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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I would really like to know how much of the Rachel/Jose drama was production shenanigans. Her staying with him, if all of that rage and coldness was really him, makes me very disappointed with her. She claimed that she was raised to have more self-esteem, and she clearly knows better. I am feeling towards her the same way I felt about Paige (and way back to Kate staying with Luke). After that scene, there is NO way he can redeem himself (plus his lying about it to the guys), so he is not worth my time or thought. But, I had thought better of her. Wondering if they will be on Couples Camera, or if they learned their lesson afterf Erik and VirGINia. I think the couples should have to stay together for at least a year before they are selected for the couples show.
  2. LOL - or ERASED his white board????? That's what I would do as the ultimate revenge.
  3. Unfortunately, since Re-Ron is incapable of writing a story we can't figure out 6 months before it happens, I believe that we are headed for a Rosemary's Baby baby for Ben and Ciara. And, because of the unholy alliance between Marlena and Ben, HE will be the one to save Salem.
  4. He was completely Team Haley and kept making it look like the problem was all Jake, encouraging Haley to talk about how bad the one-time sex was. It was inappropriate, given his role as FACILITATOR/MODERATOR and he has mentioned how wonderful Haley is numerous times. He also kept saying how amazing Paige was, when she was the idiot who kept going back to the jerk. Up until that last season, he did seem to be pretty much Switzerland. That's all over now.
  5. Are you kidding me -he brought up Jake/Haley again???? I had really liked Kevin in past seasons and thought he did a good job at facilitating the reunion shows, but after the last one, I am through with him. What happened to being an impartial moderator? No one cares what his opinion is (or any of these people on the panel). I didn't watch it and get really annoyed at all these filler episodes.
  6. That makes me wish I had ignored my "NO JAMIE OTIS in my house. Ever." rule and watched it. Also, I am glad that Bao and Johnny are getting along. But, it was very uncomfortable to me to watch their sex assignments. Too much! I am glad Rachel stood up for herself and she should never trust him again. That said, the experiment is not even half over yet, so we know she goes back there. Hopefully, to sleep in the other bedroom. I am glad the guys are not buying his version of the story at all. Especially when they will compare notes from their wives. That wives' activity was horrible! I actually am with Myrla that it was a stupid, and potentially dangerous, waste of time and energy. Anyone who has that much anger needs to be in therapy (and NOT Dr. Viv!). My first thought was that Michaela was kept away on purpose, out of fear of what she may do given her energy and a deadly weapon. I don't think she wasn't feeling well. I felt so sad, again, for Brett. I also wonder if there was more to that tantric crap and if Brett got any attention from Ryan or if it was all directed at his experience. We know she loves to try to make him happy, but it was time to let HIM give her some pleasure. Myrla was totally serious at the high rating she gave her marriage because SHE was happy. I did enjoy Gil's response and am glad he got his little peck on the lips. But, she wouldn't even let him finish reading the cards that they were supposed to do - just dismissed them and wouldn't even listen. Sorry, Myrla, you don't get to dictate that there will be no divorce. This man deserves to be wanted and appreciated for more than just his patience for not tossing you out the window. I understand where Michaela is coming from with Zack, but she truly doesn't understand that he sees who she is and I get what he said about her behavior not being a mistake - it IS who she is and she will not get that. That said, he should NOT have gone to his house, again, and stayed there. Again, not a pleasant episode to watch. If anyone watched Unfiltered and wants to add details, please do! Thanks.
  7. As always, it doesn't start here for 3 more hours, but I am totally intrigued by the description of this episode. Which wife calls her husband the wrong name and gets locked out????? My guess, for some reason, is Rachel. Don't know why, but Jose strikes me as the type who would lock her out. Zack would just go home.
  8. I read something that said that Linda Tripp's daughter wished her mom could have seen this show, but why??? I would hate for a loved one to see herself portrayed so horribly and if that is how she really was (and probably was), wouldn't she be horrified to see herself that way? I am sure it is just make up, but I never see Sarah Paulson, I see Linda Tripp. But, I also never see Monica - I see Beanie. (Off topic - sorry, but I just don't see Beanie playing Fanny Brice in the new Funny Girl, either.)
  9. Yes, her name is Joy. I seem to remember that one of the sisters had to be some kind of a donor (bone marrow) for the other? I could be way off and am just thinking about a Lifetime movie! (And I have NO idea why I remember her sister's name). ETA - Oops, sorry. This has NOTHING to do with today's show.
  10. To me, this was a combo of Unreal (which I LOVED for the first season) and So You Think You Can Dance. I do wish Scott Foley was a little nicer, but I am guessing he will be. While Swan Lake was a horrible choice for untrained dancers, I agree that this show is not about dancers. I am hoping it sticks around long enough to build some good relationships, but I am afraid it will get pulled sooner rather than later. I am willing to stick with it for the ride.
  11. Or, Gwen will be pregnant and Sarah will return with their baby!!!
  12. Actually, when Myrla said that she was going to make Gil some keto chocolate chip cookies, it makes sense. Sometimes it is just easier to make your own meals and since she does work from home, that means three meals a day. It does get OLD and I can totally understand her need to go out to eat a nice brunch and a dinner or two.
  13. Has there been any news about Linsey G returning to play Sarah? So glad that Xander found out and loved how Gwen is just sitting there in bed as he races to get out of there. (Not a Gwen fan at all.)
