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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I am guessing that the "twist" in Sarah's story will be, as many of us suspected, that she will have Xander's baby. Or that she will walk in just as Xander and Gwen are getting married. But, that's hardly "unusual." Nothing Ron writes is anything other than predictable.
  2. Not sure there were actual tears. More like running away dabbing at her eyes where tears would have been if she had a heart or soul.
  3. Maybe she saw the season with Chris and Paige and was waiting for this Chris to go running after her begging her to come back?
  4. I thought they had established that they used to party together and they may have been close then? We didn't see that.
  5. Especially if they are living in an RV (or has that changed)?
  6. Just found out that I can watch streams of last night's afterparty (with commercials), so I am watching that. Why was Alyssa wearing 6 feet of extensions? She really was dishing out her BS and I was glad to see that no one was buying it. Why was she freaking out about not being respected? She's nuts! I still don't like Olajuwon and am beginning to dislike Katina, too. I think they are both looking for reasons to feel slighted. Mark is a saint!
  7. Right, and the fact that they agree to let someone else do the choosing for them since they have to admit that when left to choosing their own partners, none of them have been successful! So, ending up with someone exactly like they have already failed with would be pointless, so take a chance and see what could happen if you expanded your horizons a little. This was never going to be "find me my mate according to the fantasy list I had as a child," although many treat it that way (I got what I asked for or I didn't get what I asked for. It's not Santa and your Christmas list)!
  8. Right, he is very employable in a well-paying field. It's just that he doesn't appear to have the desire to work that is the issue. Anyone who says, "when and if" I return to work makes it sound like there are other options should he decide not to.
  9. I think that was in reference to his need to travel around to find himself and whatever else he referred to. I guess I was not impressed that he used his unemployment and stimulus money to do that instead of finding a job or saving his money. I am not sure how long this was before or after he was told he was selected to be on this show. I can't understand why the producers (I am not even going to play that the experts have anything to do with the selection of participants) would select anyone who is unemployed and present him as a suitable new husband.
  10. Alyssa walked off? I should have watched it. I guess producers figured they needed another version of Chris - blaming everyone but herself.
  11. I interpreted it the other way - that HE wanted to "fight" or discuss it and she didn't want to go there because she saw no need to focus on the negative. She started to check out when her family told her that he always sees the worst in any situation. I understand being a "realist" and yes, you should be able to have a discussion without it turning into a fight, but he told the experts he wanted a challenge who would have those discussions with him and Jasmina does not want to have preemptive discussions before anything has even happened. For me, it seemed that the combination of his work hours, and the sisters telling her more than she needed to know is what will kill this one. He does NOT seem like anyone who will or even knows how to compromise. As others have said, how could he expect to build a serious relationship if he is never home. why was he selected? Oh yeah - drama. As for the rest of the show - I do NOT LIKE Olajuwon at all. Period. He is way too immature and looking to fight anyone. When he came out and said if someone doesn't like him, he is done. I have a feeling that Katina can be quick to be mad and I don't think she will let it go. That said, although she is acting like she likes her husband, she will tire of his chest beating and announcing how he has given up his old ways. She even said that although he is saying that, you can't just turn it off in a day. She will not take his attitude of her being "HIS" and cooking for him, etc. I say no to them. I don't know why the show is giving Alyssa a free vacation. She is horrible. What part of getting married at first sight gives you the impression that you don't have to share a room? No one said they have to sleep in the same bed, but to not even want to spend time with him - without the cameras - is ridiculous. I hope they send her home and sue her for breach of contract. I felt so bad for Chris - he really wanted it to work. And, yes, he did get gypped - he wanted a woman who wanted to be married. So now what? They each have to be the third wheel with one of the other couples who are there on their honeymoons, trying to get to know the people they were matched with? (BTW - I assume ACE is Alyssa, but what does it mean?) I totally understand why Noi is a little concerned to have been matched with someone who really hasn't decided if he wants to work. NO ONE wants to work, but we do because we are responsible adults. And, she really does need to stop saying , "cute" about everything. And if he does get a job, I am sure she will always be wondering how long he will keep it. When they are together, they seem fine, but these are important things to know. And, yes, she does want kids so she is making sure they can responsibly afford them and plan for that. Good for her. Sorry, Steve - if you want a wife, you need to be a grown up. I really was impressed with MTS, and he did a nice job with handling Lindsey. I guess they will be having their honeymoon mostly on their own, which should be fine since that's how it is supposed to be! The other women don't like Lindsey and Mark will feel obligated to always take her side, which will get old. I did like how he was honest with her and told her that she had to bring her behavior down and then went to apologize for her to the group. He shouldn't have to be in that position. I guess he will be the adult in the room. But, whose cats is Lyndsey giving away, and I do agree that 5 cats is way too many. Maybe since they have spouses now, they won't need their cats? Another great pet match, producers.
