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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. Well, I don't know why Justin insisted that they keep it a secret, but maybe Alexis didn't consider it actually done since she didn't seem to get anything from it, so there was nothing to mention? They are both just plain weird.
  2. Hey, guess what? After next week's Part 2, we get to see ANOTHER San Diego recap, because. . . I have NO idea! Wasn't the Reunion supposed to recap the season??? And then following that, I think we get the Where Are They Now show because we just can't get enough. Judging by how few people are posting, it seems painfully obvious to anyone but Lifetime, that they have gone to the well too many times.
  3. I was shocked when Kevin said he had never heard of "healing your inner child." That was a big thing several years/decades ago. I hadn't heard it in years, but I do think that neither Binh or Morgan will get married after this show. If they both truly came away from this mess seeing how they needed to grow before being with another person, that's great. I do believe Binh about it being difficult feeling that he is enough. Krysten standing up for herself is great - if she would have consistently done it instead wallowing in his crumbs and then throwing a scene in public and then going back to saying she thinks it could work. That is what was annoying about her. I USED to think that Kevin was a good host. That was before he went all in on his favorites and lost any perspective or bias. It was Haley and Jake and many of us did not care for Haley. He was like that with Paige and Chris, too, telling Paige what a saint she was when many of us thought she chose to be a doormat. I guess I see his role as a facilitator, not to put his opinion in there.
  4. I thought Stacia and Nate looked amazing, as always. Her dress was gorgeous (and there was a mesh panel in there so nothing would fall out). Her shoes were fantastic. That said, there is no way they will stay together. They are both so incredibly cold and emotionless, and yet she claims that she needs to see him be continually emotionally vulnerable. Nothing he ever does or say will ever be enough for her. Smart to keep his apartment. I didn't like it when Nate would not drop the unfollowing thing with Justin, though. And Kevin F continues to be a horrible host and should have stopped that nonsense immediately. Binh was there to shut it down while "the host" just sat there. Lindy and Miguel - same old thing and still boring. She is still immature. Does she work at a job or just stay home and try to know herself full-time? I don't care of they stay together - but break up before you have a kid. I agree with the comments about Krysten sure loving herself some Krysten. No, she never believed that he wasn't attracted to her. Had to laugh when she said she was no Jessica Biel, but that she brought a lot. Jessica Biel? I think she is one of the most unattractive people out there. Krysten needed fewer sets of false eyelashes and for crying out loud - put on a bra! All I can think of is how many back issues she will have. She kept saying what a great catch she was almost as much as Alyssa tried to convince us that she was a f'ing good person. I guess that is the shirt Krysten needs. And she totally would have said yes if Mitch had. Morgan and Binh seemed to be the most mature and respectful people there. Who knew? You can put a dress on her, but as soon as she clomped across the floor, why bother? Justin is nuts, but are they considering them a 'yes' at Day? They changed their minds before the show was even over. Of course, they are not together. Alexis, maybe you can Krysten can go bra shopping together. I do not like her and she is totally a master manipulator, but she is a pot stirrer. Her cutting down her husband's sexual prowess on national TV was humiliating and she kept doing it. I think Justin is crazy, but I kind of believed that she did call him for drunk sex one night. I hate that so much time is spent on them. But, they will get the bulk of next week, I bet. I do wish for a different host. This one has worn out his welcome. But, so has the cast.
  5. Thanks for the comments. I must have missed that Gigi didn't kill Clive. I do keep dozing off.
  6. I always had the impression that Nate was not a fan of either Justin (too emotional) or Alexis (pot stirrer), so I will be interested in seeing the confrontation. Which, I am sure, will be a big nothing. ETA - wow - over half over and only one person has posted. It's still not on here for another 2 hours and usually, by this time, I know if I want to watch.
  7. What I don't get is all this recycled Eric/Nicole crap. Cover models? As soon as they get together again and destroy other people, they will break up again. Of course, Jada will be pregnant, but I would rather see her have the kid with Rafe. It is hard to even read summaries again. As soon as I see Kristen's name, I skip over that section.
  8. LOL - I just noticed the plant hanging out of his pocket. Does it remind anyone else of Little Shop of Horrors?
  9. Maybe once Jada finds out she is pregnant and that Eric and Nicole are together, she will turn to Rafe and they will say it's their baby. Then the baby will be a little premature. Or, maybe Xander will offer to buy it for Sarah?
  10. I don't think this was THE Halloween episode. I think they are saving that for Monday.
  11. I think Krysten has devolved into the Kate Sisk (from Kate and Luke a few seasons back) in that, in the beginning, all sympathies were with Kate/Krysten, but as the show continued, it was painfully obvious that these women were desperate and had such low self-esteem, that they allowed a toxic relationship to continue. I really did support Kate and definitely Krysten in the beginning, but by the end of the show, I had no compassion for them - they were treated the way they allowed themselves to be. Same with Paige and that ass Chris. ETA - if anyone is interested, there is a current update post-reunion in the spoiler thread.
  12. I guess I am a bit surprised about Stacia and Nate. I figured that most of their issues were producer driven, but she just seemed so cold and inflexible to me. In that video it showed that she changed her last name on her business website, so she must have thought it would last. Oh well - another 0/5 season. Any trends???? Not surprised about Lindy and Miguel.
