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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I also remember Nate saying that HE would be the stay-at-home Dad raising their baby or multiple children. He would definitely be more fun than Stacia. Maybe he could keep his place and take the kids there all day and bring them back to the museum ("do not touch") to sleep. Can you imagine seeing Stacia's face if she ever saw a crayon in HER house? Maybe she can just have the kids fed through an intravenous feeding tube so nothing drips or spills?
  2. I did laugh on the Afterparty when Keshia said to Mitch that he least he had his toes covered - he said he learned that lesson. He must have gotten a lot of flack about wearing those women's sandals. They also gave him a very hard time about his "single Mitch" behavior. He asked them what he should have done and was told that he should have worn his ring!
  3. Pun intended? I haven't watched the show in a long time, but it's even hard to read the daily summaries now.
  4. In an already awful season, this episode was the worst. I hated all of these people - even the ones I had liked. Krysten is just too much with pretending to think her marriage will work (or even wanting it to), when we all know she gave up weeks ago. And she should have. Mitch is a jerk. That is all. ETA - although I did like how he was good with Luna on the surfboard. She was amazing! OMG- Stacia. And I thought that Binh had some pretty rigid rules for living. There is no life in that house and if that is how Stacia was raised, that could explain why she is so cold and inflexible. Poor Nate wants a normal life for any children they have. It doesn't matter if Stacia says it is THEIR house - it is HER house and she will not let him forget that he is living there with her permission. He will not be able to contribute anything - not even a drawer pull. And the idea she has of parenthood is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. She is totally selfish and Nate needs to run. Even if they stay together at D Day, which I hope they don't, I don't see a long-lasting run for them. Lindy - shut up! Stop whining and crying or just get out. I am still team Miguel and I can't blame him one bit. This is not a normal marriage and he hasn't even known her for 2 months - just because they signed a paper for a TV show, that doesn't mean that he has to know everything about making a lifetime commitment to her right now. The thing is, you need to be with someone who brings out the BEST in you, not the worst. Even if you do love someone, if they aren't right for you, you have to be strong enough to get out. I am totally on team Justin, as well. I absolutely understand that he wanted assurance that Alexis would say yes. I also understand that he had to make a choice about Mya. I am glad they will be together soon. I never thought Alexis was anything special and I also agree that 90% sure is not enough. I will be happy if he dumps her happy ass first, but I am glad he is seeing the truth of who she is. Good for him. I liked when he said that once he took emotions out of it and just looked at facts, he was very clear. So, what is that panel next week of former MAFS has-beens making their predictions? I guess that is instead of the Afterparty. I have no desire to watch former cast members try for more air time to be relevant again.
  5. What a stupid filler show. I also didn't know anything about Gigi and her wife having a child? There are still too many dark haired men and I have no idea who they are. But, clearly, the new singer is going to be related, so it will be interesting to see how far they let those two crazy kids go. And for agreeing to take Dottie's secret to her grave, her sister sure spilled it fast enough once she was threatened with the gravy train stopping. And, LOL about Clive handling that pill bottle. Maybe they kill him next week? Are we ever going to see any other time indicators other than Six Weeks earlier and Six Weeks Later? I am still guessing that this show will be pulled before the end of the scheduled episodes. This is number 5 and it is supposed to run for 12? Just like when you see movies that were supposed to open and then they push it back, you know it will be bad. This show was supposed to run last year, or at least earlier, wasn't it?
  6. That's better than what they had on Married at First Sight last week. Vibrating underwear that the husband kept using the remote to turn on during dinner! I have lived a very sheltered life.
  7. That's a good idea. Maybe he was in a drunken stupor or something. We know he cheated, but do we know when? There are way too many plot holes to resolve in only one more show so they were clearly hoping for another season.
