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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. @Crashcourse and @silverbell, according to Jake, Haley told him she wanted to have a girls' night and went to meet them at the bar. He went down later and all of the couples were there - not just the girls. When they saw him (again, according to Jake), they all ran away. If this is true, it shows Haley's true character. We don't know what she told the others about why Jake wasn't there, so she is the only one I hold responsible. Or, it could be that just like Jake, the men showed up to what was really a girls' night. We don't know why they bailed.
  2. I say, hire the Catfish team to do the vetting - if it's out there, they will find it! Also, we knew who Chris was in the shots they showed during the matchmaking and before the weddings were on, so why couldn't they? He doesn't and can't hide who he is it. He is PROUD of it. And, based on his "resume" I am betting that he was actually recruited, and therefore, maybe not vetted too much. Production bought his successful entrepreneur BS and grabbed him. Pepper was really trying to deflect any blame, but it didn't work, for me. If they were all "fooled" that much by this buffoon, they should all resign. Also, isn't part of the "sophisticated" testing they do also supposed to show how they will react under stress for this very reason????
  3. Or, if Vivica A Fox was in it, it would be called "I married the WRONG Stranger!"
  4. I don't watch The Masked Singer because I am sure I don't know most of those people. I like dancing and wanted to see the costumes, etc. It really cracked me up when these judges (who IS Ashley Tisdale and why was she wearing those horrible dresses????) kept throwing out names like Hugh Jackman and other real celebrities who would never go on a D-list show like this. (Although the first night, I was sure that Cotton Candy was Kristin Chenowith for many reasons.) I had to wonder if the judges were given clues and suggestions as to who was on the show so that no one would be embarrassed if, when they took off their mask, no one knew who it was? If I hadn't watched Dance Moms, I would never have heard of Mackenzie (or Maddie) and no one I know would know who they are. Most of the other names were more well-established. I think I am one and done if this returns. But, the costumes were amazing.
  5. Don't they have the one that made the heart gizmo that Gabi had the remote for? I would have thought that any tech branch would be far more profitable than Gabi Chic.
  6. I am pretty sure that Ryan told Clara his thoughts once the cameras were off. He just wants to keep as much between them and maintain as much privacy as they can. That's why they won't talk about their sex life (although Clara did imply that they had been intimate, which is what I would have expected from them). I think Clara would be fine sharing everything, but she is respecting Ryan's wishes.
  7. To me, this was a totally unpleasant episode and I didn't enjoy it at all. There was too much forced togetherness on a miserable excuse for a honeymoon. Like many of you have stated, there is way too much Chris/Paige drama and it is sucking the air out of the season. I don't know how much is production driven, but he is a horrible person. Period. For him to be saying he makes 4 times as much as she does when 1) she has a real job and 2) his "restaurant" has closed and he never paid any rent is ridiculous for her to just accept what he says. Of course, he wants his own accounts so she can't see how awful he is with money. but, I bet he will want access to her account. And I have no more compassion for Paige. He tells her he still loves his pregnant ex and they have talked about getting together, BUT he is starting to feel spiritually attracted to Paige, so she stands a chance if she stays with him. And she just starts smiling when he throws her a bone. She needs REAL therapy, not from the MAFS idiots. I started the season liking Eric. No more - he is letting his stupid child-bride take him down the wrong path. He can't hold his alcohol like she can and appears to be a sloppy drunk. It is NOT cute to be chronically late and she is very immature and selfish. I still can't believe that all of the couples have had sex except for them. (Clara kind of alluded to it, although didn't come right out and say it.) He is letting her make a fool out of him. Her insistence on drinking and partying Thursdays-Saturdays is a serious problem. (Does she not go to work on Friday?) I am not of fan of this couple anymore. I still like Ryan and Clara seems to be a good friend to talk to - both Virginia and Paige have gotten advice from her. I hope they make it. I think that Vincent and Briana are fine and we just saw some production planted hijinks to give them some airtime. I still can't believe they selected Haley for this show. Her family says she is a tough nut to break. She says she is picky and makes snap decisions about partners and is done with them. They have had that type of woman who is "too independent" and doesn't want to compromise before (Deonna and Karen come to mind), but I just don't understand why she wanted to get married. To constantly say that she doesn't want too be with someone all the time (which I understand is a tough transition after being single for so long), but the fact that she won't talk about it is hard to watch. And hard not to side with Jake. He is trying. I am still shocked they had sex. I hope they enjoyed it because it won't happen again. But, I do agree with those who have said that Haley seems to think she is better than he is (or at least has that attitude) and the is not a good thing. I don't know if they will even move in together!
  8. I won't watch if that is the case. Kevin Frazier hosted the last one and that was also during pandemic, so I hope he returns for this one. I will bet that Chris does not participate, much as Brett didn't and Luke walked out, if I remember correctly. I would LOVE to see Kevin and Chris. Jamie and anyone, not so much.
  9. According to Soap Opera News, Jason Downs, who plays Rhodes, will be killed by Evan, who returns tomorrow.
  10. I totally agree and I am sure we will see all of the suspects in their final scenes with Charlie so each one could be guilty. And, it is also equally likely that the killer will be someone we never see, like maybe Angelo, coming to save Ava from her devil child. I see this dragging on to summer!🥵
  11. It's interesting to note that Kate (Kate/Luke) had many of us feeling upset for her until almost the end when she finally admitted that they had been having sex. I think, from reading here and my own thoughts, we are already done with Paige.
  12. Maybe the picture of Chris and his fiancee was from the first time they were engaged, in which case, baby weight wouldn't be a factor? She definitely looked a lot different from Paige, but I still don't get what ANY woman sees in him.
