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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. Well, I didn't see Gil and Myrla staying together, but I didn't anticipate it would be because she never was attracted to him. She sure fooled me- and Gil. That was heartless and cruel. Gil will be fine, Myrla and Rachel can be single ladies who lunch (and travel), and they can double date during those times that Jose and Rachel pretend to be married. Myrla and Johnny are DEFINITELY close, as she had her hand on his at the end. I just don't get that at all - whiny baby Johnny is attractive when Gil is not???? Not a fan of any of them, so let them do whatever they want. I do not care. Michaela is nuts and desperate. She lived at his house and cleaned, cooked, and had sex with him AFTER he wanted a divorce? That's on her and her desperation. I DO believe they had sex when she said they did and I do believe he wanted to keep it quiet because he knew he would get called out for sending her conflicting messages. I also understand what he was talking about when he wanted to get a divorce and then start dating. But, apparently, he never planned to continue seeing her, but wanted to not push her over the edge with her crazy. He is really immature about relationships. I am glad he walks out when Michaela barges in to HIS time. He respected hers, even though he wanted to challenge her. I found myself not liking or believing Brett even a little. She did not like being busted, especially when she made a big deal about Ryan on the app. I totally believe that those were producer directions, but I just did not like her at all last night. Besides being hard to look at, her face was hard and I didn't believe a word she said. She is going to have so much back pain if she doesn't do something about her appearance. She definitely needs a lift AND a bra! I always liked Ryan and I still do. I liked Kevin better this time vs. last time when he crowned St Haley. He still obviously had his favorites, but maybe because they matched with mine, I wasn't as bothered by it. I still think his job is to be an impartial facilitator, which he is not. I am actually looking forward to the next part. They seem to be a close group of friends now, but it hurt to see Gil get up and walk away when the Johnny/Myrla relationship was revealed. I don't think he expected that. Especially Johnny? Yuck! She better enjoy her time with him while he has hair - it is quickly disappearing. Overall, this was a terrible season with unlikeable people and ended the way most of us predicted - 0/5. People always say that the experts didn't give them what they asked for. The issue is that people have been dating what they THINK they want and they haven't been successful, so I totally understand why they may be matched with someone who doesn't check all the boxes. This is not a factory where you get to design the perfect person. HOWEVER, on some things that are really non-negotiable, such as religion, having kids, pets, maybe politics, those should remain as requested. Things that may be superficial, such as not liking bald men, or in my case, not wanting to be with someone with tattoos, could possibly be not such a big deal if you are matched with the right person. If people insist on having such high expectations for what the show will find for them, they will continue to be disappointed. After this season, I would add to the list that they pick people who are not certifiably insane.
  2. And I would have thought that Paulina could have done SOMETHING with her hair other than let it just be straight and stringy. Flowers? Anything. Definitely not a pretty wedding look. So, once the secret is out, does that mean Paulina is? Abe can't possibly let this one go and still have any trust left for her. Even if she spills her sad wah wah story, she lied again and again and devastated the people he loves.
  3. Just got a few headlines in my news feed giving previews for the show tonight. First, Kevin F goes after Jose to get him to admit that he locked Rachel out on purpose and that he was a jerk and was getting even for her calling him the wrong name. I guess he kind of tries to talk his way around it, but finally admits it. Also, Ryan's sister is the one who outs Brett! She said she was feeling bad for how Ryan was treating her until she found out that it was BRETT who was seeing someone else. According to the article, Brett looked shocked. By the way, if she doesn't harness those breasts, she is not going to be able to stand in a few years with the back trouble she will have. In addition to that, she sure isn't doing herself any favors or showing Ryan, "See what you could have had?" if that was her intent. Two hour Reunion followed by a 2-hour Rehash the season #874 hosted by Beth Bice and Briana. 2 hours!!!!
  4. Well, it looks like Jamie O is getting kicked out - tonight's "Let's rehash this whole season AGAIN, and also let's talk about OUR marriages" is being hosted by Beth Bice and Briana. I will pass. Beth is ALMOST as annoying as Jamie, and I don't see Briana getting a word in.
