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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. To me it looked like she just took those Pocahontas braids out right before the show and her hair was still wavy from that.
  2. I think, because there is a very vocal fan base, they will continue to keep these two and give VK the freedom she wants to come and go and test the waters, and end up back on the show.
  3. I just hope the cameras go away and they can be real and truly see if they can be together. NO CAMERAS! Same with Ryan. Who wants to have a first date televised?
  4. I do think (hope) Michaela has probably been in treatment for a long time, but she needs years more. If the dr. she is going to thinks it is just ADHD, she needs a new dr. But, that is probably all she can handle. And, I agree - she says the words she thinks she needs to say about being accountable, but she can't be, because she still tries to blame everyone else, for abandoning her and triggering her issues. And, I still say that her father didn't abandon her - he was killed! Abandonment is, to me, when someone chooses to leave the situation. He didn't. She was not abandoned. It will take years for her to be ready for a relationship, but I truly hopes she gets there.
  5. Isn't that the exact same way that Bennet ended up on the show? So much for those clips of hundreds of people attending the application sessions! Further proof that they are casting for a show - not trying to match legitimate singles. But, we all knew that.
  6. I would love it if Princess Portia the puppy ended up with Brett. She needs a new little buddy and would give her a wonderful, caring home. It's hard to move on (I lost my little girl who almost made it to 18 this summer), but I hope that Brett chooses to rescue this poor. sweet dog and that Myrla can have visitation (SUPERVISED visitation).
  7. I understand the lack of impulse control as a part of ADHD, however, I do not believe that is what her major problem is. Anxiety, yes, but there is a lot more. I am glad she is getting help, though. Maybe the dr. is starting with diagnoses she can handle first? If Gil is seeing a therapist, I hope it is a real one and not just someone who wanted to practice in the park on television. At least he isn't seeing Dr. Pepper or Viv.
  8. Give her a chance. I sure wouldn't want a first date televised. They are always awkward until things get going. I was so happy to hear Zack specifically mention that he enjoys giddy Bao. She is still so much in her head analyzing everything even before it happens. I do hope she can relax and actually enjoy her life. She has a pretty smile and a nice laugh when she is actually "allowed" to use it. Damn, Bao. This is a first date - don't start asking him about how he is feeling about where they are. Just stop! I hope this isn't how they act without cameras. If it is, bye bye Zack. Not sure about Gil's televised therapy in the park. At least the ring is off, but it felt fake to me. I just do not like either Rachel or Jose. And I don't see that changing. But, I don't see them ending up together. I think Myrla will coerce her into the single girls' lifestyle. I do hope Myrla can find a nice dog sitter, because her sweet little pup is actually going to get a little bigger and may not fit in her purse. Myrla REALLY seems to like Johnny. Why???? And he has to make a big deal about being in the same place as Bao. She isn't even paying attention to him. Drama Queen (him, not her). OMG - Johnny wants to be a SAH Dad??? Babies and children are not clean and they make messes. I am not sure about Michaela and Gil spending so much time together. I get it, but I don't want her to start having feelings or fantasies about him. He deserves someone more stable. She is not ready. (Am watching it now since I fell asleep last night.) Yes, Rachel, we KNOW you are living separately. Nothing has changed in the last 5 minutes. She is so boring. "I'm really excited." she says with absolutely no emotion in her voice. I do wonder what will happen when they can finally stop being fame whores and the cameras go away. Good grief, I don't want to hear anymore about the work Jose has done. She will move in and move out in less than a month. Speculation only. ETA - may we PLEASE be done with this season and this group of people??? And the fake questioning is terrible. We don't need anyone playing questioner.
  9. I agree with what everyone said about Myrla and Johnny - totally immature and disrespectful. They deserve each other - they are both so superficial. I do wish they would get another host - Kevin F is entirely too involved and opinionated. Dr. Viv's hair looked like she JUST took out the Pocahontas braids 5 minutes before the filming started. She is worthless. Dr. P looked pretty pissed with this season and really showed how off the experts were. I am still thinking that production must select them and then it is up to the three of them to try to pair them up. So, that's why they don't get good matches. I am so sick of Rachel and her long winding sentences that say NOTHING. She still isn't smiling with Jose as she insists that they are going to make this marriage work. But, she had lots of fun on her girl trips and when the rest of the gang was there - she really lit up when Myrla and Johnny showed up. It's OK, Rachel - you don't have to like him. Go with your gut and just end it. He is still a horrible man. I was surprised that Kevin actually asked about the sexual speculation that's "out there." Bao was really angry and I am glad she is finding some happiness. More on those thoughts in the next show's thread. I am just really surprised that Gil fell so hard for Myrla. I am sure he will find some real loving soon (or already has - and NOT with Michaela!) I hope that Jose gets therapy. I am guessing that if Johnny is getting help, then he found someone who will tell him that he is not to blame. I don't think he would stay with anyone who told him that he is an ass. And, Michaela needs a LOT of work and time. And, she needs to stop using her father abandonment excuse - he didn't leave her, he died! Good grief - her sisters aren't using this as their excuse for screwing up relationships. It's fine and normal to miss her dad, but he did not choose to leave her and that's what I think of as abandonment. She is just using some convenient buzz words and it comes off as fake fake. She was Hurricane K before he died, I am sure. Her sisters are afraid of her.
