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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I was so disappointed in Ryan and his dating app. We all know that he wasn't into her (including Brett), but he didn't even want to wait a week? That was horrible. And I am glad that Brett told him to leave and told him that she could handle almost anything but being treated without respect. I know they have a lot of differences, but when we see those scenes where everything is mellow and they are just talking and having fun, it is sad that they could never get on the same path and actually communicate. It really might have worked and I think Ryan will regret his actions and see her as the one who got away. I am still so incredibly bored with both Jose and Rachel. She drives me nuts with her perpetual frown. Other than the wedding day, has she ever smiled? Even while saying how happy she is, everything is measured and serious. I also think there was some producer hijinx going on with the staying at her ex's house. Jose actually has every reason to NOT trust her, although he still creeps me out. Even if they stay together at D day and even the reunion, they won't last a year. Both of them are off my "too annoying too watch" scale. Poor Bao. Her stories and her letter to herself were so sad. I am glad that Johnny at least recognized that, as a human, she needed comfort. Her face was so crushed when Johnny started telling what her BFF (yeah right) said about her. He is looking for any chance he has and everyone is right - he is just mean. I like Gil and I still don't think I could ever be friends with someone like Myrla. I think they have been doing a great job at playing the game. They seem so comfortable with each other, physically and emotionally. It would be nice if they could make it work, but I don't see that happening. He is too outgoing to want to be stuck at home or to go places without his wife, if they stayed together. I agree with everyone else who says that Zack is just going back to meetings because he is contractually bound. I think the only reason he keeps throwing out options, like dating after the divorce is because he is trying to make it out of this alive. Dr. Pepper is an idiot and I really wish Dr Viv would get a new outfit and throw out the Pocahantas get up. Next year, maybe she will be dressed as Ariel? About that E.81 coming up. Since the one before that is 16, maybe it was just a typo and should be episode 18? either way, I have NO interest in watching what other couples think may happen on D Day. WAY TOO MANY filler episodes.
  2. I would be surprised if they interacted at all when the cameras aren't there.
  3. Yes! I wish I could give you a hundred likes!!! Perfectly stated. ETA - for me, it became uncomfortable to watch when Kate and Luke were on and she was so miserable.
  4. I would LOVE it if they made Michaela sit and watch last week's video with the "experts" all there and see how she tries to justify her behaviors.
  5. OK, that is sounding like something good to watch (it doesn't start here for 2 hours, so I always read these posts first to decide if I want to watch).
  6. If she would have left, she would have given up her chance to be backed by the party so it could be "her turn." So, she took the hit to be the woman who stayed with a cheater. But, I do believe that she was truly disappointed, hurt, and angry after he let her make a fool of herself on 60 Minutes. And, yes, that was an impossible choice that she was left with, but she made her best guess. I also agree that Clinton ran that deposition like the experienced politician he was. I will never forget the, "it depends on what is is."
  7. I'm confused that people are saying that Zack is just staying with M to avoid her rage, but didn't they already have the conversation where they both said they would get a divorce on D Day? All he has to do is let her say it first and then run and I don't think he has to fear for his life. At least he has been honest, kind of. Where I actually side with Michaela is that she was right in saying they wouldn't sleep together once that decision has been made. So, that was just dumb of Zack and we saw how well that worked out on the couples' retreat. I am looking forward to seeing if there is any discussion about Michaela this week or if they just are back to their normal lives. I see that before D Day, Lifetime threw another filler show in with three former couples making their predictions. Probably with Kevin Frazier. Pass. They sure are dragging this out.
  8. And maybe somehow lock the door to the surgery room so people like Paulina and Eli don't just come in and contaminate the whole place???
  9. I just read a spoiler on my news feed from Celeb Dirty Laundry that makes it official what we have all been thinking - once Kristen is turned over to Trask, she still has her bargaining chip to avoid prosecution yet again - she will tell where Sarah is. It says that there have been rumors of a recast Sarah, but no one is saying who will play Sarah. And it ties into that scene at the end of the preview that showed Xander all excited to go rescue her. Since Linsey Godfrey is shown in those clips, it makes sense that she will still be Sarah - otherwise they could have just shown Xander saying that he has to go look for her. So, how much longer before Gwen announces her pregnancy and who will believe her yet again?
  10. @Rae Spellman, Thank you so much for the clarification. That makes total sense.
  11. I don't watch the show, but did they actually say that Amani was in marriage therapy by herself? That doesn't seem productive. No Woody?
  12. @Crashcourse, No, she was not joking! She put that in her list of things she does to be considered "petty." Almost like it was a badge of honor.
  13. I interpreted that as if they thought she was good enough for show group, that would help her make the team. I didn't see it as just trying to get on show group. Do they have people who are only on show group and not on the full team?
