a lawyer, Cyril sure missed the date. Of course Archer is a good friend to Pam. They're the best. I did like that Klaus whined when he got demoted to secondary. I still say Pam is the best leader. Archer did all right, but not great. Someone should have known about the vault automatically closing, but Archer's plan after was good. Of course, he hit the alarm looking for booze, so not so good there. You'd think if Fabian was so invested in the coup, he'd give them some reasonable intelligence to complete the mission. I like Lana, and I get that she's riled about the custody, but she's being a lot right now. I don't know why she needed Cyril to help her in the vault. She must know how to pick locks too.
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