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Everything posted by MMLEsq

  1. Def Leppard is my favorite band, so I'd love this personally. Although is it TOO obvious? I can't remember the actual clues she gave -- so I realize I'm pretty much useless here -- but I remember thinking last night that the Butterfly could be Gwyneth Paltrow.
  2. Did anyone else think there was a little revisionist history going on with Whitney? When she asked if any of the women were going skiing, it seemed like she was asking in a, "Hey, I don't want to be the only one," way. Alyssa and Erin shut that down pretty quick with their, "Oh no, I have to stay home with the children." Then, in the interview part where she was sitting with Zach, she described it as if she, of course, wasn't going to go skiing because she had to stay home to watch her kids.
  3. Do you mean 2-3 months? I took the NJ and NY bars in July 1997 -- found out I passed NJ in September, I think, but didn't find out I passed NY until mid-to-late November. Back then (the stone age, ha!) some of my colleagues were up all night because it took forever for each page of the NY bar website to load showing the names of the people who had passed. When I moved to FL and took the bar here in February 2006, I can't remember how long it took to get results, but I think it wasn't that long....maybe by early April? I would agree that the chance of passing decreases each time a person takes it -- not because the test gets inherently harder in, but because some people just aren't cut out to pass that kind of test. Doesn't mean they're not intelligent. Some people just aren't good test takers. It's got to be heartbreaking though to pay for law school and invest all that energy in studying and then not to pass the bar exam. But, Shane seems like an ass, so it's hard to work up a lot of sympathy for him.
  4. I was rooting for Tommy all season (not a popular opinion here, I'll admit). Honestly, I don't want ANY of the four left to win. But, since one must, I guess my order of preference would be: 1. Nicole -- not that she deserves to win, but she's shown some flashes of insight and had to put up with a lot of crap along the way from Bella... 2. Holly -- totally does not deserve to win, but there would be some satisfaction in seeing her win and then hopefully turning around and dumping Jackson... 3. Jackson -- out of the four, he most deserves to win, but he's just so unlikable that I really don't want him to... 4. Cliff -- ugh; in the beginning I was kind of rooting for him, being the "old guy" and all, but not anymore... I'm having flashbacks to the final three of Andy, GinaMarie and Spencer of BB15, when there wasn't anyone to root for in the final three.
  5. https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/austin-forsyth-and-john-david-duggar-fly-to-bahamas-for-hurricane-aid/ Nathan and four of the Duggars (Jana, John David, Jason and James), as well as Joy-Anna's husband Austin, are also on the trip.
  6. Wandered over here to see if anyone had posted info on whether Shane had passed the bar. I actually hope the "need to be away to study for the bar" was contrived for the show because, if not, then I think he's kind of an idiot. It's really not THAT hard to pass the bar exam if you do a fairly thorough review/preparation (which definitely does not require someone to move out of their house, much less refuse to talk to their family on the phone...good grief!). With all the different ways to study for it these days (in person and online classes, software, books, etc.), it's pretty easy to take a practice test beforehand to determine whether you're generally ready or not and to identify where you should focus in your preparation. If he's not able to pass after all that, perhaps it's a big giant sign from the universe that he's not really meant to be an attorney....at least not one in CA, it would seem. I suspect (1) he jumped at the chance to move out for a bit....either because of marital difficulties or he just selfishly wanted to be in a nice hotel without having to help out at home and deal with the kids, and/or (2) after the negative reactions to him on the show last year, this was the explanation they crafted for why he wouldn't be around while Bravo was filming. Plus, if he was just quietly going about his business squeezing in study time where/when he could without advertising "Look at me! I'm spending weeks away from my family to study for the bar exam!!!", there wouldn't be any focus now on whether he passed. He just set himself up for embarrassment by making such a big deal about it on the show. These two really seem mismatched -- I don't get it.
  7. Here is how the roses were distributed: Demi --> Kristian Dylan --> Hannah Clay --> Nicole Mike --> Sydney Dean --> Caelynn Blake --> Kristina Derek --> Tayshia John Paul Jones --> Haley Chris --> Katie Which meant Caitlin, Jen and Tahzjuan went home.
  8. I'll probably watch, but I'm on the fence. I have ZERO interest in watching Sean Spicer trying to redeem himself.
  9. I don't think it necessarily makes her a player either. Although, maybe I missed something (entirely possible, I often multi-task while watching), but I didn't get the impression that she had made it crystal clear to Dylan that she was so confused. To me, it seemed like she didn't really care about Dylan's feelings when making out on the beach with Blake right in front of him...rubbing it in his face almost. If I was Dylan, I would gather up my pride and say, "Message received....you're not really interested." (Same thing holds true for Blake when she's lounging around all day with Dylan hanging all over her.) Call me old-fashioned (really, I don't mind), but just because you're confused and feeling pressure doesn't mean you can't take steps to actively avoid hurting people who clearly care for you while you figure things out by not making out with multiple people on the same day. The more catty side of me kind of hopes they both give up on her and pursue other people, leaving her with no one, although I realize that's not going to happen.
