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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I saw a spoiler for the week of the 27th that says that EJ spends Christmas in jail for being behind Sami's kidnapping. That makes no sense to me, since they are supposed to get back together. So, that leaves Nicole free and clear to be with Rafe, unless it brings out psycho Ava, which, of course it will.
  2. I haven't watched this show in over a year, but I actually may tune in to see the MarDevil finale (if, indeed, that is what is happening). And, I don't think it will be over in one day and may spread to the following week. It would be pathetic if they ended three months of evil in one day.
  3. To me, when you say someone has been recruited, I get the feeling that they jump to the front of the line and possibly go through a less vigorous vetting, although that is just my interpretation. They used to show all the rooms filled with people who are being tested and interviewed and, for some reason, I don't know if that is true for recruited people. Maybe they recruit them and ask them to apply or maybe they just recruit them and put them on the show. Either way, it is now extremely obvious that none of these people who end up on the show are vetted, or else they are selected just because they have drama, but it is not the same as it used to be. I think back then people did apply to get matched and married. Now it is for reality TV "fame."
  4. It will be interesting to see the new after-the-episode show with the new host. If she is good, I hope they use her instead of Kevin Frazier for the reunions, too. He has been ruined for me.
  5. If anyone is interested, someone did a great recap of the whole thing and it is posted on SalemSpectator.com.
  6. Maybe she is really pregnant? That might be why they sure seemed to drop the Chanel/Allie story and now have her exclusively with Tripp? Just a thought.
  7. One of the reasons that comparing Nicole's bed hopping to others' doesn't work for me is that you know going into any scene that Gabi knows what she is doing and is using sex as power. Nicole just seems to fall into bed without any real thought as to if it is a good idea or not. That is what she never seems to learn from. She usually ends up hurt or Sami-slapped. I think that it is her spontaneity, and then usually regret that makes it hard for me to root for her.
  8. Isn't the point of having a "guilty pleasure" show to get some pleasure from it? I guess I can no longer claim this as a guilty pleasure. I think I am ready to be done. But, I do love the comments here!
  9. My thoughts EXACTLY. Never been a Kate fan, but at least this gives her some screen time since they have no clue what to do with her, unless she is scheming. Too bad. ETA - are we sure that MarDevil isn't behind the Phillip/Brady mess? Maybe Phillip is not as crazy as we are thinking?
  10. So, all Lucas has to do is start up with Nicole and Sami will be his for the taking. Well, at least until Nicole goes after someone else Sami may want.
  11. Re: Rachel and Jose - I wonder if how much fun Rachel was having with her good (single) friend, Myrla, helped her make the decision. It was the right decision as they were never well-suited, regardless of the words they used. I think they are both extremely annoying, but it would be my guess that she was the one to file. Maybe chalk this one up to being around "Summer Rachel."
  12. So, since most of us are assuming that Phillip is not dead and is framing Brady, for that stupid plot, did he happen to bring a spare leg to the river so he could walk out, or is he hiding on one leg? I truly have no idea if people with prosthetic parts have extras. If he had to plan it in advance to have a spare, that truly shows how screwed up he is.
  13. There are a few comments wrapped up in the last episode, but not many people did watch it. Or will admit to it.
  14. I never watched the Couples Cam (OK, I watched part of it once) because it seemed so phony and I really didn't care about the couples I didn't even know. It seems that this season they didn't have the one where they each gave their comments on the current show. Instead they had it focused on those couples and not their thoughts on the episode. I wonder if that will be on again? I also wonder if the ratings took a dive because no one else cared about the actual episodes or the people on them, beyond the stupid Unfiltered show. How many times can you go over the same fake show? Maybe since on Unfiltered, many of the cast seemed to give away things that they weren't supposed to (I see you, Johnny), that perhaps they will revamp the whole thing and have those filmed in real time, right after the episode instead of after the whole season is done. Or, just put a cork in it, because this show, for what it WAS, is done.
  15. Isn't the fact that he framed Brady and therefore must remain in hiding forever a flaw? How does that help him get Chloe?
