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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I forgot to mention Stacia and her Chanel fixation. First the intertwined C earrings and then the CHA and NEL earrings (worn on the wrong ears). The Cs didn't bother me that much but the other ones were, most likely, very expensive, but I thought they were tacky.
  2. Not that that's doing her any good. (Sorry - couldn't resist)
  3. Just to add my few thoughts. . .So, Stacia finally gets her word that she has been hammering Nate for. He tells her he loves her and does she kiss him? No. She just goes on to her next stupid question about the damn scale. I thought the scale was about love, so there was need to ask him. Even if that was producer driven (not that they would do that!), it was awful. Stacia has not an ounce of warmth in her entire body. She didn't listen to anything her mother said. She is cold and inflexible and just because they got tattoos - which SHE scheduled - that doesn't mean anything, other than they are both stupid. However, they both looked amazing at their dinner. Poor Miguel and Lindy having to take a boat ride wearing winter parkas! How cold was it? It didn't help that they appeared to be in the middle of a storm. I did have to laugh when Lindy told Miguel that he hasn't seen the worst in her and to buckle up. When he said he was scared, I believed him. She kept reminding me of Noi when she kept saying that everything was "cute." I hated that. I guess every season has to have an immature person - she is it. I am so over Justin and Alexis. She is horrible and so condescending to him and refuses to listen to what he says. He may not be the best communicator, but her way of chastising him when he tries to explain is horrible. It is not her job to teach him to communicate. It is her job to listen to what he says. That outfit was jaw droppingly hideous. I wondered how she would eat and was glad that the gloves came off. Yay for Krysten finally remembering herself. It wasn't the appropriate place to do that, but, again, production instructions. Mitch does not deserve a seemingly normal woman like Krysten. OMG - Morgan! She clomps onto the screen and delivers her carefully rehearsed speech, after dropping the flowers. Then she clomps out, but comes back to deliver another rehearsed speech. She refused to listen to him when he was trying to explain. I agree with those who say that he has zero relationship experience and was seeking advice from a friend. I don't know what he told Justin that made her so mad, and maybe there wasn't anything other than production hi jinx. I don't think any of them are good enough actors, so I think that Binh was totally blindsided by the show. He had no idea what hit him. It looks like next week, they all meet with an expert. That may be too little too late for some of them. Another really bad season.
  4. Maybe because they all know that the stuff on camera is production-driven and when they talk off-camera, it is probably sharing REAL thoughts?
  5. Sometimes it is hard to determine if it is the CHARACTER that is bad (Gwen, Kristen) or the acting that makes the character unwatchable (Sarah). Either way, when these people are in the story, I skip over reading the summaries. Oh, and for me, Sami is also an unwatchable character and the reason I stopped watching the show two years ago. Her screaming and hysterics makes her unwatchable to me, plus the fact that she breezes in and out at her whim and takes over the stories while she is there. That part is not her fault, but the fact that she is allowed and encouraged and written to act that way is enough for her to make my list.
  6. I haven't seen anything about Sami/Allison making a return once the show leaves NBC. Maybe those who will continue watching have FINALLY seen the last of Sami. I stopped watching the time she returned two times ago, as I hated the waste of time on her hysterics and tantrums, only to leave again.
  7. I am pretty sure she DOES look in the mirror, but it must be one of those magic ones where you see what you want to look like and not what you actually do.
  8. I am with those who don't like the extra people. They don't add anything more than we do on here with our opinions.
  9. Between all of the repeats last night, I think I managed to see most of it. I am glad that Krysten is realizing that she is losing herself in order to make Mitch happy. That has to stop and he is not going to make any effort at all. Stacia is just not giving Nate a chance. She is coming on way too strong with HER expectations and not considering him at all. He is trying to explain that to her, but she just gets so cold and frozen in her replies that she is asking why he isn't in love with her yet. She is treating him terribly. She is clearly very insecure and expects constant validation. He isn't ready yet - it has been 3 weeks!!!! I am just done with Alexis and Justin. He doesn't stand a chance and just needs to stop being wimpy. she is just too much in love with herself and she is NOT.ALL.THAT. I am not sure about Lindy and Miguel. She is very immature, although she wants him to accept and forgive everything because they are married. I get that, but he doesn't know her. He never would have dated or proposed to her given her "angry inner child" excuses for her behaviors. I don't like Morgan. At all. I wonder if she is a good nurse since she does not appear to have a warm bone in her body. Binh is opening up and making strong statements, so, if nothing else, he is getting some much needed therapy. even though I do know the spoilers about D Day, I am more curious about what the status of these couples is TODAY.
