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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. There were some articles from Screen Rant on my news feed and it sounds like the author is reading here. I couldn't find the links to post, but one talks about how O's neck tattoo was changing and the best one was Why Season 14 Is the Series' Rock Bottom! And it mentions everything we have been saying. It suggests that one of the main reasons, besides having truly unlikeable people to start with, is the fact that the experts have been so hands-off. I don't know that more of the experts would help if the people were hired for drama and they don't listen anyway.
  2. I thought that it was strange how Keisha kept insisting that Noi come up with a number, and yes, 40K was ridiculous. I was thinking she would say a million. She also doesn't seem to like being put on the spot and she doesn't come across as too bright to me. She is, at the very least, very naive, and is totally stuck in her fantasy world in her head. I am also sure that they have had the financial discussion by now and this is the assigned drama from the producers. However, I would also not be too surprised if Steve didn't tell her how much he has because she just goes right to her SM and posts things, because she is so immature. I don't blame him. She has done it before and doesn't see a problem.
  3. While I do agree with you, for me, the issue is that we don't know or like Paulina enough (many of us) to care about her or her story. She was just thrust on us as an over-the-top character who lied to and hurt people we DO like. She managed to live her life making sure that Lani was not around her abusive father, and Paulina made a good life for herself. Since Re-Ron doesn't care at all about telling true stories of abuse, it will just continue until Paulina is in danger again and then Abe will have to come and rescue her and probably kill TR. Or maybe Lani will. Either way, he is just going to write that someone who was a strong woman now needs to be protected instead of taking care of herself, as she has done.
  4. So, I read that as "SLEEP Ava around," which is what I guess they are doing. Didn't Jake work for her in PA when he first showed up? I agree that the Salemites, who have vast experience with demonic possession, seem to be incredibly blind to the current circumstances. But, I forgot - these are the same people who have sex with people wearing masks who are not even close in physical appearance to the person they think they are with. Again, after they know that someone has access to a mask wardrobe, no one tugs on their face, just be be sure? Especially John and Marlena who have been through this before (and before that) and have experienced demon-hopping, to not question EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. Dumb dumb dumb.
  5. I think Chris would have been nice to her, but he would not want to be the peace keeper with her antics. What if Alyssa had been paired with Mark????
  6. I think Mark is afraid of Lindsey. He won't ever hurt her, but she can probably really pack a punch when she gets riled up. He is so frustrated when he TRIES to talk, but she keeps talking and shutting him down and then she gets mad, declares she is done, and leaves. What is he supposed to do? Even if they do meet with an "expert," they don't listen to any advice or suggestions. I think they are both pretty inflexible, although they both claim to be trying. I say GIVE IT UP and go enjoy the rest of your life.
  7. I still think the reason AnNOIng doesn't know how much he has (if that is true) is that he does not trust her not to blab it on SM and to anyone who will listen. She is a petulant, pouty child and is not ready to be a wife, much less a mother. ETA - because I did like her at the beginning (except for saying that everything is cute), and now don't like her at all, it seems harsher to me. I never liked any of the other women, so the fact that I still don't is not a big deal.
  8. Maybe Chris can hire them both, but I don't see Mark being able to work with the high-end clients Chris has.
  9. My only comment after kind of watching last night was that AnNOIng was really out of it when she thought that if Steve had $40K, she would relax. I was thinking she would say at least a million. She has no intention of changing her dream of being a SAH mom with 3 perfect children, Sushi, and a white picket fence. She won't care what job her husband has - just leave the house every day and bring her money. She wouldn't want a work-from-home husband, either. I do not like her. But, I can honestly say, I don't like any of these people. Steve, to me, is the least offensive, though.
  10. I agree that this was another filler episode with absolutely nothing new. Steve did tell Mark that he has a healthy savings account, but if he hasn't shared that with Noi, then there is a problem. Maybe he is afraid she would post that on one of her many SM complaints about him. I don't blame him. I like her less and less each week. She is way too immature to be in a relationship and she isn't going to change. So, she wants to say yes on D Day and then get her own apartment so they can. date? LOL - isn't that what was suggested last season (and I completely erased the memory of their names), as a way to just kind of escape from the relationship? I am totally on Steve's side. She cannot compromise and is a truly passive-aggressive person. Steve can and should be able to find a much better partner. I am so tired of the Lindsey/Mark roller coaster and her saying that he crossed a boundary and she is over and out every single week and then comes back. He can't even talk to her when he does try, because she is already too mad at him. Awful, awful couple, and not fun to watch. Couldn't care less about anything having to do with O and I think Katina seems not too bright to me. Why she accepts his abusive language and behaviors makes me angry. Although, I would have to say that I am surprised that they haven't had sex yet. Good for her. Michael and JasMEANa are also boring. I haven't liked her and her attitude3 of superiority at all. She was sure to remind us that she is not attracted to him. Can this season be over, please and can we never see any of these people again? Thank you.
