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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. So does that mean Jasmine or Kirsten is gay? I don't remember which one says she does not kiss or like kissing.
  2. Interesting that every season, we seem to have speculation about the sexual preferences of one of the cast. I guess this time it is Airris. @LennieBriscoe, I'm with you. I had no idea about the pineapple reference. I don't know what they are doing with the references to body type, except to bring the drama.
  3. The whole get-together pot luck was clearly scripted. Every time they get together, one person is appointed to ask if they are having sex. At least they didn't have someone ask about how their "marriages" rated. I thought the Dom/Mac breakup announcement was OK, and I agree, that the others should stay out. At first I was worried that once Dom said, "maybe," that they were going to try again, but I am glad they didn't. And, yes, I don't want to see her again - ever. He is kind of blah, so if he showed up, I wouldn't even notice him. Chris and Nicole will be OK, although I was surprised by the preview showing him saying he doesn't usually date women who are 'thick." Hopefully, he will follow that up with something about how he is happy with Nicole the way she I (which is 'thick'). Nicole has to realize that. Same with Gina. They are bigger women and they seem OK with it, but they can't pretend they aren't. If it bothers them, change it. If they are happy with themselves, fine. But, don't pretend that their bodies aren't larger. Clearly, based on the way they all dress, they want to show off their bodies and embrace their curves. I don't know what is going on with Airris and why Jasmine is so enamored with him. He is creepy and doesn't make eye contact. I would have been with her 100% if that cousin showed up to the party. He should have never invited her. And, that is one strange relationship (Airris and his nasty cousin). I still don't like Kirsten and her baby voice. They will stay in the friend zone. I am missing one couple and don't even care who it is. ETA - oh yeah, Gina and Clint. I kind of like Clint and Gina has also decided she doesn't want to be with him. So, I am glad she moved in, but she will never move into his room. At least the dog has a new friend.
  4. Well, that was fast! I wonder if she will be gone or if she will continue to want to be involved like that awful Alyssa was. And, I do agree that she was too young. She is also very immature. Good riddance for Mac. However, I still wonder how he applied to and was elected for this show if he just moved into his friend's parent's house right before the show started with no other home or job. He had to have been recruited.
  5. Welcome to the forum, @JayDub1987. And, yep, you are right. After the last few seasons, many of us say that each has been the worst and most boring, so, yep, this one has now risen to the top of the worst. Unlikeable people, stupid scripted stories, and made-up drama. I really did used to think that there was some bit of reality and some people made it as couples after the show. But, given the last few 0/5 seasons, I don't think so now. I personally don't record it anymore and if I happen to catch it, I'll watch, but I get what I need from reading these comments. And, now that it is down to 90 minutes, it may help get through the crap better.
  6. This was just on one of the daily marathons, so I saw it again. And hated it just as much, if not more, than the first time. I am still furious that they wasted this final episode on Penelope. And, to make it worse, I believe the actress directed this one. At least now that the finale is over, we are back at Season 1, episode 1. Good times, except for Elle. Everyone looks so fresh.
  7. I wanted that runt puppy!!! They were so cute, but I stay with rescues.
  8. But, haven't we also heard how very few of the couples actually I've in the apartment and are just there for filming? I would imagine that if they wanted to really live there, they do, but many of them don't. For some, where they live is closer to their jobs, but I think they have to be there for filming evenings and weekends.
  9. Once again, there are really no likable people here. Nicole was doing ok, but then she made that comment when Pastor Cal told her NOT to ask poor Chris every day if he would say yes on Decision Day. His explanation made sense and she just said to the camera pretty much "F you. I will do it because I want to." That made me like her less. I think they will be fine, but I was surprised that she caved to his lease expectations. She could have moved into his place and if things didn't work, she could find someplace else. She has family so she wouldn't be homeless, as Chris is fearing. I did NOT like seeing his dogs humping everything. That is not right and should not be tolerated. I have dogs and love them to death, but that is a big NO. While most of the people are pretty "meh," Gina and especially Dom are just downright horrible. Dom has that constant smirk and thinks she is so perfect and entitled to get her Santa list from the experts and is pouting because she didn't. I believe Mac when he said he feels like she has been telling him what is wrong with him the whole time. She is bratty and spoiled and is not even cute. She dresses horribly. There seems to be a lot of body positivity this season, but not much sense of pride in how they look. On the Afterparty last night, Dom kept whining about how we didn't see Mac going off for more than 10 minutes (highly doubtful) on what he doesn't like about HER. If so, good! And if he managed to keep that inside for all this time during the honeymoon, he finally got it out. I like him, kinda. He doesn't seem to have much of a personality at all, but with her constantly saying how she is disappointed, who can blame him? And SHE keeps talking about his negative energy??? What a prima donna and no where near an old soul - just a spoiled immature baby whose mother had to try to get someone to take of her hands. I also liked Clint more. I do believe he is trying and Gina needs to move in and go to that other bedroom. She is done and her reason made no sense. Of course it is not more of a failure to sleep in separate rooms than to not live together at all. She is another one who thinks she is all that and she is not. She is or could be pretty, but her mouth is too big. Airris is an ass. He will never like "his queen"because she isn't kinky or have a big butt. I have no idea why she likes him, but she will be disappointed. He isn't buying it. Shaq seems to be a good guy. Kirsten sure has a horrible baby voice and she will be the one to ruin this for them. Pastor Cal sure did take Shaq's side with the corny jokes. Not gonna work. She is too cold and sterile - that apartment??? I want Dom to not move in and then be off the show. I hope they call it early and I hope she stays away, but I bet she will be like Alyssa and keep showing up, even after they split. I wish Gina would go and stay away, too.