  13. If Lindy had that green dress, why didn't she wear THAT for her stupid prom instead of that monstrosity she wore? You can't tell me that Miguel really picked that out and gave it to her tossed in a bag. Anyway, she looked pretty. But, she needs to stop with the drama - she doesn't feel "safe"??? And what was with Dr. P crying every time one of them read from their papers? I don't remember anyone reading from lists or poems or anything before. At least Miguel didn't rap and there were no bunnies to distract Lindy. I truly despise Alexis. She is a horrible person. Although, I think she looked the very best she has ever looked in that last part where they got together. I know it is important to have a good body image, but in 99% of what she has worn, it sure didn't work for me. I am glad Justin forced her into making that final call. He had sounded really strong and seemed to know that this was not a good relationship for him. When he said that if you removed the emotion from it and just looked at the facts, it was very clear and I thought he was going to be strong and say NO and go get Mya. Oh well, now he can. I just hate that Krysten keeps giving Mitch more chances to be cruel to her. I am glad that Alexis forced the situation so that Krysten FINALLY said that it was enough. Although, she needs to find Luna a new dog sitter and just close the door. He is never going to come a'calling with an engagement ring and be ready to make a baby. She needs to accept that she will never be his first love and she deserves to be in a relationship where she is. Stacia and Nate will be fine. Once they don't have to stick to their scripts and have producer hi jinx, they will be fine. Did everyone catch that next week is Part 1 of the Reunion? I think they know we are more interested in that show than anything else. And, yes, I heard the "hit on me" part, too. THAT should be interesting. Now, if they could just get a new host. . .
  14. So, who do you think will reverse their decision? I think it will be Mitch and Krysten. She will do that to stick it to him. My guess.
  15. This week was easier to follow, so they must be moving things along. It will be interesting to see how many people go back in two weeks to see the next one.
  16. What I don't understand is that after the show has been filmed and shown on TV, we hear from former participants who go on and on about the editing and that we don't see what actually happens, and they get mad when they are portrayed in a certain way (Alyssa, Morgan, many others). Don't these people watch the show? Don't they read their contract which clearly states that Lifetime has the right to edit anything in any way they want? Did Morgan think that she would be portrayed in a happy, positive light? We know that Alyssa was expecting the "f'ing good person" edit, but, seriously. The ONLY reason people go on the show is to somehow become "famous" or get followers for SM. There may be one or two people who really think they will be matched with their "person," but, by this time, they have no grounds to complain. I do wonder when production decides who will be the villains - if that is part of their casting or if they decide that after they actually meet the people?
  17. I realized that this show has been the exact same for at least the last 6 weeks. The same discussions, different locations. I don't know how much losing a couple has forced these redundant discussions, but it is too much. The only dynamic that seems to have changed slightly is Krysten and Mitch. She has been over it since almost the beginning and I don't think anyone believes her when she says she feels hopeful. And when she talks about being happy with any crumb he gives her, I want to throw something. I do think that once she has decided that they are done, she has become more outgoing (wine fueled?) and actually obnoxious. I really liked her and don't anymore. I just hope that she gets to make her decision first and dumps him. He will probably looked shocked and won't see it coming. I hope that what we are seeing with Stasia and Nate is all production. Otherwise, she is horrible and cold and doesn't listen to him. She has one thing in her head and that is that he MUST love her on a specific scale. I don't know how they can be happy since Nate will not be allowed to contribute anything to their home. I hope he learns where to place that tray on their bed at the right angle or she will send him to the garage for punishment. This season's polarizing couple is Lindy and Miguel. We are either on one team or the other. That really hasn't changed much. I am still Team Miguel and I think that living with her would be exhausting. Some of his language could be better, in terms of communicating with her, but she is just too much for me. I look for the reunion to be a reunion of Justin and Mya. Alexis doesn't need anyone but herself since that is all she has room for. Is this week D Day?
  18. Chloe has never been the brightest bulb, but if she can't figure this one out, then she is too dim to exist. But, of course, da plot will drive her to Stefan, who will, at some point remember Gabi and Chloe will be devastated again. I have seen no real purpose for her character at all.
  19. I don't follow MAFS on SM. Have there been any updates on the reunion? I think the D Day results were posted quite a while ago, but haven't seen any updates. Thanks! ETA - Found one! Here is a video with the very latest.
  20. It might seem that way to the other people in the restaurant. 😀 Not an issue - her baby will be told not to cry. Problem solved.
  21. I think he will just tell them that he realizes that Rachel needs them to be together so he is doing it for her sake, not that he loves Kristen. And I am sure that Kristen will have Rolf say that the women will need an annual updated booster or something, but once they start feeling better, I am sure that someone can steal the serum and Brady can escape his hell. Or, they will get Rolf on something and he will use this as a bargaining chip and sell her out. Wouldn't it be great if Chloe announces that she is pregnant? We already anticipate that Eric and Nicole will find their way back to each other and Jada will announce her pregnancy. (SPECULATION, but come on!!)
  22. I believe that Stacia does want a child or baby. She just wants one that doesn't make a mess or ask "why" or behave like a child. I don't think she eats at home - too much of a chance to spill something so she just needs the tiny fridge. Interesting that she herself leaves the dishes in the sink in the MAFS apartment, but she was sure to mention that there would be NO DISHES IN THE SINK. All I can hear is, "No wire hangers!" from Mommy Dearest. No children for these two, please. I think that Nate could be a good dad, but not with her as the mother. They need to start with a visit from Migindy.
  23. Actually, there are supposed to be 12! That means we aren't even half-way done yet. I will not be surprised if it gets canceled before they run them all.
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