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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I missed the opening group scene and tuned in as it was O and Katina. First, I LOVED her short wig or hair. She looked so much better when she didn't have all that hair in her face. Second, I still didn't hear a word out of her and it was all Kevin saying how proud he was of the growth in that ass O. Again, all about O ringing his own bell. And he got all of this self-realization after he watched himself? NOT when Dr. Pepper spoke with him many times? Same with Pastor Cal? I am not buying it, but, apparently Katina likes the bling. And when she said she loves him and said it was the first time she said it, I thought that was weird. By now they had been together 7 months (assuming this show was filmed 5 months after D Day) and then O just threw out an I love you , too. Weird. But, I did laugh when O said he read on sm that everyone was telling her to "Run away!" I wonder if he read here? Still incredibly boring with uninteresting people. Steve deserves so much better and Noi is still aNOIing and immature and can't speak with an adult articulate voice. No need for Sriracha, who will now want Steve to support her, too. The only thing that surprised me a little was the body language between Jasmeana and Michael. Now I am thinking that is as close to her as he ever got. And since they were living apart, how did she think that was acceptable as a way to get to know him? Dumb, dumb, dumb. More fake tears from Alyssa. God, she is horrible. Saying that she was out of her mind when she was confronted with her clips was stupid. And she is still mad because she "didn't get what she asked for." This isn't frigging Santa Claus and you aren't 3. I liked seeing Chris actually get angry and telling her off. I like him. I have no need to see her again. Lindsey looked good. That is all I have to say about her. She is horrible and mean. As with Chris, I was glad to see Mark get angry at how he was treated instead of just taking it and being a good guy. I hope he does well.
  2. LOL - my eyes aren't completely focused yet this morning and I read this as the Guest of HoRROR! That works, too!
  3. Given the mention of Leo, I think we can assume that he is involved in Sonny's mysterious night. So, is Leo going to just run amok causing harm until his contract runs out? Or, is he going to be killed off by someone he has hurt? Which will result in multiple people being arrested and then it will turn out that Leo is just hiding somewhere. Gosh, I just came up with that - I should be a writer - NOT. I wonder if Gwen is still chained to the chair in the interrogation room?
  4. That's how they got rid of "him" (it?) in The Exorcist. It jumped from Regan into the priest and the priest went out the window.
  5. Same thing as Abby being killed. We all know it, and yet there has been nothing said about the actress leaving. I am also pretty sure that considering Ghost Bo visits with Steve, he will do something and Tripp will be fine. Then, Allie will realize how much he loves her and they will be happy forever (or until she sees Chanel again). There has been so much Allie, it is time for her to be back-burnered, so a boring couple is just the thing.
  6. As I have said before, with all of these leaks and rumors about Abby being killed, there have been no stories about MM leaving. I think it will be a plot to trap someone (Gwen?). I would have said Leo, but he is going to be around for a long while, so it's not him. I would LOVE for it to be Gwen in an Abby mask, as also has been mentioned. I don't like the character of Gwen and it would be great to have her be killed while she was attempting, yet again, to hurt someone. I don't think there is anything about her that is rootable. We have the constant being good/being bad wallowing from Nicole "trying to do the right thing" and that's enough. I do hope they get this Sarah looking for her baby story over with quickly. There have been too many plot twists, and even though I cannot stand the Sarah portrayal, enough already. And, yes, that story above makes it pretty evident that Tripp will live, and I am guessing that this will clear the air and have him back with Allie since Chanel and Johnny seem to be together. So, they just allude to a baby-saving to get Baby Bo back and not tell what that is, even though everyone knows?
  7. I just read the comments so I didn't have to watch. I think I will do the same next week. I agree that there must now be a bonus incentive to say yes on Decision Day and then they can get the divorce after the Reunion show, which I think is another 3 months? But, I hope the "experts" are not given a bonus because they really sucked. I wonder if there will be any changes or adjustments to the next season, based on how badly the last couple of seasons have been, or if that is just the new direction. And, if these people think they will ride the reality TV train to fame, I hope the show remembers the disaster they had with Couples' Cam just putting people who said yes on their D Day and never made it past their season as model couples (VirGINia and Eric?). I think the couples should be together for at least a year before they do that, if that show is brought back. Even so, those stories were also too heavily produced (see Big Red and Jamie). By the way, I have never watched even one of those shows, because I get all I need to know from you lovely people. Thank you!
  8. Wait - Jasmina and Michael said YES????? So much for MAFSFan spoilers.
  9. TWO HOURS????? For 4 couples? I was just going to maybe watch it if was an hour. As always, thanks for the comments so I can decide if I want to watch tonight. ETA - and if anyone wants to put the results, I am fine with that!
  10. Or the obnoxious Olajuwon, the abuse victim Katina, the over-the-top Lindsey, the ice queen Jasmeana, or the unemployed Steve? Much less match an unemployed person with another person paralyzed by fear of being poor. I think Chris was a good guy and he should have been matched better.
  11. I don't understand what this means....... Me either, since the baby was born last Friday.
  12. I would say that they really need to retire officer Lani at this point. She is beyond useless as a cop. She causes harm to the community and can't handle it when she actually has to do her job. Just stay home with the babies. She just has never been portrayed as a strong woman and I am not looking forward to reading about her trying to act in this next PTSD-type storyline. She hadn't known TR long enough to be this devastated. He shot her husband and tried to kill him, so just be happy that her handsome hubby is OK.