  14. Well, he DID tell Pastor Cal that he likes her (which was the first time she heard that), but that he wasn't feeling romantically connected YET. I still can't believe all those cards! I don't think I could think of 100 things to say about someone who I have known forever! ETA - I think of all of the couples, she is the only one I will be sorry that she gets hurt. She really likes him and she really wants this.
  15. Do you mean that she, herself, is miserable and unhappy? Or that she makes US miserable? I vote for number two!
  16. I was glad that Johnny and Bao found some happy time and I liked Happy Bao, right up until that fake scene in bed where she whispered that she wanted to work her way into his heart like a parasite. WTF??? She is smart enough to know that a parasite is not a desirable thing to be! I have no use for Myrla. Her continued snobbery and air of superiority is just too much. OK, she didn't ask her sweet hubby to give her a foot rub, but he offered and she accepted, so put the damn phone down. And don't tell him that he is only marginal at foot rubs! I know many people who would LOVE to have their feet rubbed (especially by him). And her rude comments about Jose's house were disgusting, as is she. I cannot wait for Gil to dump her on D Day, although since she insists on always being first, I hope he gets to be the one. (No spoiler - just stating the obvious). And, if she works from home, why does she need all her fancy clothes? I know she probably travels more, but she still doesn't need all the fanciness. Although, I will say that I agree that she can spend her money any way she wants to. as long as she is responsible, as it appears she is. She is just making up for being poor and I get that. Plus, she mentioned making keto chocolate chip cookies for him, which could explain why her grocery bill is higher than his. I really wish Michaela and Zack would come to terms with the mess and agree to stop before the end of the run. They are horrible together and he is never going to get a decent night's sleep, sleeping with one eye open. And, we haven't even seen some her worst rants yet (according to previews). I felt so so sad for Brett. She wants him so much and he isn't there, or going to get there. He must be modeling the Mindy/Zack playbook as to waiting for the attraction. I felt embarrassed for her when she said that she had written all of those compliment cards for him and he had nothing to say. I am sure he was uncomfortable seeing all of that affection towards him when he had nothing to return. He didn't even seem to be able to form ONE nice thing to say and it must be actually difficult for him, as well as miserable for her. I actually like the thought of putting her with Gil as a couple. Maybe when this nightmare is over. . . Rachel's face continues to contradict her words. She is NOT happy with Jose, even though she claims to be. He is not letting her be herself at all and she is never going to be good enough. He is never going to trust her ("once a cheater, always a cheater.") and will continually let her know. And, I do get that, but then end it now. She is like Myrla in that they both just want a husband. And like AJ in earlier seasons, they want a dinner partner. Period. Like Olivia, they want someone to be their "plus one." Just an overall awkward season and it is not fun to watch. That said, more baby goats and sweet dogs, please. #FREE HYPE. ETA - did Dr. V just work one day this season? We have seen her in that Pocahontas outfit all season and it is looking pretty tired. She is a pretty lady, but she is not looking good this season.
  17. I haven't seen it yet, but that reminds me of a man I spent time with who told me once that he figured that he only listened to about 30% of what I had to say. He said it so matter-of-factly that my jaw just dropped and I was speechless. I think he was a bigger jerk than Jose, though.
  18. OK then, 20 minutes in and no comments yet? Since it is not on in AZ for 2 1/2 hours, I always read here first before deciding whether to watch. Not looking good so far! ETA- I am trying to figure out which of these couples could be close to using the "L" word and can't even imagine any of them. Oh, I guess Rachel and Jose might think they want to say it, even though neither of them really feels it.
  19. But, on the other hand, do people really want a season made up of just Bobby and Danielles? I guess they were the most boring, but even a season with just people like Jessica and Austins would still be boring, although I am happy they are still together. But, I would like to see more couples with possibilities and not the 0/5 they have been doing lately. (No spoilers, just speculation for this season.)
  20. I just wonder at what point does Myrla generally feel comfortable enough with a date to kiss him good night? She and Gil have been living together (supposedly) for more than 2 weeks now, so he is clearly not a stranger anymore. And I also wonder how long her dating relationships have lasted, because there aren't too many guys who will wait around for just a sliver of affection. That said, it assumes some degree of legitimacy to the living/sleeping arrangements and assumes that she shares a bed with him every night. (Which, again, I am beginning to doubt more and more for any of them!)
  21. I usually don't watch this show because I am really not interested in most of the couples, but did tune in, and yes, I fell for the teaser about the couple imploding (Erik and Ginny). But, I guess that comes next week? Anyway, this was the first time I had seen AJ and Steph since their season and I couldn't believe it when they played that same sorry clip about him getting married so he won't have to eat dinner alone again. I thought that was stupid and annoying when they played it to death on his season, but after all this time, that's all they have??? Still not an AJ fan, but if they are happy, good for them. And, if Keith really did buy that RV without her support, then I hope he plans to live in it. He said he bought it before she absolutely said "no," but he had to know that she wasn't going to like the idea. That's way too much money if they had other debts to manage. Not to mention the costs for insurance, gas, maintenance, etc.
  22. And who exactly is his target audience??? Who the hell cares about an unknown dr in an unknown town having an affair with another unknown person? (Other than when she starts levitating with devil eyes - that might be worth a ticket.)
  23. After all the talk about Zack and Michaela's dogs not getting along, now I am wondering if Zack's dog is just sensing what we do in Michaela and the DOG doesn't like her. Dogs are pretty attuned to crazy! And for Zack to have to sleep in another room with his dog to keep him/her from waking Sleeping Beauty, no wonder he went to his own home to get some rest.
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