  10. What Cox did when they ended the free promo, was give $2 a month off the $4.99 price for a year.
  11. They quit that here (AZ) about a month or more ago (on Cox). I didn't watch it when I had it, so I am sure not going to start paying for it now.
  12. If they do it right, I need this one. I still look for daily marathons and enjoy most of them. I can find one almost every day - maybe not Tuesday. But I still like the earlier seasons with the original group the best. No subs like Blake or whoever Jennifer Love Hewitt's character was. And the ones after Derek and Hitch left were not that good to me, so not a fan of Tara or Luke.
  13. Do we KNOW that Sarah is pregnant, or just assuming, considering it is what Re-Ron does? We KNOW that Stephanie is going to be pregnant, right? Would they have both women pregnant at the same time with potentially troublesome pregnancies, considering what happened with Jada?
  14. I think that many of these people did want to get married, but only if "the experts" matched them with their Santa wish list. When confronted by someone less than dictated, they weren't buying it.
  15. No, I have also read that Linsey Godfrey - Sarah - asked to leave. Allie, Will, and Sonny are leaving, too.
  16. Besides, isn't Sarah leaving? Well, at least the actress is. She will probably leave with Rex and then maybe they will recast, although why? I guess at this point, she is the only doctor in town.
  17. I think I saw the whole show, but was so distracted by the 'likes' from ALL OF THEM that I checked out. We could have gotten another 15 minutes of content if they had edited them out. OR if people would stop saying it. I am still OK with Chris and Nicole, but I really don't like any of the others at all. Airris is such a jerk. ETA - I am sure that this was more producer shenanigans, but since they refuse to consider people's likes, needs, or allergies when it comes to pets, it doesn't surprise me that they didn't consider the number of pets their couples had. If it was me, I would have refused to move into the apartment and just moved with my spouse and our dogs into one of our homes. It also would have been discussed prior to agreeing to being on the show - not during the honeymoon. The previews sure make it look like it is Dom who doesn't move into the apartment, but with the previews shown last night, it appears that it will be Gina. I kind of don't blame her. She is ready to call it quits, so she should. OR just move into the other bedroom. I think we will see that many of the couples will not be sleeping together, let alone have sex. Re: Afterparty - I must have dozed off when Nicole had to defend Chris, but did we really need to hear that Stacia is going to develop her own line of sex toys?
  18. Looks like the Couples' Couch next week will be Katina and Olajuwon and Jamie and Beth. No thanks.
  19. Supposedly, Couples' Couch will be returning next Thursday. However, instead of having successful couples on, this time they are having people who didn't make it, including Myrla, Allysa, and Lindsey. Oh, and some bloggers. Sounds like a really awful mess. That's a BIG no for me.
  20. It's bad enough having to believe that one decent guy is interested in her, let alone two. And, you know they will make Luke the other guy. Nope. Nada. No way. The only guy she belonged with was Kevin.
  21. You have a good point. I think I will try to binge the whole season and see if it works better for me. I watched the first few and then just read the comments because I really didn't care. I want to care because this was one of my all-time favorite shows. It sure sounds like having Reid back would make the show so much better, and I agree. (It wouldn't hurt for me to have Derek back, too! And even Hotch. But I know those will never happen.)
  22. Sounds like Mitch from last season, who also had no idea what impact his words had.
  23. I am glad that Chris is being honest with Nicole about whether he loves her. Doesn't she want him to say it because he means it? I am guessing that this is their producer-driven drama issue and that they are doing well. They haven't even known each other for a week yet, so I am sure he doesn't love her yet. Look at how successful (not) those couples have been who say it right away on their honeymoons.
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