  5. I'm pretty sure they had sex on their wedding night. People have reported that he has said that he hadn't had sex with her since the honeymoon. But, I don't know about that. They sure seemed happy to see each other the night he got back to town after the quarantine.
  6. Don't you think this is a plan for a miracle who's the daddy story? Any time any of the characters sleep with more than 1 person, that automatically generates a Who's the Daddy story. Plus, with Nicole, it will be a miracle baby, so that feels about right.
  7. Wow - only 1 comment? I thought it was an OK episode until they ruined it with showing Gabby the video. I absolutely HATE how they do that and the person always jumps to the wrong conclusion and it takes forever to get it straightened out. I didn't like when Gabby said that it was his fault, even if he didn't kiss her and that he put himself in the situation. What is he supposed to do - avoid all women at all time? She kissed him - he told her he wasn't interested. Enough said. I did enjoy Nick's one liners. He is amazing at that. But, I hope they don't soften him up too much. Just a little.
  8. I am guessing that is done off camera. They have to maintain their look.
  9. I know! And this is supposed to be what makes Marlena more devastated than killing her? Of course, she will know/believe that this was set up. She would never believe that this happened organically. Idiot, indeed!
  10. I would prefer that there would be no Kristen, ever, but if we have to have her, Eileen is so far superior to SH.
  11. I was a Special Education teacher for many years and I never spoke that slowly to my students. Rachel's title says Special Education Evaluator, which, at least when I was teaching, means she tests kids to see if they qualify for placement in Special Ed programs.
  12. There was a clip in the previews of the Reunion show where Brett says, "there are rumors and there is truth." The rumors go to the point that Ryan expressed in an Unfiltered episode that many times she doesn't come back to the apartment until after 2 a.m. The speculation and rumors are that she met someone around the end of the first month and has been seeing him since then. Again, RUMORS. Also, about the dating app. . . more spoilers that say that PRODUCTION called all of the guys together and told them (about 2 weeks before the end) to do something with their profiles on any dating apps and that is what Ryan was doing. Now, why they would tell the men to deactivate their profiles 2 weeks BEFORE the show ended does not make sense to me. That would have been something they would have said at the beginning of the show. But, supposedly, that was what Ryan was doing when "a friend" let Brett know that Ryan was playing with the dating app. Also, in the clip of the reunion, it was funny that Bao said something about Zack not being too bad, which goes to the fact that, supposedly Bao and Zack have been dating.
  13. I put MY predictions and speculations in the actual episode discussion. But when it is something I have read and is supposed to be true, but we haven't seen it on the show, then I treat that as a spoiler and post it there. I am not sure if that doesn't count once the show is over. It's still something we haven't actually seen, so I will just keep posting in that thread.
  14. LOL - how much do I LOVE that there are no comments here??? No way would I watch 2 hours of Jamie and her ridiculous spouse discuss relationships of others when theirs is always in jeopardy.
  15. I was actually surprised that Myrla and Gil agreed to stay together, but I am also thinking that by the reunion, they will have split. And pleased they consummated the marriage. Myrla's eye make-up was horrible. I am with all of you in that I tune out whenever Rachel starts to talk. Her cadence drives me nuts. I taught special education for many years and never spoke like that. I think she likes to think that what she is saying is so important and serious that she needs to take her time to get her the words out. To me, she doesn't sound very bright. And since she went back to devil face after he spoke to her like he did, that confirms it - for me. I don't care what happens with them - I just hope he doesn't kill her for real. I know what Zack was trying to do. He does send conflicting messages and I don't blame Michaela for thinking he was going to want to stay together after that letter, so I am sorry for her that she said yes. He KNEW he wanted a divorce so he wasn't connected to her in any way, but I do believe that once that pressure is off, then maybe they could relax and yes, date. I do think there is part of him that really does care for her, and when she is being calm, they probably did have some nice times. BUT, he wants to be able to run for his life and not be legally attached to her when she freaks out again. So, I get what he was thinking, but no one is going to do that. LOTS of rumors about Brett that put her in a different light, but I am just glad that it is over. I don't hate Ryan, but I do hate that he downloaded the app. Also, lots of discussion about that, as well, which I kind of believe, which also points to producer shenanigans. I am so glad that Bao got to be the one to say no. I don't believe for one minute Johnny really meant he wanted to stay married. I am guessing that this was also producer-driven. To say that he would stay married, "why not?" was just plain stupid. If again, rumors, are true about Bao, I hope we see it next week. I am not trying to be a rumors tease - all of this is discussed in the spoiler thread.
