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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I really think that the producers pick one couple they think will really make it. The rest are all cast for drama. I don't think "the experts" have anything to do with the selection, other than the producers give them the list and they do the pairings with what info they have. The producers do NOT want to really make couples work or else there wouldn't be any surprises with who wants kids/pets, etc. The shallow "requirements" like no bald men or no red hair I think they do ignore because if it is the right person, those can be overlooked. If these people can't widen their perspectives outside of their "Santa Lists," which they have never gotten, they will never find real love.
  2. Or Days of our Lives, where no one ever dies dies. Mad scientist Dr. Rolf can bring them back, regardless of the fact that all of their organs have been donated or they have been buried for years. Which is why no one ever buys into the emotional death scenes that they send in for Emmy nods. Thanks, everyone, for your helpful comments and critiques. As excited as I was to hear about this new season, is as disappointed as I have been with the very few episodes I have watched. I WILL watch if Spencer comes back. I WON'T watch if it continues to be the Life and Loves of Garcia.
  3. Rex and Sarah re-dux? I would like her to leave with him.
  4. I wish Paulina and others would STOP trying to get Chanel to make up with Allie. Chanel has been the adult this entire time. Allie has proven time after time to be an immature whiny brat and she is incapable of having an adult relationship with the person she claims to love. There is zero trust there. Please stop! What is Chanel supposed to fix, Paulina? Their "relationship" is dead.
  5. I agree. But, for me, it is also Kirsten's voice that bugs me, along with her personality. Dom is cute, but the previews don't look promising. I have also decided that without all that horrendous black make-up, Nicole is actually a little pretty.
  6. I think he was the one who tried to kidnap/kill Ciara, so Ciara is not happy that they are together, but I did read that he is with Hope right now.
  7. Jack disowning Gwen is like Kate disowning her kids. (Or Lucas disowning Kate)
  8. Is this Henry still played by AJ Cook's real son? I really do appreciate your recaps, @Danielg342, so I really don't have to watch. I read that the finale is Feb.9.
  9. But, remember - often these "couples" don't even live together - they just show up for filming. I think they CAN live together, but many of them don't. I was SOOOOOOO distracted by them, especially on the women. I guess that would be MY shallow deal breaker (like Kirsten's and others have had for bald men), but I just don't like the look of them. especially the way they do them now where they are all down their arms or necks or chests. No offense to anyone here, but I really don't like the look of them for my tastes. It seems as though almost everyone has them this season. Also, I was still annoyed by the "like"s . (So, I fell asleep, but you know how they repeat the show over and over? Well, I kept waking up to see the same parts over and over and missed the rest!) I thought he said it was a presentation, not a defense of a doctorate.
  10. I fell asleep and now I know why AfterParty was not in my guide, but I saw some commercials saying it was next. I wonder if it will be that way going forward. Anyway, maybe Mac's mom offered him the money to see how serious he was and if he accepted the offer, then she would say that he was not doing this for the right reason if he cold be bought off? But, I did see when Shaq TOLD Kirsten that they were not going on the. honeymoon directly and that she was coming with him for his presentation. I would not have liked that at all and it should have been up to her to say that she wanted to come and see it. That said, I don't know why she was pouting about staying in the hotel - she should have been watching his presentation. OR, she should have told the producers that she wanted to go to Jamaica and would meet him when he got there after his commitments were complete. Sounds like I didn't miss too much. Anything newsworthy at the AfterParty?
  11. @DisneyBoy, you can find recaps on SalemSpectator.com and also soapssheknows.com. That's where I usually get mine since I don't watch anymore.
  12. OK, thank goodness KRISTEN will be out for a while, but what does that mean for the recently demonized Susan? They have been setting up too many people threatening to kill Kristen, so I am guessing she will be dead for a while, but that doesn't mean anything for Susan.
  13. I was thinking that since Eric was drinking, has said he doesn't believe anymore, and has had a drastic (and interesting) personality change, that HE would be the one to host the demon. But, now, maybe he is going to have to find his faith and save them all again. And, does that mean that the real Susan is still alive? And that Kristen is sticking around? I was hoping they are setting it up for her to be killed, which they totally are, but might be teasing us.
  14. Thanks - interesting. Which bride was the one they had to wait for?
  15. I think the only one who likes the devil story and Kristen is Ron and he does what he pleases. Viewers be damned (no pun intended).
  16. I agree that Garcia in small doses is fine. The problem is that there have not been small doses in many years. Plus, they have her writing/directing some of the shows that she is featured in. For example, the final show which was supposed to be about Rossi retiring turned into a celebration of all things Penelope, including Luke hitting on her. ENOUGH. Let her just do her computer magic without the attitude of superiority and specialness. I LOVE this idea, except for the last sentence - I would prefer it if Emily saved the team. Or Rossi - but not Garcia. Maybe let her work with one of the others, but not herself and it would be great.
  17. Re: Cox and free Peacock Premium - we have (had?) the option of getting a $2 a month credit, so it would be $2.99 a month for a year. Considering that I didn't even watch it when it was free, I am not going to pay for it. But, I appreciate those who do and provide recaps and scoops.
  18. Isn't Harris supposed to be with Hope now? Maybe that is starting to be a way to get them back on the show? And, it looks like Kate got un-cremated and that all the women are home. I wonder if they still have the orchid disease and will need more treatments or did Susan cure them of it? Maybe the ultimatum Jack gives Gwen is to tell what she knows about Xander's crimes? Why is Leo still there? That was rhetorical - Ron loves him.
  19. Sounds like Allyssa. Although she technically married him and went on her honeymoon vacation, she had little to no contact with him at all.
  20. OK, thanks, guys. I got enough from reading your comments to know that I will skip this one. I miss Morgan, Reid, and even Hotchner. I am not enjoying this round. I had a marathon today and enjoyed watching that. I have been pretty lucky to find one almost every day. Not tomorrow, but Sunday there is one that starts around 9 a.m.
  21. Let's just be grateful that she is no longer available. She would have made the focus on her and not Marlena. I am happy not to ever have to see or read about her character again.
  22. We saw that picture in the previews with all three women in white and I knew that Susan was going to be their host. So, if Susan IS really dead, there is no reason NOT to kill Kristen for good. Also, I did laugh when I saw that picture in the article since all three women were wearing white flowy garments and Marlena is in a suit!
  23. Didn't that start as just a small apartment with maybe 1 extra room? They used to mention that there wasn't room for people. It was the penthouse, but not a lot of bedrooms. Maybe they are doing the most dragged out death for her since isn't it her 5,000 episode on Monday? (2,000? I don't remember, but it was a milestone so they have to give her a special show).
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