  8. First - the clothes: what the hell was Krysten wearing? The dress was fine, but NOT with the black bra and those clumpy shoes. Alexis was Alexis - always tacky. But, I did like her orange shoes. Stacia and Nate were classy, as always. Good Lord - that dress Miguel (or production) picked for Lindy was the most unflattering mess she has ever been in. I know she dresses strangely, but in that dress, we could see exactly what she tries to hide with her regular "style." I know it is not the popular opinion, but I am totally Team Miguel. Lindy is an immature, pouty child, most likely dealing with attention deficit issues. All of her, "I'm trying," is enough. Yes, she is totally insecure about him leaving, but he was right about the nonsense with the picture (again, most likely production driven). For some reason, the women's voices were all driving me crazy. Krysten (who I usually like), was completely obnoxious and I didn't like her one bit. And, she can't dance, despite what she thinks. I hate that she keeps playing like there is a chance for their relationship, and then starts yelling stuff. They are done, which is fine. I still don't understand half of what Alexis says, but yippee - they had sex. Whatever. I didn't appreciate (production driven) visit with sex toys for Miguel and Lindy. And that dinner trick of not being able to stop the remote was disgusting and demeaning. I saw most of the day trips, but I fell asleep before the show was over. And I missed the afterparty. And I don't care. All I want to see is the Reunion show, but I am more interested in seeing who is together NOW, if any of them.
  9. So, yes, Dottie was a horrible mother, and screwed her own child professionally and emotionally, but are we supposed to like Nicky? I don't. At all. I like Gigi better. Is there really only one episode left? I am guessing that 1) no one even knows this show exists, and 2)the people who did pretty much stopped watching (except for the few of us). I cannot see that there will be a second season.
  10. So, that was it for Mike? The big return lasted approximately 3 minutes and he is gone already? Nancy, too, which is fine with me. And Craig? Really silly.
  11. She, Marlena, and Kayla are all "dying" from the Orpheus experience. They have to find the one rare orchid (that Kristen just happened to steal from Rolf) the is the only antidote, And yes, it is a copy of a story from years ago.
  12. Yes, it was a fake baby, but the fact that Miguel ended up taking the baby to the guy's activity, which was playing basketball, while Lindy, whose activity was sitting around with the wives and chatting and having drinks, did not. It would have been much easier for Lindy to care for the baby than for Miguel to not be able to shoot hoops, unless he put the baby down.
  13. So, if Mike and Nancy are going to casually get together in New York, does that mean that Nancy is leaving? There really is no point for her to be in Salem, other than to give Bonnie a friend. ETA: Except that just read that Joy is coming to Salem and wants her parents together again. So, who will they match Joy with - Alex? Johnny?
  14. And saying, "yeah," to things we know she doesn't agree with.
  15. So, good-bye Morgan and Binh. I think that what Binh said about himself showed growth and acceptance. Morgan continued to whine and pout and not say anything except that trust was broken. I don't know if there even IS anything more specific, other than the nursing credit. I just think that was their couple assignment for the show. To me, she is just too cold to be a caring nurse and I would hate to see her clomping down the hall with any shot for me! Yay for Krysten. The only thing is, I wish she would seem so agreeable and stop saying, "yeah" every time he says anything. I even noticed her sister did that, too. Krysten has been too accommodating to him and I am glad that is over. I don't know what the hell that slurping was, but he is nowhere near her class-wise. He disgusts me and is also nowhere near ready to be in a relationship with anyone who does not hold his lofty values. I wonder if he would have liked Dr. Amelia? Alexis and Justin bore me. Nothing changes, she continued to talk under her breath and I can't understand her. She keeps saying that she is trying to teach him this or that. I personally would not want to have a partner I would have to teach to communicate or have sex or whatever else she claims she is teaching him. Stacia and Nate may be ok if she just lets up on him with her demands of professing undying love. Otherwise, they are pretty boring - no new info or story. Same with Lindy. I am 100% Team Miguel. I like that he keeps telling her the truth - he doesn't know if he will want to be with her forever - he just met her! And her constant personality flipping WOULD be scary. She still thinks that she can get away with her crazy behavior because she is cute. I am glad Miguel sees that he could be stuck with that behavior. And to constantly be holding out that he hasn't seen her at her worst, whatever that means. She lied to Cal. She blames Miguel for worrying about it, but he is absolutely right - she IS negative (like when they were going through the wedding album and she just pointed out the negative things while he was trying to enjoy the experience). They may be fine for a while, but I do not believe they will last. And they cannot ever have a real baby - Miguel had to take care of Migindy the whole time. She would be too immature and jealous. So, we get to see her blow up next week at the retreat. That might be interesting. On the Afterparty last night, Krysten looked really pretty. Miguel seemed to be supportive of her. And there was some pod cast person I couldn't care less about. Both Miguel and Krysten felt that Morgan needed to find a man to out-alpha Morgan herself. Binh was not that person.