  16. After Decision Day episode is another recap of the most memorable moments for the last 12 seasons hosted by, sigh, Jamie and Doug. How much time will be devoted to their season with clips of them??? Easy pass for me.
  17. I think Jose is very similar to Brett (from Brett and Olivia) who was very focused on home ownership and didn't think that traveling was a priority. Same story - different cast. Seems to be part of the script. Let's see if this is also an issue next season. So far the characters seem to be: - I've never been in love or said I Love you paired with someone who falls in love easily - I like to spend and travel paired with I like to save - I hate pets paired with I have a pet - I want kids soon paired with I don't know if I ever want kids - I just ended my last relationship within 6 months paired with I haven't had a relationship for years Anything else?
  18. That gives us 3 more episodes (after last night) to complete this season. I don't know how long the show, with this cast, can continue. Assuming they do perform Swan Lake in the last show, then this show, for all intents and purposes, is done. They could do another season with another cast, but once Swan Lake airs, this cast is done. Now, they could show what happens to the people we have come to know, but that is another show completely.
  19. I kind of liked it, but did not believe for one minute that Brittany has enough insight to become "fixed." Too fake. I think that Nick will grow a heart and will not use Paula's sickness for ratings. I also hate when they record some innocent moment - like Reggie telling that girl that he is seeing someone and are going to make it into something that it is not and go running to Gabby. I hope that Gabby goes right back to Reggie and gets the truth. Also, I read that the show has not gotten an order for additional episodes at this time - so we will see the 11 that have been filmed. But, that doesn't mean it will be cancelled. That announcement will come in the Spring. The article said that no matter what, this was scheduled for a half-season show and just 11 episodes. I do hope it gets a full season pickup and renewal.
  20. I wonder how long it will be before they start stuffing Ciara's clothes with pillows. The pic I saw of today already had her cradling her 3-hour pregnant belly. If they stay true to horror film ways, that baby will be growing extremely fast and I predict a baby by Christmas. A baby what, I don't know.
  21. I wonder if Kristen tells where she is or if she tells Gwen and Gwen actually does the right thing and tells Xander? Nah, It is more likely that Kristen uses the info as a way to get out of jail (again) and if she does tell Gwen, given that they are mentioned in the spoilers, Gwen will keep that info to herself and not tell Xander. That should go over well. And pretty much guarantee that she will be pregnant. How original.
  22. It looks like "Susan" will be locked up with John, and then the previews show that SHE has become possessed. So, I wonder if Eileen Davidson will be walking around as Susan?
  23. The episode that is on now is showing how Dave planned a night with a horse-drawn carriage and keeps saying how he is hoping for a long marriage with kids, but he just said something that sent her over the top in her insecurities again. He never had a chance with her. I still see what I saw the first time. She was just too insecure for a real relationship. All they seemed to have in common was sex, cocktails, and working out. And I believe he was sincere. Tristan and Mia were also a mess - remember that unmade bed with no headboard where they just wrapped up in dirty-looking blankets?
  24. Lifetime Movie Network is showing some old MAFS episodes. They are running with the first season I started - Season 7. So, it's Bobby and Danielle, Mia and Tristan, and Dave and Amber. I know it is not popular, but I still don't get why people didn't like Dave, when Amber was just such an insecure mess. I saw this conversation: Amber: My hair is falling out. Dave: Then stop coloring it blonde. Amber: I KNEW you wanted a brunette. Wah wah wha. I liked it when they only had 3 couples. Also the third expert was Dr. Jessica.
  25. Isn't that Paulina's mother, who is there for the wedding? I forgot who plays her, but as soon as this posts, I will remember. She played Florence on The Jeffersons. I remembered - it's Marla Gibbs.
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