  13. If Paige can find out of the producers knew about this, I think that this would qualify as a ground for annulment.
  14. I saw a picture of Chris and his new fiancee (I think it was the former fiancee but they are re-engaged) and she was very thin. So, she either didn't have a baby recently, which would lead to the above rumor, or she loses baby weight really fast. Wait - would she even have had the baby yet? When was this filmed?
  15. After this show, I am done with Paige if she doesn't leave. He tells her that regardless of how he might feel about his ex, he made a vow to her and he is keeping it. So, that is supposed to make Paige feel better? That he is stuck with her? And now he is telling her that he is attracted to her - liar! She needs some real help and counseling and that's enough with God is making this happen. I don't care what he wants. Fake man, fake tears, REAL jerk! I was totally shocked to learn that Erik and Virginia have not had sex yet. The way she is all over him, I really thought it would have happened before now. But, she is starting to see that he has definite rules and expectations for their life together. Nothing too unreasonable, but I wouldn't want anyone telling me who I can be friends with. They were both looking awful in the pool - desperately in need of sunscreen and why couldn't they have changed the camera angle so that Virginia wasn't constantly looking into the sun and squinting? I still like Ryan and still am not too sure about Clara. She talks too much and I am just not a fan. And she makes weird faces. Briana and Vincent are lovely and I am glad they found each other. Jake and Haley definitely looked more comfortable and she even initiated a kiss, which was surprising. They still have zero chemistry, but I hope they have some fun while they are on their honeymoon and before they head back to life. The fact that she is Face timing her friends all the time on their honeymoon speaks volumes. They are in the "interview" stage where they ask each other stupid questions and then never take the discussions any further. After he shared that info about the pink thong (yikes!), she could have said something crazy she had done. Or, he could have asked. Neither happened.
  16. He was clearly not attracted to her the minute he saw her, so her accomplishments didn't do that. I am guessing that the fact that she is successful and accomplished has made it easier for him to not like her and feel sorry for himself, but the lack of attraction was already done.
  17. Sure could explain her drinking, though! Also, on another board, a woman claims her son works with Luke from the whatever that season was and said that he was the nicest guy and it was all production hijinks. Also, he said that everyone lives in their own homes and the apartment is just for shooting on evenings and weekends. I guess maybe people could stay together if they wanted to, but generally, everyone goes to their own homes. We know Zack did! They must bring enough stuff to make it looked lived in and have some things when they are there for the camera. Now I feel better about Paige, although she did sleep with him🤢.
  18. It doesn't say they are killing Charlie. It is their speculation-that-they-call-spoilers. While we speculated that Charlie and Gwen are the most hated people, Ron C said there would be a shocking death, and neither of them would be shocking. He also said a mystery who-dun-it. It could be that after Gwen and Laura argue, Laura has a heart attack and dies - shocking (ha) death. So we might still have a murder and I would still much prefer to see Gwen killed than Charlie. ETA - it does kind of look like they are going there. Now with Sami coming back, that just adds more people who may have done it. Even Claire might snap again. Too bad if that is what happens. Days always does that - brings in someone to be bad and then find out that he/she is popular and have to come up with a way to resolve the situation with back from the dead or unknown twin stories, which are always AWFUL. So now baby Henry will have no father, which is easier for the storyline. Let's see. . . could be Allie, Sami, Lucas, Nicole, Kate, Tripp, Ava, Claire, Ben (?).
  19. I still can't believe that there is not a lawyer who couldn't break that contract if someone is being abused, debased, or emotionally damaged on screen. Yes, she signed up, but they did match her with someone who harmed her. I wish Paige would do the Zach thing and not live with Chris, but it's obviously too late and I have to admit that I do think less of her. Yes, she believed she was getting a real marriage, but to have sex multiple times after he was sending HUGE red flags (and even if she didn't see his, she sure did with his family), I think I have lost my compassion for her. Just stupid. I am glad that Kate posted that. I had lost my compassion for her, too! And, @gonecrackers, Kate and Luke didn't have sex every day - he wouldn't. She seemed to have to talk him into it each time.
  20. So, my speculation is that Gwen will (and has) threaten(ed) to kill Laura, so when Laura is found dead, everyone will think it was Gwen. Generally, the one who threatens someone is usually not the killer. So, I think that while Abby was telling Laura how she did nothing wrong and understood what she did, internally, she was seething at the harm that Gwen caused, so in another DID episode, Abby kills Laura and now with Laura dead, who is going to cure Abby in a week? Ron said there would be a who-dun-it or murder mystery, so if we see Gwen do it, then there will be another death. If we don't, then I don't think it will be Gwen who does it. GWABBY, anyone?
  21. She will be involved with the Eli/Lani story in some way. I hope not a relative, so maybe Abe can find a woman, but who knows. It's hard to tell how old Chanel is. She looks young, but maybe she is old enough to cause a problem or two for Lani and Eli. I sure hope she isn't another long lost Stefano child.
  22. Exactly!!!! Allie can go live with Rafe and she can take Henry with her. Until Sami comes back and puts a stop to that. If Nicole wants to butt into everyone's business, let her BFF stay with her!!! Unless she wants Rafe to protect Ava from her mob family, in which case, why would you want to put your friend, Rafe, in danger???
  23. Just OMG - ENOUGH with the return of people we don't care about. Orpheus and Clyde again???? I stopped watching the last time Sami was on and didn't bother to start again, but now I might have to give up on the spoilers and summaries.
  24. Well, to be real, they just got married the day before and are being required to do the family thing and then leave for their honeymoon, so there really hasn't been much time yet. I think he is probably hoping the honeymoon will give them time for that (even though he has already made up his disgusting mind).
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