  10. Perhaps, subconsciously, you picked Prudence because that was the name of the character Kim Richards played on "Nanny and the Professor" (1970-1971) when she was around 5 or 6 years old. Or, maybe not, if you're not as old as me (and Kim R.). 😊 Fun fact: in Googling Kim R. and NATP just now, I discovered that Kim's middle name is Erica. Speaking of which... I'm wondering if Erika was realizing at that point that the "everyone vs. Lisa V" scenario was not a good look and that it might have backfired on them.
  11. Perhaps I'm stating the obvious here, but don't they get money from being on the show? I don't think they're rolling in the dough from it, but they've got to be paid something. Also, in addition to whatever money Chad is bringing is, they're getting whatever Erin's making from the Bates Sisters Boutique, plus anything she gets from sales of her CDs. I don't think any of those things on their own add up to a lot, but I'd be surprised if they're close to the poverty line.
  12. I'm not sure if this was sarcasm or a serious question. For the avoidance of doubt, Dorinda threatened to send a lawyer's letter....basically a warning to Lu not to talk about Dorinda in her cabaret show. No, you're definitely not. I think she has the worst voice of all the wannabe RH singers. Apparently being able to sing well is not a requirement in cabaret shows.
  13. In my mind, there's a difference between speech and language. So, someone could be a great speech pathologist (focusing on the actual sound of spoken words) while still having a limited (or annoying) vocabulary. I'd take all of Cassie's "likes" over Hannah's vocal-fry-sounding voice.
  14. This is why I avoid the "coming up this season on...," "coming up later this season..." and sometimes even "on the next episode..." type previews. People on the Survivor forum are so serious about it that there's actually a "Preview Rule" over there: There is NO preview talk in the [Survivor] episode threads. While not hard-core spoilers, previews contain information for the next episode that many of our posters avoid purposely. To then accidentally read about the preview in the episode thread ruins the experience for them. We have a separate thread for [Survivor] Previews and (non-spoiler) Speculation here. Please take all preview talk there. ETA: I just checked and The Amazing Race forum has the same rule.
  15. It was hard to follow her point, but what I took away from it was that she wasn't going to have enough one-on-one time with him to be able to accept a proposal in a few weeks. Kind of the female equivalent of the bachelor who wasn't going to be ready to propose (Peter?) during Rachel's season.
  16. I only watch the show -- not the live feeds or BBAD -- so, from what I've seen, Jonathan didn't even seem to want to work with Dina; he apparently just felt a need to protect her. He should have brought her into the alliance at the very beginning. But I can see why he wouldn't want her on the block. She was probably a guaranteed vote for him; if she's also on the block, he loses her vote. Didn't Anthony say something in the beginning about having to stay at least 12 days? (Presumably to beat his stint at the White House?) I think he didn't want to be the first HG voted on and started making noises about leaving, so they gave him a graceful way out. I think Kandi said it all at the beginning of the show when she said she has no poker face. When she's annoyed, she's going to look annoyed. (And, I think there are probably a lot of annoying things about being in the BB house.) She doesn't bother me on the RHOA, which is why we might have different opinions here. I think she's one of those people that's motivated by the paycheck and is not really interested in drama for drama's sake. Whereas, Tamar (who I don't know as well since I never watched her family's show, although I saw her on Dancing With the Stars) is the kind of person that likes a bit of drama and perhaps takes longer to process through her emotions. I think Kandi came in not really wanting to get into a big emotional scene with Tamar and Tamar came in needing a big emotional discussion to get past whatever beef she has with Kandi. I think Kandi thought they were done after one conversation and was then surprised when Tamar brought it up again. Tamar seems to have done a better job with socializing with Lolo and the wrestler (I know she has 3 names, but I can't think of a single one right now), although the wrestler revealing her top two deal with Lolo in front of Tamar definitely didn't help. I've said it before -- Ryan is not a mental giant. Didn't he admit on the first night that he had never watched the show? I'm not sure he even knows that -- as outgoing HOH -- he can't compete in the next HOH competition. Agree with you on Kandi being "completely chill," although she's probably not there to make friends either, so she might have underestimated the social aspects of the game. But, Tamar -- especially her screechy voice -- would drive me crazy if I had to be around her 24/7.
  17. I assumed the ONLY reason for the visit was to get the office on TV --- marketing, pure and simple. Bringing the daughter in to see her father was just a pretext. Following the "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything," I will say that I like Gabriella and can stand Audriana. I'm not saying anything else about every other child on this franchise. Back in the day, I used to like Christine and Jillian, but I realized it wasn't so much liking them as feeling incredibly sorry for them having such a crazy mom. Bodybuilding or bikini competitions or whatever aren't my thing (at all), but I do admire Teresa's dedication to getting ready for it. Not only was it a lifestyle change (eating healthy, so much working out), but I do think she had to overcome some fears about getting up on stage and being judged. Generally I can't really stand her, but in this instance I have to commend her efforts and the example she set for her daughters regarding setting a goal and doing what must be done to achieve it.
