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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. If he is a widower, where are the kids the rest of the time? Haley would NOT be a good step-mom - even part-time.
  2. I think he is a crooked dr and is also the one who helped Jan get out to kill Charlie. I am just guessing he is either on the Vitalli or some other payroll and I am sure he and Gwen worked out a deal for his silence.
  3. My ultimate fantasy is to have Kristen open her door and the entire town of Salem is there wearing Kristen masks as they all pile in to get rid of her forever and no one will ever know who did it!
  4. I don't think we see Ginny drunk very often, but we do see her drinking. She has said that her friends can't keep up with her, so although I believe she does drink A LOT, she does not appear drunk. But, in her own words, the fact that her getting so drunk that she passes out on a friend's couch on a regular basis, and the fact that she has said many times that she will not give up her drinking and partying, tells me that there is a problem with alcohol. Erik, on the other hand, has appeared sloppy drunk several times. I believe that is because he doesn't drink that often or much, so it hits him harder pretty quickly. I think he tries to give her what she wants, but he knows the drinking makes them both say things they regret. Plus, with his job, he can't be getting drunk all the time and if she is ever to get pregnant, she has to stop completely and I just don't see that happening the near future.
  5. They have used this many times over the seasons as an attempt to each pull the other one out to balance them. This is one of their main reasons to match people, besides the one that they both have cats.
  6. I just don't get why she hasn't even seen him without a shirt????
  7. I think they have mentioned that his condo does not allow pets, so I totally understand why she doesn't want to go there.
  8. Thanks - a good one to miss. It sounds like another filler like they did that mid-show one with Kevin Frazier and a bunch of people nobody knew or cared about giving their opinions. Wow, they are sure dragging this painful mess out way too long.
  9. Really??? Do you recall why they tagged him with that moniker??? I think it was because when he opened the bottle of champagne, it went all over the place and Brianna said it was such a Vinnie move. I think that was the first time he claimed she hurt his feelings.
  10. I like your optimism! I expect VK will be back within the year, unfortunately. I think we will see her back even during the rest of the shows that have been shot through August.
  11. I don't even watch anymore, but it will make me happier to read the recaps for as long as she is gone. I am not holding onto any hope that she is gone gone. And we know how secure those prisons are.
  12. @JocelynCavanaugh, thanks for the reminder. I don't think I said anything spoilerish in my post, though.
  13. Decision Day isn't tomorrow. You have to wait until May 12. And as far as bets, I think most of us have seen the spoilers so we know.
  14. I remember the last time Stacy gave a heart-felt good-bye message and here she is, so I don't believe it for a minute. OK, maybe a minute. But, she will be back if they are renewed, I think. What pissed me off in her last message is that she claimed to be the Phoenix and always rises - she has not one drop of DiMera blood and Stefano is, was, and will always be the Phoenix!!!
  15. I can see why Jake wouldn't want to help Haley in the kitchen - she would probably tell him he is doing everything wrong and make fun of him. And then tell everyone how he couldn't even boil water for pasta or something.
  16. We don't know that it is not white gold or platinum just because it appears silver. I believe him and that he had strong intentions as this began.
  17. Thanks to the great comments, I determined that I had no reason to watch last night, so I didn't. This is the most thoroughly unlikeable group of people they have had in all the seasons I have watched (since Dallas with Ricky Bobby and Danielle). There were always one or two weirdos, but I have no emotional investment in ANY of these couples, and regardless of what they say on Decision Day, or even the reunion, I expect that all of them will - and should - divorce.
  18. It looks like in my TV Guide that it is only a 1-hour episode, which is fine, but just wondering. Maybe they are really devoting time to the Unmatchables, and realize that this season is toast.
  19. That would be fine if they ALL slept in another room, but if the cats slept in the bed that Erik and Ginny shared, she would have to really really clean it every time he came home, which is definitely not something I see her doing. They can have a cat room, but everything else would have to be cleaned and vacuumed really well for his allergies not to kick up. Speaking as someone with severe cat allergies, I would never get involved with a cat owner. I could never ask or expect someone to give up a pet, just as I would never give up my dogs for someone with dog allergies. This was another epic "expert" fail - it is NOT a small issue. It is right up there with wanting/not wanting kids.
  20. Glad you said something, @LennieBriscoe. I have no idea what those things are saying and since I can't read them, it is completely annoying. I hope that is something they are fixing! ETA: I am on my laptop and it is bad. Can't imagine how it must be on a phone.
  21. The "experts" must be so proud of the best people they could find out of all the applicants. That leaves me with ZERO desire to watch Unmatchable!
  22. It's not on here yet. Are Paige and Chris there?
  23. Are these real spoilers, @brisbydog, or just the speculations from soap dirt? For May sweeps? What a stupid plot for Lucas and Sami. What is he supposed to do when they catch Kristen and she gets locked up (or killed, hopefully)? Suddenly be cured? I still don't understand how anyone can let Kristen, who is the real criminal, blackmail them with stupid stuff that doesn't matter. I know, I know - the plot. Sigh. A tragedy for Gwen/Chad/Abby, huh? I still am half expecting it to be the Stefano clone. But, maybe a miscarriage is part of the Gwen redemption tour? I am glad they are divorcing Xander and Chanel quickly, but really not thrilled to see the great murder mystery still playing out through May. The "old"Nicole is coming back? This new one sure is boring and nosy and has nothing to do at all. I wonder what the news is from Eric - I guess he is never coming back. So she will sabotage Rafe/Ava because she is just that person. I don't know what Paulina's secret is, but I am not a fan of either of these new mother/daughter characters.
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