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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I am still not 100% sure that they actually live there. I think many just show up for filming and they still live in their own places, for reasons such as the one you stated. Maybe if they really like each other, they try living together, but I am not buying it anymore.
  2. I am wondering if EJ's happy reunion is with Kristen, who then kidnaps Sami?
  3. @Kiss my mutt, there are some comments about that in the area for the discussion of last night's show. This is from a week ago.
  4. @greeneyedscorpio, LOL - I am under 5 feet tall and 5'6" is my max for men for me. Any taller, and I feel like I am out with my Dad!
  5. I think I was the most surprised by Brett and Ryan. Until the wedding, I hadn't seen Ryan smile or have much of a personality, but he seemed to be very happy at the wedding. I had high hopes for them at first, but now I am not sure about Brett. I understand about being asked to go outside of your comfort zone at your wedding is hard, but she just wasn't having any of it. I hope things get better, but the hunting thing may be a deal breaker. But, Brett - buy yourself a pair of cowboy boots. They are fun! I am still hopeful for Bao and Johnny. If she could just relax and have fun, she could have a very happy life. But, since being physical is not part of how she has lived, it may take her a while. Some people just weren't raised that way. I hope she is able to make that shift. I like them. I am guessing that just as Myrla asked for the sexiest wedding dress in the store, she went into Ross or Marshalls and asked for the least attractive garment in the store for her wedding night. Not a chance for them. His friends hate her for him. I think her friends might like him - but not for her. They will get the no kissing a la Karen/Miles edit. Or maybe they won't need it, once he kisses his dog. (I wonder if he shares licks of a popsicle with his - not that anyone I know has done that!) Zack and Michaela seemed to be happy and will have fun on their wedding night. Not sure how long that will last once her temper shows itself. I don't think Rachel was ready to get married. She is just now feeling self-confident, but she is terrified of being in a relationship where she feels she might lose herself (again). I think she needed to date for a while and learn how to stay true to herself in a relationship and work through that and not rush into a wedding with a stranger. Especially with this guy, who has lists and a very structured view of what HIS life will be like. I am glad to have read that they acknowledged her awkward comment and moved past that. It was brutal. As others have said, I already like this season more than the last one. At least some of these people seem decent. I still don't hold out much hope for most of them, though. Too many significant differences that you just don't work through in 8 weeks.
  6. Didn't he even mention that and his nose? I don't think he is attractive, but I do think he was very hurt when she said that looks don't matter. In her TH she did mention that she thought he was cute, I think, but the words didn't sound very sincere.
  7. I haven't seen it yet, but she HAS to be classier than Amber, the high school teacher, was when she kept whining about how she needed sex all the time. I was embarrassed for her high school.
  8. It just gets worse and worse. Just when I think they have topped it, they add MORE people or stories. So, I wonder if there will be a cross back to NBC regular Days and if that means Eileen Davidson is coming back to finally kill off Kristen and then she will stay dead? That would be the only good thing I can think of to come from this crazy idea. I know there are some on here who are looking forward to this, so I hope you enjoy it. You couldn't pay me enough to watch.
  9. Gosh, on August 12, Ben urges Ciara to remember their love story. I wonder why he hasn't thought of that before? Because, gosh golly gee, look what happens on the 13th!
  10. Of course they didn't! They didn't mention the dog, didn't mention he was bald (when she specifically "asked" or placed her order), didn't mention the difference in ages, etc. Once they decide who was selected, they just threw them together for drama and whatever happens. I truly don't believe the producers or anyone on the show goes back to discuss the matches with the people at all.
  11. Well, I guess that means that they don't just rent their gowns. I can't imagine Lifetime springing that much for the dresses, so maybe they get a certain dollar amount and the brides have to cover anything over that? I don't have a real source, other than someone posted that they saw on Reddit a note from one of Gil's groomsmen and when asked if they were still together, he said no and that she was horrible and that Gil was set up to fail. Sure didn't see that coming - said NO ONE.
  12. I am willing to bet they did NOT tell Gil anything about her and I would also be willing to bet that he has no plans to get rid of his beloved pet. If he loves his dog like he seems to, the dog is his family and it was up to the experts to find someone who liked dogs. This was on them, and they seem to think it is not a big deal. It is.
  13. These shows have already been taped and completed, as is the whole Season 13, so they aren't going to start editing them.
  14. Sorry, but I am not believing that baby storyline - I am sure they will never make it to their wedding night (with Theo) and unless Ben rapes her, which I really don't think he would do, they haven't been together in months and months.
