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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. Maybe Ava will be killed trying to save one of her sons? And it sure is sounding like Claire and Ben will get together to console each other, once Claire's relationship blows up. I hope this all wraps up soon, as these writers really suck at writing anything to do with any kind of mafia.
  2. I will try to come up with a best storyline but until I get there. . . I quit the show for good when Sami came back and screamed her way through every scene she was in, pushing Nicole into her wedding cake, etc. Lani choosing her psycho BFF over her husband and her unborn babies! Kristen being brought back for any reason and it looks like she will be around for a while. I am NEVER going back to watch again. Jake and Kate - just eeewwwww. Allie rape/who wants my baby stories. OK - I do like that Gabi came back (for 12 seconds), but she will be back and ultimately get together with Jake. That's all I've got!
  3. As soon as they called Meredith in to the office and the waterworks started, I just cringed. And when Kelly said she lost her edge, I just shook my head. What edge??? She was awful last year and is the same, which makes her worse, this year! That she seems to think that it is OK to be slow again, because she will eventually learn them, is ridiculous. She has no confidence as a veteran and they just need to cut their losses and get her out of there! Soon, please!
  4. I can see a line of baby clothes, "I was conceived from Plain Caucasian Sex!"
  5. OH NO - I just read that Elizabeth and Jamie have changed their minds and are now talking about having kids!!! I think they are just ever so slightly below Jamie O on the "will do anything for a camera" scale. I am sure if they do, they will want it all on a reality show.
  6. I thought Desz would come in second. Looking at her face when he (finally) read the name, she seemed to be totally shocked and not happy. Not that she would be happy not to win, but she seemed really surprised to come in so low.
  7. Wasn't that the plot of a movie with Ashley Judd and Tommy Lee Jones? She went to jail for killing her abusive husband, who was just setting her up and wasn't dead, so when she was released, she planned to get him for real, using that theory.
  8. And who is surprised by that last scene? Anyone? Bueller?
  9. Why would a nice lady like Mindy need to move to Mexico to find herself?? She was pretty solid when we saw her. I am thinking that was fake news.
  10. Just read an article on soapdirt about Mindy. It said after the show was over, she moved to Mexico! What the heck is that about? I wonder if she is living with ChristinA????
  11. I couldn't believe how Meredith was still saying how she was getting better, but still needed time. I still can't believe she was selected last year. I almost didn't recognize Kat, but her new color and hair looks good. I am still not a fan of Sydney.
  12. I think Ava does figure out that if Tripp did not rape Allie, then her other son, Charlie, probably did. I don't know if she will share that since that would mean throwing one of her sons under the bus, but maybe as another enticement to get Steve to get in bed with her again? Also, why is it assumed that Charlie (if he is Ava's son) is also Steve's? I don't think they look alike, either, and I think that Ava sent Charlie here to be her spy on Xander and Phillip.
  13. And still nothing in the spoilers to entice me back to watching. I stopped when Sami came on and haven't watched since then. Reading the spoilers and summaries are enough for me. For as many decades as I have watched this show, it feels sad.
  14. I can't wait to see the new show, even though we already know who made the team. I am watching the Marathon of S14 and it still pains me to watch Meredith and see all the chances she was given. And since I don't see her on the poster, does anyone know if she didn't try out again or if she was cut? Same with Christina. Thanks. I know that many of you follow this much closer than I do, so you know all the scoop! This show remains a guilty pleasure to the point that I had to add a package to my cable programming JUST to get CMT.
  15. And how classy was Kate telling Jenn that Jack was all in, when she knew he was just missing his wife????? I have never liked that character, once Deborah Adair left, and I see nothing positive in how she is portrayed. I wish they had cut this character, she brings nothing to the story.
  16. I think Henry mentioned the whole blackmail scheme because he was giving reasons why he wanted out of the marriage and wasn't going to stay with her. He had a list of several examples, of which, that was a biggie. I don't think he made up his mind at the wedding when he heard about the long affair. I think he was done the minute he saw someone who was no way near petite and she was rude to him when he was trying to talk to her. I don't know if he knew that she forgot his name, but I am sure it wouldn't have surprised him. I hope he finds someone nice and is happy.
  17. Well, we really don't know how he behaved when he was not with Jennifer on one of his walkabouts. We have an idea, though. . .
  18. @Frozendiva, thanks for the link, but it just seems that this is speculation based on the cast pic - not really spoilers.
  19. @TJ N, How do you know what Henry said or didn't say to ChristinA when the cameras weren't there? Are you believing anything she says over what he says? As far as the blackmail thing goes, allegations, whether true or not, remain forever. Look at all the people who were falsely accused during the Me, Too movement or other charges who lost their jobs and families with absolutely no evidence? So, for Henry to be labeled as something he was not would definitely impact his life and he didn't want to have to always explain or make excuses for something not true. I still think that it was a very poor match from the beginning. I think that Henry could have been happy with a different choice and ChristinA would have been happy with a man who thought she was a goddess.
  20. I assumed The Who-done-it story was going to be the totally unnecessary Jan.
  21. I don't know if Henry and Olivia dated, but they were the remaining people in their group, since ChristinA and Brett certainly would't be attending, or necessarily welcome. But, everyone looks happy and it's great that they stay friends.
  22. I am just guessing that since Kayla said she ran the test multiple times, that Charlie (or whoever) must have changed the SAMPLE somehow. So, he knows who Allie is and what he did.
  23. Plus, wasn't it ChristinA who said when we first met her, that she has based her ideas on ideal relationships from TV and movies? I took that to mean that she hasn't had a real relationship, because reality doesn't match TV drama or romance.
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