  10. Marlena is supposed to take them on a hike in the woods and go to the cabin to prep for the baby, per what I have read. So, is MarDevil going to stay with them forever to have that baby? And, they will meet a mysterious hiker who will be the Guardian Angel Gabe, who is supposed to be from the original possession story. I am just glad that people are catching on and everyone will know soon. It can't be soon enough.
  11. That soapdirt article was interesting. They make a perfect superficial, no substance couple. And, of course, Myrla didn't say the truth. She is an expert at letting people think what she wants them to think. They deserve each other. It didn't seem to hint at the Bao/Zack relationship. Maybe we will get that in the Where Are They Now? show that is on after this one tonight. This season will never die! I wonder who is hosting that one? I might watch that if it is not JamieO, but I think we are done seeing her, maybe, I hope.
  12. I don't believe that Lucas is the kidnapper, but who knows. Also, I am tired of seeing spoilers that say something about Phillip still trying to prove that Chloe is unfaithful. Enough with that stupidity. I missed the part where he is supposed to be dead. I am sure, as most of you are, that it is another plot to get Brady away from Chloe. But, actually, he has had no purpose on this show since he appeared. Also, enough with the stupid bear. I am glad he was decapitated and now I would think is when the spoilers about Ava poisoning Rafe start. I wonder how Stacy H feels about Eileen D continuing to play Kristen. She is so much better and really shows (to me), just how horrible the recast was. ED plays Kristen as a person; SH plays her and all of her personas as cartoons. It looks like in the trailer Paulina and Abe are together in the scene, if not back together. That stinks. It also indicates that Jackee is still around, which also stinks. She is another cartoon, with her exaggerated pouting faces. Interesting that Eric is back to save the day - unless he is another one of MarDevil's playthings. Obviously, Shawn will sleep with DevilBelle, but real Belle should realize that, as should Shawn. I had originally thought that this would be a build-up for Ben to save the day. So, if this is the Christmas preview, does that mean that Sami is wallowing around for another month until she makes it home? I did like that scene with EJ and Nicole and Sami walking in.
  13. I agree about Lindsay's dress. It's horrible. It seems like more of them are in their 30s again. Could be interesting, but I am not counting on it, based on the last two seasons.
  14. Who is Guardian Angel Gabe? Supposedly, he is coming back to save Ciara's baby. According to my news feed, MarDevil will coax Ben and Ciara into a hike in the wilderness and they come upon a mysterious hiker. I guess he will give her a necklace to counteract the one MarDevil gave her? I had to laugh when they said the reason for the trip to the woods is to help prep for the baby. That baby is 3 hours old!!!! Does this mean that they will stay locked in "the cabin" until the baby is born? MarDevil will be there to "help" with the birth? The article seemed to refer to the "magic" in the necklace that MarDevil gave Ciara will summon the Guardian Angel to the rescue. I just didn't remember this character last time, but he is coming back. As are, yawn, Leo and Clyde. ETA - it sounds like the secret will be out, possibly this week, and MarDevil has to hurry to get Ben and Ciara into the woods before they hear, so that will be happening this upcoming week. But, at least Salem will know. John and Susan get rescued ( I think by Steve) and they end up in the hospital, so at least things are moving. FINALLY.
  15. I am really hoping that, before I die, these people with no discernible skills will find that no one needs to be "influenced" or amused by social media "stars," and we can all go back to thinking for ourselves and living our own lives, sharing information with people we actually know. I know that's not a popular opinion, but it works for me.
  16. To me, it almost felt like Ava was firing herself. They hadn't told her that she was out, they were just going through the issues, and then she asked if she could try again another time. It just felt weird to me. It might have been that they wanted her to work on things, but she knew she was out. And, yes, most people would have completely stopped their postings and worrying about followers. That definitely showed her lack of maturity. Like that other weirdo, who didn't want to disappoint her followers and wrote that bizarre poem (and I will remember her name as soon as I post this!) AH - Vivian!!!!
  17. Again, not a fan the oversharing on social media to strangers, but she has been so miserable in her marriage and trying to save it for so long, maybe she should focus on that and, I don't know, let her husband get a job? I don't know what he does, but there seems to be no shortage of available jobs. If they bring in a new host, I might try watching again. I remember the few times I did watch, it just felt too high school for me - "let's all talk about people and situations we weren't privy to so we can feel better about our own new relationships."
  18. I don't think so. I think this was her revenge plot all along - make him fall in love and then slam the door and tell him she was never attracted to him, ever. That is some serious payback for calling her "Princess." She only seems to have one flat emotion, but she got her revenge. At least she didn't tell him that for the first time on the show - she has a modicum of decency, apparently.
  19. If this happens, while I don't like being played, I would LOVE it! Shhhhh. I totally agree with you, but don't tell Jamie O. Is that Marrying a Millionaire show with those rich men who are the scariest creatures I have ever seen still on? LOL maybe she is too old for them.
  20. I don't think they are retconning it for Lani. I think they are doing it for Jackee Harry/Paulina to beef up her role. Maybe they didn't know how long they would be stuck with her, I mean how long she would be staying?
  21. I hope they have learned their lesson and won't cast anyone until they have been married for at least a year.
  22. If Myrla really is trading Gil for Johnny, she is trading way way way down. As Kevin mentioned numerous times, Gil will have no shortage of options, once he is ready. But, I hope the new ladies realize that, apparently, he likes a bit of a challenge. And chocolate chip cookies. I wonder how many cookie deliveries will show up at the fire station?
  23. I DID laugh when they showed his house and scanned past the room with the whiteboard proudly in view.
  24. Actually, Bao got exactly what she THOUGHT she wanted.
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