  16. Yes, they all go to their jobs and have to commit to tape the show in the evenings and on weekends. I think some people MAY live in the apartments, but have heard many couples who say they just see each other at taping, if that works best for them. It has only been the last few seasons where we have seen people leaving the apartment to go back to their own places. I am sure that they hid that more in the past. ETA - when they asked the "hero" question, it seemed to me that Mitch went right to the literal sense and came up with a cartoon superhero type. They maybe could have used "role model" instead? I just didn't appreciate Mitch second-guessing or trying to prove to Krysten that his answer was better.
  17. Oh yeah - I knew it was Fergie and toes, but you're right.
  18. Don't you remember the big debacle when Fergie was photographed sucking some guy's toes and the Royals went crazy?
  19. Why did I waste another two hours of my life on these people? On this show? It is horrible and, shockingly, keeps getting worse! Now we have sex dungeons? Alexis' calm, calculating, condescending voice is too much. We get it - you think you are the prize. You are not. when Justin starts to speak and answer a question, YOU are allowed to interrupt and make him stop talking, but he is not. YOU are allowed to say mean things as long as you start by saying things such as, "my truth," "keeping it real," "being transparent," and then be upset when he hurts YOUR feelings? Just end it now, although I really hope that Justin will be the one to walk away. Poor Binh. He is going to need therapy for PTSD after this. He just doesn't understand what is happening, but knows it is his fault. She will act like she is being flexible and that there is a path forward, but he keeps getting lost in the woods looking for it. And what is with all the women saying how emotionally intelligent she is????? She is a bitch. He is a wimp. They should never have been paired. Did they even get an intimacy assignment? Terrible match. Miguel, usually when couples have a baby, the HUSBAND gets jealous that the baby is getting the attention. In your case, Lindy said that SHE was jealous. so, if that is OK with you and you are ready to raise two children - an infant and your wife - have fun. Miguel did look like he would make a good dad. I loved "Migindy." I am glad that Krysten is expressing herself more. Why is Mitch so blindsided when she does? Yes, he is in his head way too much, and he has his need to be superior by challenging her answer to her question. Good for her for saying something. He is no where near being ready for any relationship. In his head, he thinks everything is great. She is clearly the adult in the room, but I think she Is being way too kind to him. I still don't like Princess Perfect Stacia. She is forcing Nate to define things as she sees them and does not consider any other alternatives. She also had too many trust issues and I don't think they will work long term. I can see Lindy/Miguel and Stacia/Nate saying yes on D Day, but once the cameras are gone, I don't have much hope for either of them after the Reunion.
  20. Judging by the number of responses here, Lifetime just doesn't get it that we don't care about seeing Kevin F and his band of social media nitwits. Plus, this week on the Afterparty, Beth Thompson is a "guest," so we know that the topics will be raunchy and most likely, offensive. No thanks.
  21. There are a few days a week I watch Criminal Minds' marathons. I am sure I have seen them all, but once Hotchner and Morgan left, it wasn't as good to me. I didn't like ANY of the replacements. I was really happy to hear about the reboot, but I am not sure if I want to watch more Garcia hogging the screen time. And, I never bought the idea of her with Alvez. I just don't see why any of those men would be attracted to her/character. So, if the show has her as the main focus, I am out. I keep reading all the speculation about how they will explain Spencer's absence and there was even a mention of him coming back for the second season AS the unsub.
  22. This needed to be better written: on the spoiler article above, for September 29, it says Marci Miller returns as Chad. . .. Those stupid masks actually make this a possibility!
  23. I agree. Also, I NEVER forgot that Debra Adair was, and will always be, Kate to me. I have never liked the current Kate, even though she has been there for decades! I guess that when your brain sticks on something, it stays stuck! The other recasts haven't struck me that way, but those two really did.
  24. Interesting that they stuck in that one about Craig returning. So, does that make him Abby's killer? He wouldn't have come back to get Leo, would he? And he wouldn't care enough to come back to tell Nancy not to marry Clyde. Maybe Nancy asks him to give her away?????
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