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Everything posted by P2C2E

  1. I used to watch this show without fail. Then I stopped watching but kept following along here. This year I completely forgot about it until just now. And I'm okay with that. It just isn't what it used to be.
  2. Hands in his pockets so he doesn't have to hug her...yeah that kid is buying flowers out of obligation not love.
  3. Agreed. Incognito no longer working for me either. Accessed this thread through notifications. Site seems to work ok if I'm not logged in, but that's not what I'm here for.
  4. i think this started Sunday? I can't access anything unless I'm in an incognito tab. I can see the homepage but if I click on any forum I get a message that "this community is temporarily unavailable". Still happening, across multiple themes as well. Using incognito works fine. Chrome browser. Samsung galaxy android version 8.0.0
  5. I love the length, very much not DuggarApproved 😈
  6. Yes! That too was obnoxious. If you switch to IPS default, that goes away. The layout looks different but it is so much nicer. And no massive notifications!
  7. Omg you are a lifesaver! I miss the dark background but will happily trade that to get rid of those fucking ads and the constant jumping!
  8. They look like young people being goofy. Because they are. *shrugs* They may be too young to get married, but they don't need to be stoic mature adults. Hell, I'm waaay older than they are and I'd still take a goofy pic like this with my partner. They look fine. Let them have fun. They'll be overstressed with kids in no time.
  9. Jinger: omg babe that's so great! Now you're a real christian!
  10. Fundies must be creaming their pants now that they are being "persecuted" for something. They're thrilled to be breaking the law in the name of JESUS and being imprisoned for it. The martyr complex that is such an innate part of religion is a dream come true for Jeremy and MacArthur etc.
  11. I don't hate any of those clothes. I don't think they go well all together, but I would wear them. I think Jill values comfort and function over style and that is perfectly okay. So what if an outfit isn't flattering if she feels confortable and good in it. I think one should dress for themselves and how they feel. For some, that may be very fashion forward, figure accenting outfits. For others it may be baggy and out of fashion trends. Some people pick material over fit. You can feel comfortable and sexy and attractive when you like what you're wearing, regardless of whether or not it's in fashion. I love that she's making her own style.
  12. I was homeschooled and raised in the conservative christian church. My parents enforced strict modesty rules and did not allow dating. I'm now a proud bisexual atheist. It didn't happen overnight but it happened. And it can happen for Jill too. There are many christians who are affirm the LGBTQ community. If I could recommend an author to Jill it would be Rachel Held Evans. She was a staunch evangelicalist who also was outspoken about social justice including being actively pro-choice. People can and do change. Even their fundamentally held core beliefs. I'm proud of Jill for how far she's come and I hope that she continues to grow.
  13. THEY CHANGED THE GREEN SKITTLES?!? Green apple is gross. Granted, I haven't eaten Skittles in over a decade since I became tragically allergic to them so it really doesn't affect me, but WTF!
  14. If it makes you feel better, the story is completely made up and never happened.
  15. Weird how I've seen that story from a "personal friend" ALL over the internet from people claiming it was their "personal friend". But I guess random people on the internet count as close, personal friends to JillR. It goes without saying that the story as posted never happened, like most things that "happen" to JillR.
  16. I spy leggings worn as pants! Go Jill!
  17. I don't have instagram, who are the 46 accounts that she wants people to follow in order to be entered? Is it all J&J buddies?
  18. Right, but isn't Jamie a guest judge? And they typically only judge one episode or two. Who knows if their vote even counts?
  19. But why couldn't he guest judge group A and then compete in group C? I mean, seems like it should be against the rules, but there also aren't really rules and nobody knows who anybody is. It would be funny because if he did compete in group C, the real judges wouldn't want to guess him because they would assume he couldn't compete.
  20. How great would it be if Jamie Foxx was also competing? Being a guest judge so early on is an excellent red herring.
  21. Wait a minute, TIMOTHY RODRIGUES, what are the statistics for women and porn? Or since you don't mention it, can I assume it's a-ok?
  22. Derick and Jill may have had issues for a long time. Just because they were filming and talking about how great things were doesn't mean they weren't miserable. Most people want to keep the peace, especially with family. Until they reach a point where doing that is harmful to their own happiness. And even then, people will sacrifice happiness for harmony. I feel like I understood what Derick was saying. They filmed and participated with the family and weren't compensated. It was compared to volunteering and was a ministry. But in other volunteer scenarios, you volunteer on your own schedule and when you want to be done, you stop volunteering. You can't just stop being part of the Duggar family. Not without encountering legal threats, and guilt trips, and emotional manipulation. And when you do what's necessary to protect your family and walk the hell away, the result is family rift. I feel Derick spent a long time trying to cut that family some slack. Trying to not declare them the Evil Empire because Jill was still their daughter and we want to believe that parents will love their children no matter what. I think it's clear that there is estrangement and Derick is done protecting the Duggar family and share his real feelings. And I believe he is supported by Jill in this. I'm excited for Jill to learn to become her own person and learn new things. I wish them happiness and independence and growth.
  23. Ben and Jessa probably visited a few weeks ago. Holiday season could mean anytime in December. And we know they post pictures long after they happened.
  24. Jill may be in therapy. We don't know. Despite the fact that we feel they put their whole lives on camera or social media, they don't. If they were in therapy they likely wouldn't share that. Jill has shared books she's reading. They may have been recommended by Derick, or a friend, or even by a therapist. We really don't know their lives, however much we think we do.
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