  13. I know. Couldn't Roman ask his girlfriend to ask her son, Lucas, about this? I am guessing they are just keeping her away from people who know the truth and she is fine. Well, as fine as Sami can be. That's all we need is another Sami in peril story.
  14. I just read an explanation of this on another thread. It was due to the substantial upgrade they just pushed and will be slowly catching up to itself and will be more evident with a "new look" that will be coming.
  15. I just hope that in future seasons, they stop with all these ridiculous filler shows. Or, cast some likable people. But, maybe for every one of us who drop the show because of how it has evolved, they pick up new viewers who enjoy the make-believe drama?
  16. I read a recent spoiler on the outcomes of D Day. I think they are the same as we saw early in the season: Jasmeana/Michael - say no; Mark and Lindsey say yes, but are done by Reunion; O and Katina say yes and there is no update as to whether they are together now; Noi and Steve say yes and there are indications that they are still together; and of course, Alyssa and Chris. So, at the D Day show, the experts will be happy with a 3/4 success rate. Then, by the reunion, it's likely only Noi and Steve, which is what most of us predicted way back at the beginning. I do hope that Katina does not stay with O. I don't care how much editing was done - he is a spoiled, selfish misogynist and I believe that she can do so much better for herself if she would get some therapy and believe in herself.
  17. I don't mind Chloe warning either of her parents about their dates, because she does know them better than Craig and Nancy. That said, it was her tone that I didn't like - the "over my dead body" like she was actually in charge. They are still her parents and are adults and a simple warning would have been sufficient. Especially since neither of them paid any attention.
  18. I don't think they are. He has already talked to someone about a drug deal and was trying to negotiate something with EJ, so I don't think they are redeeming him at all. Nancy will ignore all the I-told-yous and she will end up being used as a hostage for one of his deals or something. Chloe is absolutely ridiculous, though. But, the writers have had no idea what to do with her since they brought her back.
  19. Don't forget to add the Salem Hospital as a beacon of virtue regarding patient rights.
  20. Maybe they figure they can do anything for one week a year of whatever stupid story they get and a nice paycheck. The more people they keep adding to the one-week story means the less screen time anyone will get. I still think that after the 2-year deal is over, they will go straight to Peacock.
  21. Of course it makes more sense. Which is exactly why we are getting more Leo!
  22. YES!!!!! At least she stopped saying that everything was "cute." But, enough with the 'like.' And that goes for many of the cast. Too many filler words when most of the show is just filler crap to begin with.
  23. Yes. Yes. Yes. YES. Also, they are now going for pure drama and the producers do not care one bit if anyone stays together, despite what the so-called experts keep saying. By now, if they stick to their stories, it can't be good for their professional credibility if they really do match these awful people. I believe that the only people who apply now are those who will do anything to be on TV and don't care what the editing does and how they appear. They MAY select one couple they think will make it so it is not a total failure, but for the rest of the couples, it is all about the mismatched drama.
  24. I don't trust D Day anymore. I prefer the Reunion show after 3 months of being together with. no cameras. And another filler waste of time next week. I sure hope they can manage to get D Day with 4 horrible couples done in one 2-hour show. Then the 2-part Reunion, which might be interesting, except for seeing Allysa. I continue to dislike Noi more and more, which I didn't think was possible. Maybe because I liked her at the beginning. She seems to be be as dumb as a rock, totally inarticulate, immature, spoiled, and inflexible. Like many of you, I have no idea why she was picked and matched. The fact that she says she STILL doesn't understand what he does is ridiculous. Steve keeps saying that they have discussed this before. She needs to go live by herself, but I think they will say yes, with her thinking that she can live apart from him and he will be thinking that once he gives her a real ring, purchased by him instead of the show, she will be committed. (By the way, if it is a lab created stone, although she is stupid, she will be smart enough to have appraised.) After the way the show started with O and Lindsey fighting, I think it is interesting that he is her only friend on this show. It was nice to see that she actually has a real friend, who seemed to be pretty normal. That fertility test was beyond disgusting and I can not think of any other couple who would have done that on camera. I agree that they will say yes, and, hopefully be done by the reunion. I really want Michael to go first on D Day and for HIM to say no. I would hate for him to say yes and then have her say no. At the beginning of the season, I thought that both Jasmeana and Katina were really pretty. Katina now looks just hard and is not pretty to me, at all. Jasmeana is still pretty, but she has yet to get her make-up messed up, so she looks the same as the wedding. I just kept hoping they would just kiss at the end to say good-bye, but, nope. I've gotta say, though, her shoes she wore for salsa were amazing! I truly want Katina to say no, but I have a feeling she may think that he is the best she can find, because she has no self-esteem and he is so horrible to her. Why they selected someone with a history of being in abusive relationships is horrible and they should be sued to pay for her therapy. He is a narcissistic misogynist and I want him to go away and never darken my screen again. I DON'T want to see any of these people show up on next season's filler shows giving their opinions. Next week is another skip episode and then I might watch the D Day one - but only if it is one show. If they spilt it into two, I will just read the comments. I have enjoyed reading the posts here, so thanks!
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