  10. I don't think he would buy her anything. He would find her a rock and tell her he thinks it is pretty. Didn't he already give her a repurposed necklace or something?
  11. Sounds like things are actually happening tonight. Thanks for the comments. I may watch this one. It doesn't start here for another 90 minutes, so I will keep checking back here. Also, at least on my program guide, it looks like Lifetime has canned that stupid 5 days show, or whatever it was, since the Afterparty is on right after this week's episode of MAFS. That is just too bizarre that people are forcing their stranger spouses to declare their love so soon. I would think that if they did, THAT would be suspicious to me. They have been together for just 3 weeks! I know that someone gets "assigned" that particular issue every season, so the "drama". builds.
  12. I think she might be self-employed? She seems to be able to set her own hours sand pick when she wants to work.
  13. I still think that Krysten has made up her mind and is just going along for the 8 weeks, at which time it will be a NO from her. She is handling it well and in a mature manner, but she is out. He is just too hard to live with.
  14. Once again, thank you all for saving my time. I fell asleep and although I do have it recorded, I think I have enough info from you all to know that I don't need to watch. I do agree with the people who said that the filler party scenes are annoying. I did wake up and see them all talking about sex, or lack thereof. At least Krysten and Mitch seemed to have found something in common! I still think that she has made up her mind and is just being mature until D Day. And I saw the end where Miguel said that he would be happy to add Lindy's name to his policy, but, as many of you have stated, it is way too early to start changing names. Yes, they are legally married, but they are still strangers! I am wondering if they will ever hire a cast of people who are likable? Lindy is cute but so very immature (which was amusing to see her give everyone the coaching during their sex talk). And Krysten is pretty cool. I didn't like her at the beginning, but now I do. A big NO on the other women and all of the men. Miguel can be sweet, and I don't blame him for not wanting to be a sugar daddy. He does need time to see if that's all she wants.
  15. So, I am gathering that there was nothing interesting that happened on the show.
  16. And she made sure that she told Miguel that he cannot be judgmental about when and how often she worked and what she did in her free time. Considering that she does have student loan debt, that seems too irresponsible and self-indulgent to me. If it were me, you bet I would be passing judgment!
  17. The lower prices go into effect in September where the price goes from $4.99 to $1.99 a month or $19.99 for the year. I am guessing that many will do it now, at least those who can stream at all.
  18. I had an opening on my team, while I was working, for a trainer. I did have to tell someone that while she may have some good skills, I would not be able to hire her. We delivered training presentations to students and senior leadership. I explained that the expectation is that our team is professional and that her use of "like" was too distracting. I hope she appreciated the feedback. I even gave her another chance after I gave her the feedback to see if awareness would help, but it didn't. HORRIBLE habit.
  19. Exactly. I remember Olivia from New Orleans admitting that she, essentially, wanted a plus-one to fit into her life. (I think it was her, maybe not.) At least she had the self-awareness to know what she wanted - not that it would make for a good marriage.
  20. Probably due to the limited budget and time he is back. I admit, I just shook my head when I read the latest big plot. Is this the only story they can come up with for these women - possessed or kidnapped? Or, in Kayla's case, just not on at all.