  12. Not on here yet, but I sure hope they don't spend too much time with friends and family, trying to find out about their spouses - they did that last week! What more could Chris' "friends" say?
  13. Except that in all of those mentioned, the women wanted to be with their spouses! It was the jerky men who didn't, but came around enough for sex and filming requirements (except for Zach - he wasn't jerky enough to have sex with Mindy).
  14. That's where I got confused - I kept thinking that they were in Houston where it might make sense. But, no - they are in BOSTON! I do have to say that a friend of mine got married wearing cowboy boots in Arizona, but it was just the two of them and her husband wore jeans, so I guess why not?
  15. Rachel did the same thing last season when she mentioned something about Jose's looks. She had to clarify what she meant, but I remember she did insult. him the same way.
  16. They both helped Kristen escape, so she is blackmailing both if them to do whatever she says. Plus, Ava wants to keep Gwen from telling about Ava's part. And, Ava now sees how vulnerable Gwen is and that she will be able to get her to keep doing evil deeds or else she will tell Xander.
  17. I have been watching since the beginning and now, if I miss a show, I don't bother to go find it or record it. Lori has become too obnoxious and self-important for me. Mr. Obnoxious is just too annoying and HAS to add his comments/opinion in every situation, even if he is out. EVERY time there is something physical to try, Robert jumps in. It would be nice to mix it up a bit. I really don't like it when the shark won't let people listen for other offers, but, I guess if you are Mark Cuban and you make someone an offer, they should take it! I also tend to go look at Amazon if I like something I see. I did get a couple of things - like the Wanna Date and a thing to use to take pics of your dogs. Sometimes I think they need a regular consumer on there to give the opinion of "real" people, but just last week Mark mentioned that polls and people's opinions aren't very helpful. OK. . .
  18. She said that he had trouble walking and it would be too hard for him. That doesn't explain why they didn't have him seated and join her at the end to give her away. Actually, she did say that she was NEVER attracted to him. Yes, they had sex and she played the game, but, she said she was never attracted.
  19. AND she specifically said, "No bald men." Myrla, meet Gil, your new bald husband with a pit bull. ETA - I do think Alyssa might be Jewish, but I think if that were very important to her, she would have mentioned it when she was going down her list. It seems like they are usually matched with important things like that (although not so much with Clara and Ryan) or if not the same religion, matched with someone who is flexible (like Bennett and Amelia).
  20. LOL - I read that (Kyle Lowder) Rex is leaving again. Have we even seen him other than to tell his story about Sarah? Oh well, he picked up a few dollars.
  21. I don't necessarily think she gets off on it, but she doesn't even consider it. The very definition of a narcissist.
  22. What does Chris actually do? His groomsmen made it sound like he was in some kind of professional coaching/teaching type thing. Alyssa said he looked like a realtor, but is that what he really does? There are lots of comments about him selling, but is that what he does or just responding to Alyssa's perceptions? And where does frisbee golf fit in - just a hobby? Imagine that - an activity that COULD be fun, so of course, that is beneath her. And, I must say, his groomsmen did him no favors and sure did present the worst things about him. I would be nervous, too, but would want to see for myself. I felt horrible for him, sitting in the hall on his wedding night.
  23. Apparently, the buzz word that the grooms were told to use a lot is "vulnerable." Maybe they get paid extra for every time they weave it into a conversation. It always reminds me of Michael from Michael and Meka, although he never pronounced it correctly.
  24. Not many people seemed to watch this. I am sure it doesn't help that Lifetime scheduled what looks like a terrible show between 2 hours of MAFS and then another hour of a bad show and THEN After party. I was sound asleep by then!
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