  18. My 14-year-old daughter was for some reason super annoyed that he was wearing a suit. She complained more than once about him not wearing "normal" clothes like everyone else. I don't know what this says about me, but I knew who all of the HGs were except the wrestler. Said 14-year-old daughter had never heard of most of them, so I kept having to pause the DVR to explain. The two explanations that took the longest were Kato (she had heard the name O.J. Simpson, but didn't know anything about the story....at all) and Joey (it took some convincing that "whoa" really was a thing). Right now.....and this is totally subject to change as the episodes air and people start to annoy me... here's where I stand: Rooting For: Jonathan, Lolo, Kandi, Joey Meh/Tolerating: Ricky, Tom, Kato, Natalie (does she go by all three names?), Ryan Can't Leave Soon Enough: the Mooch, Dina, Tamar I'm not sure why Jonathan immediately thought he would be at a disadvantage in a competition with Olympic athlete Ryan.... if it's any kind of competition that requires even a smidgen of intelligence then Jonathan's chances look pretty good. Ryan is no mental giant.
  19. Did they show scenes out of order because I could have sworn that Marlo said something like, "especially if you're pregnant..." before Porsha made her big announcement to the group. I was waiting for one of the HWs (who didn't already know the news) to remark on it. However, I will confess that I was seriously multitasking while watching, so I can't trust my memory on the episode 100% -- am I remembering wrong?
  20. If I were Janelle, Christine and Robyn I would have said to Meri, "We'll scrape together the $40,000, but in order to protect the investment you probably should be there most/all of the time to act as the caretaker/manager/etc. We'll really miss you, but we understand that's the place you need to be." $40,000 to be rid of Meri except for a few "very special episodes" where she shows up for some major family event seems like a pretty cheap price to pay for peace and quiet on the homefront. Plus, then her empty house in Las Vegas could be used for the grandchildren. Problem solved! Ha ha! Good one. I also feel bad for Ysabel. If she had the surgery she might have time for after school activities, etc. It's a quality of life issue....it would cure not only her back, but also take away stress, free up time, etc. I think Meri was fine with everything when she was the #1 only-one-that's-actually-legal wife. I think everything changed for her when the divorce and legal marriage to Robyn happened. She doesn't have the personality to be just another-in-the-crowd sister wife.
  21. MMLEsq

    S37.E13: Finale

    Sincere apologies if this was discussed or explained elsewhere and I missed it, but.... can you explain this? I don't remember Natalie ever being on TAR and, since I don't trust my memory at all, I just looked up the casts of both of those seasons of TAR and Natalie wasn't on either. I followed it up with a more general search for Natalie's name (and Natalia's name to boot) in connection with TAR and nothing came up.
  22. We're a couple of weeks behind with the shows (which we DVR'd), so we just watched this one last night. We all immediately thought that Stevie was lip-syncing. It looked like he screwed up (the lip-syncing) at the very beginning, plus it sounded exactly like the radio version. But, we could be wrong. I'm pulling for Sky or Miles to win. Ariana is a good dancer, but she can't not be front and center. She's always trying to be the center of attention even when Frankie is trying to talk to one of the other couples. I'm sure it's just excitement, but it's kind of annoying. I like Mandela (interesting that it's spelled like Nelson Mandela, but seems to be pronounced completely differently), although I don't see him winning this. I've been hoping that Mackenzie would leave since the very beginning since -- as noted by others above -- she's closer to being one of the kid pros. Akash was very poised at his elimination, but I did smile a bit when he referred to himself and the "other celebrities."
  23. It was obvious the kidnapping was set up....the cameraperson was INSIDE Deena's townhouse when Vinny (who was in the front of the pack) rushed in.
  24. I can't remember hearing Abbie speak before, so I was most struck by her voice. It wasn't a breathy, "keep sweet" kind of voice....it was refreshingly normal. It was interesting when John David said that he's now kind of a glitter guy, since Abbie's a glitter girl. Didn't seem at all like anything he would have said in the past -- if he had been asked the question a year ago, I feel confident that he would have rolled his eyes and either tersely said "no, I'm not a 'glitter guy'" or something sarcastic. I believe this is true love or at the very least he's truly infatuated. He seemed so happy. I agree with posters above that Jana seemed sad. Although I think that in a lot of episodes.
  25. I do too! I watched it a bit when it was on during its initial run, but never religiously. I'm enjoying the reruns on H&I. If they start again with S1, I think we should do a "group rewatch" -- I seem to recall they did one on the Law & Order topic. I think it's been done with a bunch of other shows also*. We can talk about things we missed the first time, things that take on a different meaning or sense of importance now that we know what we know, minor characters played by actors that went on to become famous, etc. * I just did a quick search and confirmed that, yes, a bunch of other shows have Rewatch threads -- Breaking Bad, Once Upon a Time, Gilmore Girls, Sex And The City, just to name a few.
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