  21. Even Nate told him that he couldn't do that. But, then Binh apologized to his mother for buying a suit. Always the mother. He is an immature baby and no where near being ready to live an independent adult life. I am not a fan of Morgan's, but no one deserves Baby Binh. He and his weepy friend, Justin, can go off together. No comments on what Krysten was almost wearing? What the hell is it with these very large breasted women not wearing bras and wearing low-cut dresses that are just asking for wardrobe malfunctions? This season it is both Krysten and Alexis. I am not sure when these were filmed, but I don't remember thinking that Krysten was that big in her other scenes. And then we had Brett a few seasons ago. The look is very distracting and unattractive. She tries very hard not to badmouth Mitch, but she couldn't even say that the sex they finally had was any good. She said there were things that could be worked on. I do kind of like her and think she is smart and successful. She deserved a better match than Mitch, although I am glad to see that they are smiling and not under so much stress now. I am sure she is counting the days. Nate seems so serious. I can't get a good read on him, and neither can Stacia, but I THINK he wants this to work. However, if she doesn't lighten up and stop trying to change him into her, it isn't going to work. They remind me of the reverse of Olajuwon and Katina from last year - he had his idea of what a wife should be and had to finally come around and accept Katina as Katina. I never thought those two would make it. This reminds me of them - only in reverse. If Stacia can learn to open up her expectations, they could be good.
  22. I got the impression that she has one and wanted to bring it to the apartment, along with that stupid bed tray.
  23. Wasn't he the one who said he would look on You Tube to find out how to be affectionate? Pastor Cal wanted to slap him. My take on last night. . . I still don't like many/any of these people, either apart or together. Lindy is so cute and she and Miguel could be good if she would get out of her head and stop playing "what if." He has already said that he is not focusing on the 8 weeks anymore and she isn't hearing him. She is too busy trying to tell him how he should tell/not tell her what he is feeling so she isn't "triggered." Grow up and be an adult and talk to each other. He is being real and she is being a baby who is going to be her own worst enemy. Again, if she blames it on her religious upbringing, then her being on the show isn't fair to Miguel. Although she sure seemed comfortable with a non-religious vocabulary! I did laugh at Mitch wearing his ladies' sandals again that he wore on the Afterparty. Yuck. He seemed pretty happy with the way things are going and may even come around and want to stay married. In that case, I truly hope she shuts him down. They are clearly the most mature couple and they do talk about things, but she just doesn't look happy. She just agrees and nods her head and I think she is trying to convince herself that things are good. His apartment would disgust me. His gift to her was something a child would give to a mother. Hers was producer driven. And, on the Afterparty, when asked how the sex was, she indicated that there is room for improvement. Not going to last! Morgan, to me, is thoroughly unlikeable. She seems so rough and, yes, had a shitty childhood and is guarded, but I just hate that the show throws all of these broken people into this and is just waiting for drama. Binh is totally clueless and the fact that weepy Justin is his confidant is just awful. And wasn't it last week when Morgan was talking about having a husband who takes care of himself so she doesn't have to make dinner for him? And this week, she cooked. More production shenanigans. I also don't like Alexis and Justin. She is too much and he is too wimpy. He NEVER should have let Mya around Alexis' dog (I forgot his name) that way. But, I don't want him to give Mya away. He has no idea if this will work out and I don't want him to lose his wife and his dog, although the training will be good for her - as long as he gets trained, too. I had my last little guy in training and he was waiting for me to give him a command, and I guess I wasn't fast enough so he decided what he wanted to do. Anyway, the trainer said to me, "He's trained. You're not." And the dog definitely liked Justin, as he was laying his head in Justin's lap when PC was there. I think Justin will remain celibate for at least the next 7 weeks! Stacia is too inflexible and cold. Guys don't like all of those decorative pillows on the bed and they ARE a pain to take off and put back in every day, but that tray??? Nate really seems to want to please her, but she is asking a lot and constantly giving him side eye. She is living with a partner and there needs to be compromise - not just her way or no way.
  24. Clearly the show is setting up a catfight over Jake/Stefan when he returns. I am guessing that he will be in Stefan's miraculously cured body with Jake's heart, which means, he will have Jake's memories. No, not by any reason of physiology or reality, but they have done with before with hearts. Daniel's heart, maybe? Anyway, I just don't want to see two women fighting over the loves of their lives, and being their manipulative selves to lure him to their sides, especially when everyone knows the end game. So, since it will be Stefan who returns, is he still legally married to Gabi? Or, will he be introduced as Jake, in which case Ava will claim him, even though Gabi knows they were never married. I am hoping that this won't play out until they are on Peacock. Or maybe they will introduce him as Jake, but he will have Stefan's memories and keep trying to get back to Gabi and Ava will keep blocking that. Gabi will sense that he is NOT Jake and that will be the big drama. Or not.
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