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Everything posted by Shelbie

  1. I have doubts about any therapist that will appear on a reality show but she wasn’t wrong about how they communicate. They do need to calm down, shut up and listen to each other.
  2. Darcy is a sugar mama whether she wants to admit it or not.
  3. They are both so utterly ridiculous. They want their lives to be like a soap opera filled with drama and unrealistic romance.
  4. Kody was correct that obeying was important in his marriage to Robyn. He just has absolutely no awareness that he is the one obeying her in all things and at all times.
  5. I feel like Ben has convinced himself that his wife isn’t over him but she looked over him to me. I think she sees him clearly and is there to protect her children.
  6. One of the best things about having voice commands on my cable system is saying fast forward three minutes on a recording and then I’m back to the show. I don’t have to even see the irritating commercials speeded up or not. Three minutes is not perfect timing but I usually miss most commercials.
  7. I hope TLC or someone has disability insurance for Michael and anyone else who pushes Tammy around. I couldn’t do it. Tammy’s quite bitchy remark wondering who they were getting the wheelchair for made me realize she loves that she just sits there while someone else does all the work.
  8. This is exciting news. I’m sure there will be lots to snark on when we see it in 2026.
  9. This post is brilliant and I think you nailed Kody.
  10. Kody actually said “ Blah. Blah. Blah. Vomit bullshit. Vomit bullshit “ He was talking about his wives and children but since he has absolutely no self awareness he was actually talking about himself. Until the day he dies he will see himself as incredibly wise and refuse to understand why his wives and children question his decisions.
  11. Shelbie


    Lazy Kody too. He lives there as well.
  12. Kody thinks he is the smartest person in any room. To anyone that meets him it is instantly apparent that he is an idiot who is unable to think for himself and cares very little for his wives and children. I think they have a nanny because Kody doesn’t want to be bothered by his two youngest children.
  13. So glad I have a mute button on my remote for Gino and Jasmine.
  14. My thought was that Jasmine lost custody of her second child and used covid as an excuse as to why she didn’t live with either of her children.
  15. I’m sure he wanted to be there to tell the nurses and doctors what to do. After all he does know everything about everything. I wonder if he told Christine to be sure to tell the medical staff that her husband has 4 wives. This would be sure to impress them in Kody’s head and is vital information.
  16. I’ve seen going rouge instead of going rogue. Makes me smile to think of someone using makeup to veer off course.
  17. Kody boo-hooing about how he’s not the head of the house infuriated me. I have always loathed the idea that just because someone has a penis he is in charge of everything regardless of intelligence, aptitude or common sense. Kody wants to be in charge of everything and everyone and is a seething pit of rage that he isn’t. He then takes out his anger on everyone around him. He is awful on every level.
  18. I think it’s very smart for her to bring someone she trusts to help her. Caleb’s glib response that he would carry her shows he doesn’t have a clue what she needs.
  19. I think SteVen expected Evelin to crumble and be defensive about how she dresses. She is an adult woman and can dress anyway she pleases. SteVen had no idea what to do when she didn’t respond as he thought she would. He was pissed off that he couldn’t control everyone.
  20. Other than Mike’s friends not being there I loved this episode and plan to rewatch it today. Had tears in my eyes a couple of times. I decided to record this show on a whim and wasn’t expecting much from it. I’m so glad I watched it. Wonderful characters and writing. I hope it gets renewed.
  21. I may sound like the Grinch here but I stopped doing stockings for my kids once they were living with their partners. I used to gently advise women who were pregnant with their first to not buy huge stockings but instead to get quite small ones. I said it was easy to fill them when my kids were small but as they got older I found it much harder and ended up using crap to fill them. My kids were in their thirties when I finally stopped and seem to have suffered no ill effects.
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