  14. He only wants her back so he can hand her over to Track so Xander and Justin will be released. But, Trask has never been able to prosecute her before, so I don't expect anything different now. But, I agree - the only good Kristen is a dead Kristen (and not almost dead and can be brought back. Dead dead.)
  15. Yeah, that was kind of silly. With all the homeless camps and garbage in the streets, of course they have roaches! Kelly's foot must have healed quickly. She went from a boot to strappy sandals. I also liked all the dance focus this week. And I liked that the camera highlighted the mistakes - other than the ones we could see ourselves, like Ashley being halfway down the field when her line was supposed to be on the 10 yard line! Couldn't she use any peripheral vision to keep the person next to her in her line of sight? It seemed to me that there were several girls with low kicks this year. I caught a glimpse of Kat, but am really surprised that she is barely shown at all.
  16. That also goes with her saying she would take the smoke alarm batteries and Zack had said that she took all the spices when she moved out of their apartment. She is no one to mess with!
  17. Then I wonder why it was that there were 6 bedrooms for 5 couples and Ryan slept on the couch? Maybe the rest of the rooms were being used by Production?
  18. I am curious to see who goes first on Decision Day. I wonder if Myrla would be blindsided if he went first and said no. As far as them having had sex, I don't know, but they do seem very comfortable being close physically and there is a lot of touching, so maybe they have. This is the only couple I want to see on D Day, as all of the others seem to be set. I just hope they let Brett and Bao go first, so they get the chance to reject the men. If they let Michaela go first, it won't matter - they know they don't belong together, even if she has decided to love him. I do feel bad when the first one they choose says yes and then the spouse says no. That is pretty humiliating.
  19. OMG - when they said that the possession story will go through the holidays, I sure didn't think they meant through Memorial Day. There are talks about this lasting until June?? Maybe they are just assuming that it has to be 9 months for Ciara to have a baby? They know nothing about demon stories. She will have that baby by Christmas!
  20. I know! I keep thinking that the groomsman wasn't real because they seem to be getting along.
  21. This was spoiled by one of his groomsmen right after the show debuted. They are doing a great job of playing nice together. The groomsman said that Gil was set up to fail and that she's a HORRIBLE person and no way did they stay together.
  22. She was sweating under them. Temper tantrums work up a lot of energy! But, I will say that in the past, I thought Michaela was much heavier than she appeared last night, mostly because of what she wears. Last night she looked pretty trim. Crazy, but trim.
  23. I am so glad that Brett FINALLY spoke her mind and let Ryan know how she was feeling and how much she tried. And, also glad that Bao realized that she had allowed herself to be abused and was going to stop it. I sure hope that they ask the women first on D day, so that the guys don't say it first and then the women have no choice. I am also frustrated with Ryan that he keeps saying and thinking that he is going to be more thoughtful, but he NEVER SAYS ANYTHING TO BRETT!!! Neither one of them actually speak to the other one. One says something, the other says, "yeah." Now, Ryan is disappointed because he was going to use that weekend as a chance to get things going again - which I don't believe. But, how the heck is Brett supposed to know why he said they could share a bed - he never says anything. I LOVED sparklers for Baxter. That made me cry. I don't care if it was producer directed, it was still lovely. It would be great if the others really thought of it, but it was a wonderful gesture and I wish I would have thought of that when I lost my sweet girl this summer. Can Rachel stop talking about how happy they are and actually smile? I don't like either one of them and I don't see a long term future for them, but I don't care, either. I hope they don't end up on Couples Camera, unless it has been more than a year. Myrla and Gil are OK. I do like their connection, but once you get her out of her house, she offers nothing. She is just so selfish that she seems so inflexible and, yes, negative. She does seem happy with Gil, which is shocking, but long-term, he is a happy guy with friends and likes people and will not want to be stuck at home or going to places he doesn't like just to keep her happy. I do understand being uncomfortable in groups, but she has been with these people for a while now and can do more than sit under a blanket and saying nothing. She, at least, owns her behaviors and know who she is, but she isn't a good match for Gil. There are no more words for the crazy lady and Zack. She needs so much therapy, but it probably won't help. She says words that she understands her behaviors, but she doesn't really. She keeps thinking that she can say that she's sorry and it is all wiped out. What I still don't understand, though, is why she had to call her sister to come get her. All of the couples are going back to the same place and she could have ridden with one of them or even production. But, it was good that she did leave. She really brought the whole group down. I liked that they had a positive time playing with the baby animals. ETA - I forgot to say how happy I was to see Hype. He certainly was well-behaved. I wish we had seen more of him. Also was nice to see that video of Baxter playing with Masie. In Texas, no less! They should have had MUCH better hats in normal colors.
  24. LOL - do they have enough rooms? We now know that Brett/Ryan, Bao/Johnny, and Michaela/Zack aren't sleeping together.
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