  11. And if EJ and Belle hit the sheets, we should expect Sami to come waltzing back any time.
  12. Not sure if it is a spoiler or a speculation from one of the soap mags - Nancy will hook up with Clyde? I guess her options are pretty limited.
  13. So they let Clyde out on parole without even checking his housing plans? And checking to see if it was true? Ridiculous.
  14. I also read that Days had a big bounce in ratings numbers lately, so what do we know???
  15. I totally agree that they really had no plans for another 2 years, so they are giving stupid Ron carte blanche to do anything he wants, even if it is horrible and he is mostly amusing himself. I don't think there are any plans to make Clyde less evil. He threatens EJ to keep him quiet so he can get parole (although, again, EJ is in prison, albeit for a crime didn't commit), but nothing EJ would have said would be believed and he isn't in jail for "murdering" EJ, so it wouldn't make any difference. I just love how Kate and Roman are supposed to be a loving couple now, but she has schemed and lied and hasn't told the truth about Lucas kidnapping Sami and about Phillip being alive, and now Roman/Chris is hiring a former lover of hers to work in the pub, without discussing it with her. What kind of a relationship are they supposed to have?
  16. LOL - no Eric. The not-current-Father-John will perform the unnecessary exorcism on Belle. Since LOVE saved Marlena, he figures that LOVE will save Belle and she will believe all the crap that Shawn is going to tell her because JoDevil will make him do it. She is going to think that she was possessed and threw EJ's whole case. I would like to see the paperwork for getting him a new trial because his lawyer was possessed! This has been the worst story ever, in my opinion, with no end in sight.
  17. Clyde is up for parole, so he intimidates EJ into keeping quiet. Why this man, who has escaped numerous times, is getting paroled, beats me. So, Roman is going to second-chance him and hire him at the pub. Kate will enjoy that. ETA - I think Maggie is insisting that Sarah move home with her after they let her out of the looney bin. So, she will insist that Tony come, too. I read that the reason they let Sarenee out is because there is nothing they can do to help her since the drug seems to be permanent. I still don't buy Tony going along with the nonsense, but I guess it is to provide some Anna/Tony drama.
  18. I also would not have recognized her at all and she does look different. Maybe just older. BUT, WTH is up with her husband's suit? It was way too small all over and looks awful. I know that all eyes are supposed to been the bride, but, seriously? That was what he picked to wear for his wedding?
  19. So they are willing to let the mad doctor inject Sarah with something else???
  20. The problem with the 'me' and 'I' thing is that when you take out the other name to see which word is correct, it has to sound wrong and to many younger people, they don't hear that it is wrong, so that trick will not work anymore. So sad. I see it and read it all the time, so I really have to wonder about editors. I guess there is no requirement for grammar? I really have to stop myself from correcting people, except when I managed a team and I had to let them know why I was not selecting them to make a presentation to senior leadership. That's a tough one to have to correct a 50-year old professional. Oh, and my friend said the horrible, "Me and XXX were. . ." so I did have to correct her only because she home schools her daughter and I wanted to give XXX a fighting chance! And her response was that she THOUGHT it was wrong, but since that's all she hears, she thought that she must be wrong, so she changed her language.
  21. Thanks, everyone. I am in AZ and it doesn't start for another hour. I will definitely give this week a pass. As horrible as the previous two seasons have been, this is even worse than those.
  22. And that's what she came from, so it could be all she knows and she keeps ending up in these abusive relationships. She seems like she is stronger than that, but it's what she knows. Another one who should NEVER been selected to be married to a stranger. Especially if the "expert" couldn't read Olajuwon for exactly what he is.
  23. I did read on Celebrity Dirty Laundry (a lot of speculation, though) that TR is going to be the one who shoots Eli in the head during a drug deal gone bad. Valerie comes out and since LA is leaving, it looks like they may kill him (or maybe send him to a recovery center for a long time). Also read that Johnny blacks out when the devil TEMPORARILY jumps into Belle, but then goes back to Johnny, once people are thinking it is Belle, who will even go through an exorcism to get rid of the demon that isn't even there. Chad realizes that it was not the real EJ who kissed Abby, but Kate tries to convince him to hold on to the secret, even though Chad wants to rescind his false story. (Hey - have we even seen anything about Jan and Shawn's baby in the last few months? Why doesn't the devil just take that baby?) Kayla is ordered to fire Marlena; Leo influences Craig to go for the Chief of everything when Kayla doesn't want to fire her; Chad tries to set up Leo by getting in bed with him while the others try to get Craig to see them (which we know won't work); Maggie is told that because of the mystery drug, SaRenee may be permanent, which leaves Xander to try to make whoever she is now fall in love with him; no idea what Gwen will do to get him back. I did see a picture that Nancy is back to the red hair. Oh, and Allie is thinking about her feelings for Chanel, which will leave Trippy available for cougar pouncing. Disgusted to still see the Rafe/Nicole/Ava mess going on. That's all I remember.
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