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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I am not used to seeing Alec Baldwin playing a good guy! It's a whole different dynamic for him. I spent yesterday watching the whole thing!
  2. @Spectator, there are a few Haley fans on this board, but many of us aren't - at all. I do wish they would make those last season players go away so we can focus on the new group of participants without having to rehash the Jake/Haley debate every week. I can only hope that they don't decide to make Haley and Paige the next couple on Couples' Cam (which I don't watch anyway, but others do), since those two seem to love the face time and both enjoy playing the injured victim martyr (which they do get plenty of support for).
  3. LOL, OK - I didn't watch the show but the fact that those of you who did just commented on eye shadow and someone's lips makes me think that there wasn't much to see here. I think I will wait a few more weeks to see if I want tune in. I am ready for all of these past couples to just go away. All of them. And take the phony predictions with them from people who have no more idea than we do. I don't like that they added this 3 hours to the mess that is awaiting us. And Kevin Frazier will never be the same to me, so I am done watching him, too. BUT, I will continue to check this board daily!
  4. I just read that Ryan and Clara are divorcing. That makes me sad, since I thought they had bought a house together and were going to try to make it. So, Bri and Vinnie are the last hope for that last season. ETA: there is a link to the article in People in the "Where are they Now Season 12" thread.
  5. I think most of Haley's friends are already married, which is why she signed up for the show. She was tired of always being a bridesmaid and has been one again since the show. She must have a lot of friends to be in so many weddings, but I think she is at the age where she will run out of friends to hang out with, especially once her friends start having babies. It's a tough time, but I don't think she will ever find anyone good enough for her.
  6. I said I believed she was at the end of the show when they had finally decided to end it and she kept showing up. In that video clip, which has some things I do believe, Chris said that Paige asked him to keep filming so that she could still get the money for those shows. At the beginning, I believe she was fully into it for "the right reasons." Once there was no reason for Paige to be there, except for sympathy and face time, I do believe that she encouraged him to keep filming. When she was just on by herself and played the martyr card, it didn't look as good for her as when he was on and acted like himself and she was there to follow him out the door and bring him back - more time for her.
  7. And, of course, he sees a female therapist who he thinks he can charm his way out of answering things he doesn't want to answer or who won't push him to get the real details and catch him in his lies. I think we all pretty much figured that Paige was in it for the money, at least towards the end. And I don't believe that she told him that she wasn't attracted to him - she wanted this marriage desperately and she wanted HIM. What I don't get at all is how anyone as gorgeous as Mercedes is could want anything to do with him. I am sure she was not sitting home alone and had many options. Also interesting about the wedding(s) and the legality. I wonder if that is true.
  8. A show with Kevin already? I am done with him after the last reunion debacle, so I will wait until the real show starts. Let's see - one husband has an unforeseen situation - well, last time they had Chris and a maybe pregnant ex, so how better to top that than to have a man who might be gay?
  9. I know that there is supposed to be this great love between Ben and Ciara, but I don't like how the whole story is driven by the privilege VK has to come and go as she pleases. We know the couple is end game, but by the time they get around to it, those people who care will be over it. I think she needs to commit or to leave and then let the story move on or recast the role. It's like she is holding the show hostage and she is just not that good!
  10. As much as I swore off after last season, it doesn't look like there is anything else on TV tonight, so.... see you all tomorrow!
  11. I also hope that this is the end of the Paulina character and that she leaves town, but I am guessing that she will now start on her redemption tour. I haven't been a fan of anything she has brought to this show/story, so I would be fine if she is gone.
  12. Just a wild guess here - did Paige go on the Girls' Getaway? If so, maybe she is still talking to Chris (even though she swore she wasn't) and told him about the threesome? I actually believe Paige lies almost as much as Chris does. But, why would Haley bring her brother on a girls' vacation? I am glad that Erik didn't risk his career drinking and driving.
  13. Sami is married to a DiMera, but why would Belle get a vote?
  14. I think that is her big revenge plan. To let Jake think he has her vote and then blast him at the CEO meeting. If true, at least the stupid fake blindness story is almost over.
  15. Maybe we can hope that Kristen's return on June 25 is all we see and then she is gone? It didn't say that her return starts then - it just says she will be back on that day. I know - wishful thinking.
  16. @absolutelyido, AJ was pretty much a jerk and obnoxious the whole time. He didn't like the cameras and often yelled at production and tried to refuse to do things he didn't want to do. I don't know what Stephanie saw in him, but I guess once the cameras weren't there, or when they were alone, he was better. He also got drunk at the group events and was pretty awful. Again, he didn't want the cameras there, but he signed up so he would never have to eat dinner alone again.
  17. LOL, I made my breakfast and sat down with my tea to leisurely read the comments about the show last night and see that, apparently, I was far from the only one who didn't watch.
  18. What I thought was weird was when Paulina started in on Allie being Chanel's partner, when she wasn't a POC, but then, as soon as she finds out that Tripp is going to be a doctor, tries to get her to be interested in him (or him in her)? Wouldn't her values be more concerned with who her daughter dates than who she works with? That didn't fit with how she has been presented so far.
  19. There would have been Kate's fingerprints and she would have had residue from firing the gun on her hands, even if she washed them before the police came. I am guessing that it was done to pacify the parents, and maybe that will come out in the next season.
  20. Well, maybe the first time around was "fun." Not so much the fifth - for me.
  21. May be unpopular, but I think that Clara and Ryan are paying for their own wedding, they are buying their own house and they are not on Couples' Cam. I think they (Ryan) want nothing more to do with this show and just want to have normal lives. I know some people follow them on SM, but that surprises me, too. I would have thought they wouldn't care about that at all (Ryan).
  22. Yep, and the following week will be the top 25 moments from sucky Season 12 AGAIN. Let.it.die.
  23. I wonder if this is how Kate pays him back and dumps him and votes for EJ, thus ending the fake blindness drama?
  24. The couples from this past season who will be on the Couples' Cam show will be Erik and Ginny, and Brianna and Vinnie. I don't watch the show (I have had enough of these people), but I don't think that they discuss other past people on the show. Just updates on themselves and their thoughts on the current season, I think. They have quite a few couples from over the seasons and just adding two more, I don't know if they will all be on all the time or they rotate.
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