  15. Because those shows are all recorded already and they stayed together for the paycheck before they split for good. They are definitely done. I don't think they should have anyone on Couples' Cam (although I don't care because I don't watch it), who have been married for less than a year. Now, my thoughts on the show. First, I agree with the disgust at the choice of wedding gowns. Those were horrible and all of those boobs needed to be in bras. Heavy duty bras! I did not watch the initial shows so am just starting to know the people. I do not like Myrla, which is fine, because she likes herself enough for everyone. She reminds me of Olivia, who wanted to keep her life with no compromises, but just wants a plus-one to do what she wants. Gil seems wonderful and will soon tire of her. And if she dares to mistreat his dog, I think Gil will easily pick the dog over the bitch. But, by this time, we KNOW that pets are one of the biggest problem areas, so while being the only thing they have in common doesn't work (Olivia and Brett), they cannot put people together with pet preference differences and expect them to compromise. It doesn't work! I LOVE dogs and would never be without them, but might be reluctant to introduce mine into a house with a pit, although I have met several lovely pits. NO chance for this couple. I was a little annoyed to be seeing more of Johnny and Bao since they took the entire show last week, but their tea ceremony was lovely and they looked amazing. I think if Bao could figure out how to remove the stick from her butt, and relax, she could have a great life. Johnny seems fun and happy. I also didn't like Bao's comment that she thought he was attractive and thought he thought she was, too, but, then, why wouldn't he? She MAY have been trying to be funny, but she wasn't. Yes, she is gorgeous, but that's not enough. We'll see how patient Johnny is. Is Zack the one who kept crying? That was getting annoying and I don't think he will be able to keep up with Michaela. Also, she didn't appreciate his hobby of crocheting and making lotions. He may be a bit too soft for her? But, they seemed happy to start with. I am guessing they will have wedding night sex, whether he wants to or not! Yes, Brett looks like Toni Collette, which is not a nice thing to say. However, once the make-up people did their thing, she looked amazing! Not too much, but just gorgeous. I don't think her husband will like her. He definitely did not like the way the bridesmaids looked when they entered the aisle. I don't know what her workout preferences are, but it is obviously something that takes up a lot of his time. (What is his name?) Rachel. . . I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt as she has recently lost a lot of weight and is feeling good about herself, so she picked a dress that made her feel pretty, and might not have seen the way it really looked. And, that new found confidence will be stripped away as soon as she meets her groom. I hate that the show is taking so long to get through so many weddings. It looks like they are doing this season like last season, which means dragged out way longer than we are interested.
  16. Usually, soapdirt's spoilers are no more than the same speculations we have. BUT, that video clip starting with Linsey Godfrey sure makes it look like more than mere speculation.
  17. It just seems like an awful lot of stories for one 5-day arc. Plus, focused around Billie is not anything I would enjoy.
  18. I don't think it is that strange since Victor and Bo did get closer and Ciara doesn't have Grandpa Shawn, so I don't have a problem with her being close to Victor and Doug as her grandfathers. Plus, Victor is the one who will hire her for executive positions she is uniquely unqualified for.
  19. Bo was definitely Victor's son from an affair with Caroline.
  20. I didn't see the whole show and only caught the end with Bao's and Johnny's wedding, but I read that the reasons for the jerseys (like I said, I don't know if this was mentioned) was that he had one Home jersey and it held something, I think a frame?, for their home and the other jersey was an Away jersey and that held something they could use when they weren't home. Of course, if she wasn't a sports fan, she might not even know that there are different uniforms, but I thought that was really creative.
  21. Yes, and the fact that they both requested traditional tea services was really nice. I was wondering where we would see those gorgeous red outfits, since that is not what they wore to their wedding. I like them so far. She is gorgeous, but may be pretty rigid in her expectations. He seems like he might be fun. I hope they make it work. I just have a feeling they will be the only ones.
  22. Mia? From Tristan and Mia in Dallas? LOL - that was my first season!
  23. Sorry, I don't remember where I read it, but, yes, she is leaving again. I read September, but I am not sure if she is leaving in September, or if that is when the shows will be, which have already been filmed. Either way, that still leaves her on the show for a while.
  24. I don't think the show handling the big wedding reveal is anything like Bo and Hope. Bo rescued Hope from a wedding she didn't want and she was in love with Bo. In this case, Ben is kidnapping - against her will - a woman who does NOT want to be with him. There is nothing heroic or similar at all. And, I totally agree with everyone who is sick and tired of the show letting one single actress determine when she feels like being on the show and letting that dictate the whole story. But, since she is leaving again, maybe this time she will just go off on her own, once Ben lets her go free? I hope he decides to let her go rather than continue to "prove their love" by raping her to force her to remember?????
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