  16. She does OK on the Lifetime movies I have seen her in. But, she is usually cast as a snobby bitch.
  17. I know that many of the past and some current viewers are really turned off by the past few seasons and some are not watching anymore. What I am interested in is the ratings. Are they going up with the more crazy phony drama? I think most of us started watching, hoping this would end with some real marriages. That does not seem to be the goal anymore and I am just wondering if this show is now changing the viewing demographic? If the ratings were falling, they would do something to fix it. But, if they are not, then we have a choice to make in regards to whether we want to keep watching, knowing that this show is truly being cast with people who want to be on reality tv as their primary goal and don't care how they are portrayed.
  18. I did like most of the episode. I hate the pregnancy bit and when she fell through the floor and then when Justin threw her off his shoulders, I was sure it would end in a miscarriage and we would be done with that. I am still hoping that it will end. That won't stop her from lying about it, but at least it won't end up with Reggie having a child he doesn't want. I felt so sad for Nick and Monica, but I agree with the stupid plot that doesn't let them hear the whole story. The dancers with Mike were beautiful, but I couldn't help but wonder where and when they found those girls and they learned the dance. But, it was lovely. So, what is Mike going to do with his inheritance from Paula? I had wondered how they would get this cast in a second season, but at least we know what Gabby and Brittany will be doing. I hope, if this is renewed, that Justin will be back. Maybe Mike can bankroll a new dance group and they can be together. I really didn't care that much about Terri Conn's character, but I am glad the situation was resolved. And she has a new daughter. Fingers crossed for a renewal.
  19. Wasn't Wendy the midwife killed by Ben near the cabin? Maybe MarDevil can bring her back (or else change herself to Wendy).
  20. Unless it is more of MarDevil's tricks. Or someone trying to "help" Philip get his girl. Although, most likely it is a Philly Fake Out. which pretty much, puts a lid on any chance for a Phillip/Chloe relationship. I still don't know what she does or why she is on the show. ETA - did Kate threaten Brady? In a spoiler for the week of Dec. 13 it looks like she mentions it to Roman and Rex. Maybe Kate set it up to help Phillip? It's not beneath Kate to do that, but it is really stupid.
  21. @Yeah No, I know you couldn't see me, but I was nodding my head in agreement the who.le time I was reading your post. Good post!
  22. Maybe the character is, although I am not sure. But, BECAUSE of Paul Telfor's charisma, it is easier to forgive him and like him, where Gwen (the character and the actress) doesn't have that likability. I don't like anything about her character and I don't think she deserves to be with Xander - especially if she withholds the truth. We already have that with Nicole. We don't need another selfish character.
  23. I am not on Reddit, so I appreciate the update posts. Poor Bao.
  24. It seemed to me that some of the couples do choose to stay in their show apartment, but others do their own things and show up for filming. I think it makes sense that the couples who are still together probably did stay together during the week. We know that Zack from Zack and Mindy never moved in. Either did Chris last season. Basketball slime guy Matt never really moved in, but, I agree, that we are seeing how frequently the couples come and go a lot more now. It does take away from the whole idea that these "married" couples are together and trying to get to know each other during the 8 weeks, if we know that they only are required to be there for filming on nights and weekends. I am still unsure how much I like seeing all of the group activities. I like that this is their support group and that most seasons have established friendships, but it also makes it too easy to compare your relationship to the others and not look at it on its own merit. I remember when Jessica and Austin never talked about how they were doing because they didn't want others to feel bad. And then we have Jose and Rachel who can't keep their hands off each other and look how that ended up. Now I think we are overanalyzing it and it is just a stupid, scripted show that has no purpose other than to keep us talking and tuning into the next season. I think that's why they do 2 seasons a year. We would lose interest too quickly once each season is over.
  25. I am hoping the Brittany's obvious pregnancy is not the result of a hook-up with Reggie. He never liked her, so I hope they never did anything, although she threw herself at him, so maybe he responded. I want him to be with Gabby and I want Gabby to be a choreographer. I also hope that heartless Nick recovers from his obvious heart attack. But, I don't want him to change too much. I like him with Monica, but he needs to stay himself. I also hope they get renewed, but I am not counting on it.
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