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Everything posted by P2C2E

  1. This episode legitimately freaked me out. I think that's good?
  2. Corinne just seems to be drunk 24-7.
  3. Nick's body language is clear. When he's talking with Corinne, he is leaning as far away from her as possible. When he's with Vanessa, he's touching her in any possible way, her shoulder, her feet, kissing her forehead.
  4. The ongoing rant about "literally" vs "figuratively" is my life. So I cheered every time the distinction was made.
  5. I thought Flynn was going to propose to Eve before they were interrupted.
  6. Viola made me cry. Then Meryl made me cry. What beautiful passionate speeches by both women!
  7. Corrinne has been nicknamed "jailbait" in this house because if she has a nanny she's clearly underage. Danielle L is "boobs out for Harambe". Josephine is "slutty nurse" which is solely based off of that brief shot where I swear she was wearing a Halloween outfit and looked nothing like a legitimate nurse. In contrast, Danielle M was wearing actual scrubs.
  8. Does anyone know if there's a place to watch the special online? I missed it. :(
  9. Do they have two harps?!?! Who plays the harp?!?!
  10. It has become my habit every morning now to read Evan McMullin's twitter and I can't thank him enough for continuing to be so vocal. I know there are issues we disagree on, but I believe he could have made an excellent president. I wish our third party candidates had more of a chance.
  11. He should be locked up before he takes it upon himself to kill someone he considers less than human. This is hate speech. It's disgusting. Saying it is bad enough, but then when given the opportunity, he doubled down. Is he being offered a position in the next administration? He should not be representing people if he cannot think of people as people.
  12. This has been my problem too. I work in a blue state in a customer service position and all too often lately I have had people casually make a statement that leaves me with my mouth agape thinking "did you just say that aloud?" My new plan is to respond with "that is offensive and has no place here."
  13. http://thechive.com/2016/12/12/elephants-are-too-pure-for-this-world-17-gifs/
  14. This will be the declaration of independence when California secedes.
  15. Do you have a quote for this? Was it on Rachel Maddow? That is just such a horrific thing to say that my brain doesn't want to comprehend someone saying that. Out loud! I don't generally consider myself naive but this election is plumbing the depths of my skepticism.
  16. This is why I will never do a DNA kit to find out my ancestry. I do not want the government getting its hands on that information and using it against me.
  17. Snopes has confirmed it. http://www.snopes.com/2016/11/09/kkk-of-north-carolina-announces-donald-trump-victory-parade/
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